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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 356 Game of Thrones

Under the mighty trend of change, superheroes have become a thing of the past. They may be active in the streets of the city. When night falls, they will transform into masked vigilantes to fight against criminal groups and gangsters.

However, from the moment the registration bill was implemented, they have been on the same side as criminals in the eyes of the public – superheroes who have not accepted government registration are on the wanted list like the villains.

What’s more, a new order in this world is being established, and there is no place for superheroes in this new structure.

It proves once again that the power of an individual is always insignificant in the face of the general trend. A simple piece of legislation can make heroes useless.

After having a few drinks with Captain America, Sean did not return to Umbrella on Long Island. Instead, he boarded the business jet that picked him up and flew toward Washington, D.C., under the bright moonlight.

In less than half an hour, this silver-white aircraft with a bald eagle painted on it slowly landed on the rooftop of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Tri-Wing Building.

Sean walked out of the cabin and saw Mystique Raven standing in the night wind waiting for a long time. Her blond wavy hair and a blue professional skirt looked quite charming.

“Is this your first time in your own territory?” Mystique covered her mouth and smiled.

She was recently helping Sean deal with the remnants of Hydra. Alexander Pierce died, and Mrs. Viper also died in Japan. Baron Strucker, who was far away in Eastern Europe, was not a concern. This huge and tenacious organization now only That leaves White-Hall, who is exploring extraterrestrial civilizations.

Under Sean’s instruction, Mystique used her special abilities to penetrate into Hydra, integrated some of the remaining forces, and went into hiding again.

“Why not kill all those people in one fell swoop? SHIELD is fully capable of this.” Raven was puzzled.

“There is an old saying in the East, to the effect that ‘when the cunning rabbit dies, the hunting dogs will be useless, and when the birds are finished hunting, the bows and arrows will be put away.’ This planet needs a threat that is difficult to eliminate, one that hides in the darkness. evil villains so that we can maintain SHIELD’s status as a constant reminder to the World Security Council that they need us!”

Sean said casually. He stood on the rooftop apron and looked around. Not far away was the Jefferson Memorial located by the lake, the endless Potomac River, and the brightly lit buildings. Come, like the sparse stars dotting the earth.

Raven nodded suddenly. Although General Ross of the Department of Defense was nominally the top leader of SHIELD, many core members knew that in fact the actual person in charge was Sean Sipers, a young consultant. people.

Umbrella’s influence has penetrated into all aspects of S.H.I.E.L.D., from field agents, espionage systems, the reorganized Intelligence Bureau, and even funding for scientific research departments. Peeling away the layers of illusions that confuse sight on the bright surface, S.H.I.E.L.D. has almost become Sean’s private kingdom.

“What are you going to do after General Ross retires?” Raven followed Sean step by step, like a competent secretary. “Given the general’s age, I’m afraid he won’t be able to sit in that position for long.”

“I have no interest in becoming director.”

Sean understood what Mystique meant. He shook his head slightly and said softly: “You can let Zemo take over. He is a suitable loyal dog. He doesn’t have too much ambition. He has enough ability and skill to play politics. Whether it’s gambling or the way an agent behaves, he does both very well.”

“You still really value him.” Raven curled her lips and couldn’t help but said, “Then what should I do?”

During the time she stayed with Sean, Mystique had already tasted the beauty of power, especially playing the role of Hydra, which made her understand that the pleasure brought by power and position was far beyond what personal strength could match. of.

“I think I need an assistant. After all, I can’t stay in Washington for a long time and waste a lot of time on complicated administrative matters.”

Sean said as he walked, he met the senior management of SHIELD along the way, and they all greeted him quite friendly, often with respect or kindness in their tone.

A large independent agency always needs someone to play the good guys and the bad guys. General Ross and Commander Zemo are the former. As for the newly appointed top adviser, he obviously belongs to the latter.

“Where are you talking about? Oh, I’m looking for a young, beautiful, smart and capable secretary.”

Sean looked at Mystique, the meaning was self-evident.

“Once Hydra is taken care of, you can come over and be my secretary to handle SHIELD’s internal affairs… By the way, I have selected a girl from Sokovia, her name is Maximoff Wanda, and I will make friends with her. I’ll train you.”

Raven nodded and took note. She was very satisfied with her current life. She no longer had to think about dealing with the human government and live a dark life hiding everywhere like she was with Magneto. She also didn’t have to go back to Charles’ academy and experience the boring experience. boring time.

Mystique likes adventure and excitement, and now she is even more eager for power and status. Playing the role of a decisive leader is like drinking fine wine and makes people unable to extricate themselves.

“Of course, this is not your final arrangement. President Underwood will retire after being re-elected for two terms. It is impossible for me to let anyone else take the White House.”

Sean’s next words made Raven unable to restrain her excitement, and a flush appeared on her delicate face.

“How about a new identity as payment for your serious work?”

There was a faint smile on Sean’s lips. He had always advocated fair trade and used violence to drive others. Sometimes, he would get twice the result with half the effort and would only have the opposite effect. Only by giving benefits as a driving force can people be obedient and obedient.

For example, Dr. Connors and Vanke and his sons are very obvious examples.

Of course, if you occasionally encounter a few stubborn people who don’t understand current affairs, there’s nothing wrong with using your fists to speak.

After all, he is not a devil, and he pays attention to convincing people with reason. Sean thought so.

“A commoner girl from Kentucky graduated from Yale Law School and became a young lawyer running for justice. She served as a free legal consultant for public welfare organizations and attracted some public attention, such as child abuse and mutant discrimination. …After that, he joined one of the oldest law firms in the United States, Ross Law Firm, and used this as a springboard to enter the American Legal Services Company…”

“The next step is probably to publish a book, speak out bravely for public rights, and create a strong and unyielding female image. The whole process will take at least three to five years, running for the Senate, entering Capitol Hill, and being active in party struggles until Underwood The president retires and runs in the general election.”

Sean walked to the door of the conference room and looked at Mystique, who was in a daze, with a slight curve at the corner of his mouth.

He put his hand on Raven’s shoulder, leaned into her ear, and whispered softly: “If I can put Underwood in the White House and support a president, there will naturally be a second one.”

“Don’t rush to give me an answer. Think about it carefully. After all, this is a long-term role play.”

Raven nodded blankly. She had lost the ability to think, thinking only of sitting in the chair in the White House and becoming the first female president of this country.

This is more interesting than any mutant revival plan.

Seeing Mystique’s appearance, Sean smiled silently, turned around and opened the door. Human beings have always enjoyed the game of thrones.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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