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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 358 Killmonger

At Nairobi International Airport, a transport plane painted with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo slowly landed. Burning John and Iceman Bobby walked out first, followed by a uniform army of mutants wearing black uniforms and Hellfire armbands.

After Magneto left Africa and Professor Charles secluded himself in the academy, the older generation of mutants gradually withered away. Hank the Beast became a government official, responsible for the external exchanges of mutants. Storm Ororo continued to work in education and followed Next to the bald old man, with a green grassland above his head, Cyclops Scott, due to a broken love, imitated his old rival Wolverine Logan and began to wander around the world…

The first and second generations of X-Men gradually withdrew from the stage of history, and younger mutants began to shine.

Sean deliberately cultivated Fire John and Iceman Bobby, two young people with completely different personalities. The former is full of enterprising and active, while the latter has a big-picture perspective and is calm and calm. Both can serve as leaders of future mutants. Candidate.

The largest airport in the capital of Kenya has long been cleared and blocked. Magneto in purple robes and his brotherhood members were sitting in the VIP room waiting for a long time.

With the strong support of Umbrella, they gradually established a foothold on the African continent, reached cooperation with the kings of western Kenya, and became the backbone of the Luo people. It is worth mentioning that a certain former president Oguan Hai He was born in the Luo tribe.

Magneto borrowed the name of the Luo ruling class and the Odinga family to develop his power. This huge clan rooted in western Kenya once made important contributions to the country’s independence. Its ancestor Jaramoji Odinga Odinga Served as the first Vice President.

After Kenya gained independence, the Odinga family and the Kenyatta family in the central region each occupied half of the country and occupied an unshakable dominant position in national politics.

In the name of providing international aid and humanitarian care, Umbrella has long supplied the Odinga family with weapons products, such as human enhancement potions – which have been fetched as high as US$300,000 a piece on the black market. Three boxes are sent to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, every month, allowing Odinga to form a powerful private army.

This group of short-sighted African natives thought they had taken advantage of it, but in fact they just became the dumping center for Umbrella’s defective products. Some insignificant advanced weapons and technological products made them agree to let a tiger into their own yard. .

Magneto, who got a place to stay, of course seized the opportunity to vigorously develop his power. In less than three months, he secretly colluded with the Kenyatta family, instigating warlords to fight and inciting tribes to fight against each other.

In fact, the leader of the Brotherhood did not expect that it would go so smoothly. Those backward tribes who were making money in the mines would fight for mineral veins, water sources, and even living areas. As the leaders of the tribes, the chiefs Under Umbrella’s various beautiful promises, she was like a bull in heat, causing chaos everywhere, and small-scale conflicts continued one after another.

When the earth king, who was born in Odinga and had a strong position, came to his senses, it was no longer helpful. The mutants became more powerful and unknowingly controlled many tribal chiefs. They even joined forces with the Kenyatta family, the largest family in Kenya. Come on, those inferior super soldiers may be able to deal with the African natives, but in the eyes of Magneto, they are like chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow.

In this way, the Brotherhood stepped on the bones of Kenya’s local king and successfully laid its first base. In less than half a year, it became the actual controller of Kenya and the uncrowned king behind the scenes.

If it weren’t for the fear of attracting the attention of world powers and the outright resistance of the African natives, Magneto might have declared the founding of his country and ascended the throne as king long ago based on his high-profile character.

“Hmph, Hellfire… Are you planning to inherit Sebastian Xiao’s last wish?”

The extremely grand Magneto sneered. During the Cuban Missile Crisis of the last century, Sebastian Shaw, a Nazi scientist who pioneered the technology of transforming mutants, established the Hellfire Club in an attempt to Provoke World War III and establish an era of mutant dominance.

“We just regained this name, mutated and proud.” John placed his fingers on his chest and said seriously.

Upon hearing this slogan, Magneto’s face became solemn, and he looked at Pyro, who had shed his youthful youth, with admiration in his eyes.

After establishing a foothold in Kenya, he realized how ridiculous his previous ideas were. The mutants’ talents were not omnipotent. They could neither transform factory assembly lines nor produce medical supplies and daily necessities.

With a pitiful base of less than one ten millionth of the world’s population, it is really a bit wishful to want to become the absolute master of this planet.

There are many capable people among our compatriots, but when it comes to integrated management and establishing stable order, there are very few talents in this field.

To put it bluntly, most of the members of the Brotherhood are actually a group of extremists who have been persecuted by humans or imprisoned by the government. They want to follow Magneto to build their own utopia.

In essence, they are no different from the peasants who revolted in anger because they could not bear the oppression of the big landlords in the Middle Ages.

When the Brotherhood took root in Kenya, Magneto began to feel at a loss. The entire country was in front of him, like a piece of delicate beauty waiting to be reclaimed, but this veteran strongman among mutants was powerless.

A land area of ​​500,000 square kilometers, a total population of about 40 million, 18% of the cultivated land area, mainly developed for animal husbandry, the country’s main religions and ethnic groups, and the long-term plan for the future…

When the current President Kenyatta Jr. handed over various information, Magneto’s mind went blank. How could he have thought about this? A series of domestic conflicts, such as frequent attacks by terrorist organizations, have caused heavy losses to the tourism industry; huge amounts of money are invested every year. Medical funding, improving the sanitary environment and medical conditions; the implementation of foreign policies; the high poverty rate…

This is like a bandit leader who wants to occupy a mountain and become the king. He suddenly sits on the throne of the emperor. The previous self-sufficient style of doing things like burning, killing, looting, and self-sufficiency no longer works. If you want to achieve long-term development, you must All aspects of change.

The cruel reality made Magneto feel cold in his heart. He thought he could gradually get rid of Sean’s control, but he fell deeper and deeper and became a pawn of the other party.

Without the cutting-edge weapons and medical supplies provided by Umbrella, as well as various living facilities, financial assistance, and the most important security guarantee, the American military turned a blind eye and allowed the Brotherhood to control Kenya and annex various countries. Tribes and supporting warlords…

Perhaps in less than half a month, everything Magneto finally obtained will be in vain.

“What are you going to do next? I will try my best to cooperate.”

Under the control of others, Magneto became very talkative. In the past, he would have been too lazy to pay attention to young boys like John and Bobby.

“Just like Boss originally planned, find Wakanda.” Bobby said from the side. “Ulysses Klaue is in your hands, and we bring another important bargaining chip.”

The Hellfire Legion turned sideways, and a young black man with a strong body and a strong temperament came out. He looked at the noble and majestic Magneto and bowed slightly to salute.

“I’m Eric Stevens, and many people call me ‘Kermango,’ which means ‘Killmonger.'”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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