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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 357 New changes

Sean pushed open the door to the conference room. General Ross, who had taken off his military uniform and put on formal clothes, had been waiting for a long time. He landed from Dulles International Airport not far from the Pentagon an hour ago, and then rushed to the S.H.I.E.L.D. on the Potomac River without stopping. Three curved wing building.

“It’s surprising that Captain Rogers actually signed the registration act.”

The general was quite surprised. You must know that Steve Rogers is a complete die-hard. There has been a heated discussion within SHIELD on whether Captain America should be imprisoned. The White House tends to be gentle and persuasive, and there are also different people in the Department of Defense. Opinion.

After all, this is a war hero of the last century who once made great sacrifices for the country. Rough law enforcement will inevitably cause some unnecessary criticism.

It’s a pity that Captain America insisted on his position and remained unmoved, leaving the politicians with small calculations in vain. He was so disappointed that he finally gave up the idea of ​​winning over the other party.

“Sometimes putting harsh facts in front of good people is more effective than sweet words and torture.”

Sean shrugged, and Captain America chose to back down, which was a good thing. Otherwise, given the other party’s appeal among superheroes, it will more or less cause some trouble.

“The general came here in a hurry, presumably not just for Captain Rogers.”

The young man was sitting on the sofa. Although General Ross tried his best to maintain his grace, there was still a hint of anxiety in his expression.

“I am here for the new energy source that Umbrella and Stark Industries are cooperating with. You have set off a revolution and tried to establish a new pattern. This is a good thing and a bad thing.”

General Ross shook his head, sighed, and began to explain the recent situation to Sean.

In the energy field, Stark Industries, Umbrella, and the old giant Koch Industries, a troika, work together to seize the market with lightning speed and quickly stabilize. situation.

However, with the continuous expansion of new energy sources, it has brought great impact to the industry. In particular, Stark Industries has invested heavily in promotion activities, trying to complete a work process that originally took decades in just half a year. , leaving no room for buffering for others, this radical strategy naturally caused a huge economic earthquake.

“Tony Stark is like a rampaging elephant, no one can stop him, and that bastard doesn’t even care what he steps on!”

General Ross was furious. He had always had a bad opinion of Stark, before and still does now.

Due to Stark Industries’ wanton advance, not only the manufacturing industry peers are trembling under its footsteps, but the energy industry is also extremely nervous. Under such a severe situation, the valuation of the traditional energy industry has plummeted, like an avalanche, except for Koch Industries. Layout, complete the transformation ahead of schedule, old consortiums such as Roxon Petroleum have already felt the cold wave in the summer.

At the same time, this change triggered a series of chain reactions, like knocking down a domino. The rapid development of the new energy industry forced the White House, which was kidnapped by oil, to make policy changes. International hot spots continued to cool down, and it could have been lucrative. The military actions in return have now become meaningless, and the economic structure and foreign policy established by the United States since the war are facing a crisis of collapse.

In the past two decades, the United States has launched more than twenty overseas military operations, starting from the Gulf War in 1991, which was caused by conflicts over the oil issues between Iraq and Kuwait, and then to Kosovo, Afghanistan, Libya, etc.

War can allow arms dealers to obtain orders from the Ministry of Defense, soldiers to obtain more promotion opportunities, oil tycoons’ stocks to appreciate rapidly, and domestic conflicts to be diverted…

Before that, oil was the most important strategic resource in the twentieth century.

In the words of former US Secretary of State Kissinger: “Oil is irrevocably changing the world.”

Since Colonel Drake drilled the first oil well in Pennsylvania in the United States in 1859, human beings have been inseparable from petroleum and its products for food, clothing, housing and transportation. It is a resource that major powers compete for, and it is also the power source of modern weapons.

For the United States, oil is the most important energy and basic chemical resource in the modern economy, and it is also an important lifeline for establishing an economic system dominated by the US dollar. The reason why this superpower launched wars in Afghanistan, overseas wars, and Iraq, and provoked wars between Arabs and Israel, was to divide the Middle East and establish the OPEC organization.

This forces OPEC to accept the condition that “global oil transactions must be settled in US dollars” and consolidate its hegemony.

Therefore, the “petrodollar system” is an alternative continuation after the collapse of the “Blake Woods system” and helps ensure the core position of the US dollar in the international national currency system.

However, Stark Industries’ mad dash is about to end this “petroleum era” and usher in a new world pattern. In this revolution, countless people are destined to suffer, those speculators will lose all their money, and those in power and big shots will also suffer greatly.

The most obvious example is that at the same time that Stark Industries, Umbrella, and Koch Industries announced their cooperation, the international crude oil market fell all the way, almost approaching freezing point, which directly touched the changes in the interests of countries around the world, and countless “conspiracy theories” followed. Come.

Many people believe that this is a conspiracy between the United States and Saudi Arabia to deal with Russia in an attempt to impose a new wave of economic sanctions.

In this regard, there are divergent opinions and rumors. The international market is changing every moment, and no one can predict the future trend.

There are many chain reactions similar to this. The international situation is turbulent, and the White House is not having a good time. If it were another company, it would have been forced to suspend production due to public outrage, and the person at the helm would even face jail time.

But the Stark family itself is a member of the ruling group. As a new star, the rising power of Umbrella is even stronger. Even Koch Industries cannot be underestimated. If the three of them join forces, even if they suffer heavy losses The old-line chaebols gnashed their teeth in hatred and had to endure it for the time being.

However, the conflict will one day escalate into a full-scale conflict, and when the time comes, they will be greeted by a thunderous and swift blow!

“So, as someone tied to the Stark Industrial tank, should I stand with Tony or abandon ship early?”

Sean’s expression remained normal, and he didn’t seem to be worried at all about the huge crisis brought about by new energy.

“I guess you already have a solution.”

The general saw that Sean was still as steady as a mountain, and his nervousness gradually calmed down. The general could always give others strong confidence.

As Betty often said, this young man is like an invincible general who can bring surprises and create miracles every time.

“How is Bronski’s performance?” Sean changed the subject and turned to talk about the recent big moves of the Ministry of National Defense. “It’s gratifying that those bureaucrats finally agreed with you and established a powerful army for foreign operations. Congratulations, General.”

“Thanks to those aliens, Mr. President is our strong backing. Super soldiers and mutants have been organized into two armies for frontal combat and local attacks.”

The general is quite proud. If this army shines in the future, his name will definitely be mentioned.

“Emil never hesitates when performing tasks and obeys orders. He is our most powerful warrior, a super soldier in the true sense. The beast Hulk is not worthy of being compared with him.”

General Ross has long since given up his obsession with the Hulk, and now even shows a very disdainful and derogatory attitude.

“The World Security Council is in preliminary contact with Asgard. It is very likely that the entire world will face an advanced war. You and I know this very well.”

Sean stood up and walked around, a dark and unclear color flashed in his eyes, “Why not have a warm-up match first and solve the contradictions caused by new energy.”

“With whom?” General Ross was slightly startled.

“A hidden third world country.”

Sean flipped the globe on the table, and his finger stopped in distant Africa.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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