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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 360 Reasonable excuse

“Many years ago, T’Chaka, the king, killed my father and his younger brother, leaving a claw wound on his chest… Since then, I have been an orphan, living on the streets, and joined a gang at the age of fourteen. By chance, Spotted by the CIA, he was recruited as a non-staff agent. He was later educated at Annapolis University and graduated at the age of nineteen. He then received a graduate degree from MIT until he joined the Navy SEALs and was sent to the overseas battlefield in Afghanistan by his superiors. …”

“There I kept killing people. Harvesting life was as easy and natural to me as breathing. Some people began to call me ‘Kermango’, which means ‘Killmonger’. While I was working for the CIA, I was looking for Wakanda. I killed countless people, even treating the old, weak, women and children without mercy, and became a veritable killing machine… When Mr. Sipers found me, I was training with the Ghost Force of the United States Joint Special Operations Command…”

“He promised to give me a fair challenge to kill the Black Panther in front of everyone in Wakanda! Complete revenge!”

The voice of the black young man named Killmonger was filled with grief and anger, and the high-ranking man was willing to provide generous help for the revenge he had been thinking about day and night for many years.

With the power of one person alone, it is not easy to even step into the land of Wakanda, let alone complete revenge.

Killmonger knew that there was no free lunch in the world, so this kind of help would not be free.

However, he has no reason or qualification to refuse. Even if he becomes someone else’s pawn, as long as he can avenge his father and wash away the pain and hardship he has endured over the years with his blood, even if he is reduced to a tool, it is worth it.

“It seems that you are well prepared. No wonder Sean said that there is an important bargaining chip waiting for me.”

Magneto stared at the black young man who claimed to be the son of the Prince of Wakanda, and immediately understood in his mind that the young man had allowed himself to develop power in Kenya, and now he had handed over the orphan of the Wakanda royal family, so he naturally had a plan.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged. It was like just when he was feeling complacent about his small achievements, the other party had already gone further ahead.

Wakanda has mineral resources of great strategic significance. This is an immeasurable wealth and a world-changing treasure. Whoever can fully master it can easily become the richest man in the world.

Those advanced weapons and inexhaustible rich mineral veins are enough to make anyone crazy.

Magneto sighed, no longer thinking about it, and said in a deep voice: “I think your boss sitting behind the scenes should have formulated a plan that is complete enough to ensure that the action is foolproof.”

“If Wakanda is what you say, unless the United States is willing to launch another large-scale overseas combat plan and impose military threats like it did with Iraq or Syria, one team alone cannot control a country.”

Although the Brotherhood controls Kenya, the apparent rulers are still the Kenyatta family, which has annexed the Odinga family and grown rapidly.

At best, Magneto can be regarded as an uncrowned king, able to influence the direction of this country. If he kicked out the spokesperson and ascended the throne himself, those stupid and lazy African natives would immediately rise up, and the world’s major powers would not tolerate such actions by mutants.

The white-haired old man stared at the map of Africa on the holographic projection. He had rich experience in fighting against human governments, and of course he knew what would happen if he became an enemy of the world.

“We will lead the team into Wakanda under the leadership of Mr. Crowe.” Iceman Bobby said. “I believe he will look forward to revisiting his hometown this time.”

Everyone turned their attention to Ulysses. The smuggler smiled. He had no right to refuse, and once the plan was completed, he would also be able to reap huge rewards.

The founder of Umbrella has always adhered to the principle of fair dealing, which is one of the reasons why he agreed without hesitation.

“We can go to Sudan first, and then sneak into Wakanda through the underground black market in the border area… I haven’t set foot on that land for a long time, and I hope nothing will change.” You, a bearded man Lysis said so.

He is an adventurous outlaw. As long as the benefits are attractive enough, no matter how big the risk is, he can ignore it.

“But…” Ulysses pondered for a moment, “Wakanda is very xenophobic, and outsiders are prohibited from entering the kingdom. The border defenses are heavily guarded, so they cannot sneak in with many people, and they have powerful guardians. Every king will be given the title of ‘Black Panther’, take a heart-shaped herb, and gain superhuman strength.”

The smuggler glanced at the majestic Magneto, then at the uniform mutant army, and said slightly uneasily.

He doesn’t mind providing guide services for Umbrella. The generous rewards and the grudges between himself and the Wakanda royal family are all important reasons that drive him.

But Ulysses didn’t want to die in vain. A mutant team of less than twenty people, plus Magneto’s brotherhood, totaled less than fifty people.

Once inside Wakanda, they have to face the border army, the King of Wakanda with the title of Black Panther, and thousands of massive warriors.

Maybe Magneto and his friends can survive by revealing their identities, but they will definitely not end well.

Until now, he still didn’t know the true plan of this group of people, so he couldn’t help but feel worried.

“Are you afraid, Mr. Crow?”

Burning John curled his lips, seeming to look down on this timid and hesitant smuggler.

If you want to gain something but are afraid of giving, this kind of person can only stay in one pond and dominate, and it is difficult to achieve great achievements.

“The old man standing next to you is Magneto, the famous mutant, and there is a group of powerful warriors who have received strict training. Even if the operation fails, we will ensure your life safety.” Bobby comforted him.

He paused and continued: “And our trip is not to occupy Wakanda… just to draw the world’s attention to it.”

“What’s the point?” Ulysses wondered.

“Of course.” John took over and grinned, “You must know that our boss is a man of rules. In this way, we can find reasonable excuses, such as helping the persecuted orphans of the royal family and finding justice.”

“According to Wakanda’s tradition, people with royal blood can challenge the king… This will be a trial and a belated revenge.”

Killmonger’s eyelids were lowered and his fists were clenched. He had been waiting for this day for a long, long time.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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