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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 359 Another story of revenge

The capital of Kenya, Nairobi National Park, is the only wildlife park in the world located in the capital of the country. It is located on the south side of the city and has 120 square kilometers of beautiful woodlands and grasslands. It is isolated by an electric grid and has complex internal terrain. It is a reduced version of the African landform map.

Magneto brought the mutant army to Kenya and entered a spacious wooden house in the park. This was the secret base of the Brotherhood. A huge space was opened up underground for hoarding weapons and building an intelligence center.

Even though the situation of mutants is gradually changing, the members of the Brotherhood headed by Magneto are still very wary and distrustful of humans.

A group of people took the elevator and slowly went down, deep into the territory of the Brotherhood. John the Fireman and Bobby the Iceman led the team, walking in the forefront with their heads held high, their eyes sharp and calm. They were not perfect. Trust our compatriots who went as far as Africa to expand their territories.

In the empty hall, a holographic map of Africa is particularly conspicuous. With Kenya as the center, there are many red dots marked. They are warlords supported by mutants. They plunder resources, seize territory, and gradually draw in the surrounding tribes. Control and form a peripheral line of defense.

It can be seen from this that although Magneto is not good at governing the country and developing the economy, he still has basic strategic literacy, especially after learning a lot of information about Wakanda from Sean Sipers. , even more wary.

Throughout the African continent, and even North and South America, as long as black people are distributed in areas, there will be more or less Wakanda spies and undercover agents.

The power of this Black Panther’s hometown, which seems to be secluded in the mountains and isolated from the world, cannot be underestimated. Otherwise, in the original timeline, Killmonger would not be so arrogant as to challenge the whole world and set off a large-scale war. war, trying to establish an era of black dominance.

Bobby stared at the endless Gobi Desert in the holographic projection. Desolation and barrenness are the inherent impressions of this land by people around the world.

In fact, the vast African continent is one of the birthplaces of ancient humans and civilizations. After a long colonial era, from the Spanish fleet to the rule of European powers, at its peak, about 95% of the territory was divided by the great powers. , resources have been plundered for a long time.

To this day, the African continent is still a dumping market for world powers and a resource procurement center. Under the barren land, there are rich mineral veins of various types, covering almost all known mineral types.

“I used the power of Kenya to inquire in many places, and the information I got was completely different from what you said. Wakanda is just a small African country, one of the poorest countries in the world. The people there live in the tropical rain forest and have never participated in International trade, and has not received any international assistance…just like primitive tribes, isolated from the world and clinging to backward civilization.”

Magneto fiddled with the holographic projection, and the geographical location of Wakanda was shown on the map. This country is located in the interior of Africa, separated by the famous East African Rift Valley to the east, far away from Ethiopia and Kenya, and not far from Sudan to the north. Far away, the south is adjacent to Lake Turkana, known as the “Jasper Sea”, surrounded by mountains and small countries.

The projection screen clearly shows that Wakanda, with its undulating mountains and dense rainforests, looks like an extremely backward farming civilization that relies on animal husbandry and textile trade. It is vaguely excluded from the world trend and has almost no communication with the outside world.

The only thing that can be called a diplomatic activity is probably that the current King T’Chaka participated in the United Nations meeting not long ago and jointly signed the registration bill related to superheroes.

To put it simply, this was just for fun, and a lot of jokes were made during the process. The UN reception staff was stunned for a long time and couldn’t find Wakanda on the world map.

“These are all illusions to deceive outsiders, respected Lord Magneto.”

Smuggler Ulysses Crow stepped forward. He had spoken to the Brotherhood leader before, but the other party had always had a dubious attitude.

This behavior is indeed normal. Who would have imagined that a small, poor and backward country could actually be extremely technologically advanced, even leading the world?

“Wakanda is the ‘Golden City’ that explorers have been searching for for centuries. It is a miracle created by technology! It is built on the most precious metal currently known to mankind.”

Ulysses Klaue told everyone present that he was one of the few outsiders who could survive deep inside Wakanda and steal vibranium.

“Vibranium, the people of Wakanda call it a ‘gift from heaven.’ It’s hard to imagine that they have been living on a huge alien vibranium meteorite for centuries, and the yield is extremely abundant.”

There was a look of greed in Ulysses’ eyes, and he knew that it was an immeasurable amount of wealth.

Although the public market price of vibranium has long been as high as US$10,000 per gram, the private price is even higher because it is priceless and once it appears or circulates in the market, it is quickly sold out.

Tony Stark often talks about building a full vibranium armor as his fortieth birthday present.

“Wakanda has developed vibranium technology to supply energy to cities, produce weapons, and even sew this expensive metal into clothes and use it as daily necessities… You can’t imagine that vibranium, which is extremely rare in the outside world, is There are mountains of them, they’ve been digging for centuries, and they’re still endless – and I’m the only outsider who knows the truth and is still alive.”

Ulysses gritted his teeth. He once worked with N’Job, the younger brother of the current king T’Chaka, to smuggle vibranium from Wakanda. However, during the escape process, in order to get rid of the Black Panther, the smuggler was at the border. The detonation of bombs in the area caused heavy casualties to the people of Wakanda, including the previous Minister of Military Affairs, which can be described as a huge shame in the history of Wakanda.

For this reason, T’Chaka, as a king and a black panther, has repeatedly tried to capture Ulysses Klaue and bring him back to his country, so that this heinous smuggler can receive severe punishment.

But Ulysses, who is cunning by nature, will not let Wakanda get what he wants. He has been hiding incognito for these years. When the limelight passed, he resumed his previous business until Magneto came to visit him.

This is why he worked so hard. This shrewd smuggler knew that he needed a strong protection to protect his life, and mutants and Umbrella standing behind him couldn’t be more suitable.

“What he said is true. As far as I know, the portion that the Wakanda royal family enjoys alone is worth as much as 500 billion U.S. dollars, far exceeding the total property of Stark Industries…”

Killmonger stood up. This black young man who gave people a sense of danger said in a cold voice: “Because of the huge amount of vibranium resources, the rulers of Wakanda were afraid of causing trouble. In order to keep the secret, they tried their best to keep it secret. It keeps a low profile and only sells a very small amount of rare metals on the black market every year, giving the outside world the illusion of low production. At the same time, it pretends to be a backward third world country and deliberately maintains an isolated state.”

“Who are you? You know so much about Wakanda!”

Ulysses’ eyes were surprised. The smuggling team that had penetrated deep into Wakanda to smuggle vibranium had already been wiped out by Black Panther.

If he hadn’t been lucky enough to escape while he was unprepared, he might have died there.

Despite this, he was still branded with a deep mark on his neck, which was Wakanda’s word for “thief”.

“My Wakandan name is N’Jadaka, son of Prince N’Job.”

Killmonger opened his lower lip, revealing a line of blue fluorescence, which was the special symbol of the Wakandan people.

“My father died at the hands of Black Panther. I want nothing but revenge!”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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