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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 361 This is my decision

When John and Bobby, with the help of Ulysses Klaue, headed for Wakanda, isolated from the world, the White House held a security meeting, the content of which was no longer to discuss Asgard, or… The nine star regions have become human countries on the same planet.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Defense submitted a specific report on Wakanda, and a diplomat concerned about international affairs also submitted an application for international assistance from the Wakanda royal family. By an astonishing coincidence, this third world country has come into the sight of politicians and plutocrats for the first time.

The first report claimed that Wakanda possesses extremely valuable mineral resources with unparalleled economic and military value, while the second report stated that the country’s royal family orphans were persecuted and had to seek assistance from the international community. By the way, It also expresses that the ruling class in the country is extremely cruel, and the innocent people living in dire straits are always looking forward to being rescued.

When the two pieces of news collided, even a fool could see that someone was secretly promoting this matter, but no one paid attention to it. Representatives from all walks of life in politics and economics attended the meeting, and they only cared about the authenticity of the report.

If Wakanda really has rich veins of vibranium, there is no doubt that the United States will once again launch a large-scale overseas military operation, treating it as the next Kuwait.

The new energy sources promoted by Stark Industries are gradually collapsing the “petrodollar system” established by the United States. Sharp contradictions are becoming increasingly apparent. Old consortiums like Roxon Petroleum have suffered heavy losses. The emergence of Wakanda is undoubtedly a threat to the desert. A clear spring can divert most of the country’s attention.

The East Room of the White House, which can accommodate 300 guests, is filled with a group of people representing the top of the entire country. They are high-ranking figures who stand at the top of the power pyramid, but now they are chattering and shouting like businessmen who are calculating in the market. Arguing, everyone was red-faced and wanted to roll up their sleeves and fight.

Even through the solid and heavy walnut door, the secret service officers outside could hear the heated conversations coming from the hall. It was like a competition to see whose voice was louder. Generals from the Ministry of Defense and bureaucrats from the cabinet were questioning each other, like It’s a fierce fighting cock.

“As the report says, Wakanda is a very special African country. It has world-leading technological levels, rich veins of vibranium, and its own unique cultural traditions and ancient writing… For centuries, it has never It actively communicates with the outside world, but it is worth mentioning that it has never been invaded by foreign enemies…”

CIA officer Everett stood in the middle of the hall, pointing to several maps and explaining. He had been stationed in eastern Africa for a long time, performing tasks in many countries such as Kenya and Sudan, and was extremely knowledgeable in dealing with issues in third world countries. rich experience.

“The report points out that the Wakanda people have a martial tradition and their military strength is not lagging behind. As a third world country that can hide for centuries without anyone noticing, I think it should not be looked down upon…”

“Should I worry about those natives holding spears and shooting down American planes?” a Defense Department official laughed.

His sarcasm aroused a chorus of echoes, and the hall was instantly filled with laughter. The generals and bureaucrats kept whispering to each other, and the representatives from all walks of life in the invitation seat behind did not care at all, and repeatedly looked at the contents of the Wakanda report.

To put it bluntly, they only have valuation data on vibranium veins in their eyes. As for Wakanda’s national power, who would believe that a third world country can fight against the United States’ steel army?

Of course, this is also related to the deliberate vagueness of Wakanda’s military strength in the report. The first report submitted focused on the rich and endless mineral resources, and almost everything else was mentioned in one stroke.

“They have not formed an alliance with any country, including Kenya and Sudan, which border the country. This means that Wakanda is not a member of the African Union and is not even a member of OPEC – they are isolated!”

The bureaucrat of the Ministry of National Defense almost didn’t stand up and said directly, “There is a huge gold mine at the feet of these African natives. Let’s quickly take people over to grab it.” After all, superficial work still needs to be done.

The barbaric atrocities of the new century are usually concealed in the language of civilization.

This is one of the characteristics of the times.

“I think as a world power, the United States has the responsibility to provide sufficient international assistance to Wakanda. A wandering royal orphan, his father is said to be the biological brother of the King of Wakanda and a respected prince, but he suffered an unexpected accident. The killings are suspected to be related to the transfer of power of the royal family… Everyone! We should stand up and fulfill the responsibilities of a big country!”

Another senator is well versed in the art of language. His words are righteous and upright, showing the true qualities of a politician.

Taking the lead in occupying the moral high ground, and then covering future military threats with a glossy coat of international assistance. Regardless of whether others believe it or not, everyone present believes it.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more heated. The two reports were like sparks falling into the oil pan. The whole hall was boiling. Greed was like a hot fire, igniting human ambition and desire.

A helpless and isolated kingdom with insufficient military strength, sitting on massive wealth and rare mineral veins, it just happens to be an excuse for other countries to interfere and intervene. No one can stop the politicians and conglomerate spokesmen here from starting the war machine!

The president looked on coldly, glancing at Sean sitting in the back seat intentionally or unintentionally. As a veteran politician, Underwood certainly noticed the anomaly. General Thaddeus Ross, who submitted the Wakanda report, was uncharacteristically not actively participating in the heated discussion. In the middle of the topic, be a calm bystander.

This is not in line with the character of General Ross. This hawkish general has always been radical, participated in the Gulf War, and was active in overseas battlefields such as Iraq and Kosovo.

During his long military career, he was decorated with medals and honored by the country, and was regarded as a representative figure of the hawks.

During the adjournment, President Underwood and the Secretary of State came to the reception room, and General Sean and Ross also came immediately.

“Mr. Sipers, what is your attitude towards Wakanda?” asked the young and powerful President.

The president has the power to activate the war machine. Even if Congress does not approve it, he can still bypass obstacles and launch military operations. Although the United States has never officially declared war on a foreign country since World War II, the war in North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan has The war still happened.

Because the War Powers Act of 1973 allows the president to directly launch sixty-day military activities without the consent of Congress, the above foreign wars are the product of this act.

But before the president makes a decision, he wants to know Sean’s attitude. The forces behind this young man are intertwined and affect the direction and future of the country.

“We might as well let the excited generals and the consortium spokespersons who are gearing up take the lead.”

There was a smile on Sean’s lips. Wakanda is not a cake that can be swallowed alone. The United States cannot monopolize all mineral resources.

Instead of waiting until the uneven distribution of the spoils leads to a bloody blow, it is better to let those greedy guys hit the wall. When they taste Wakanda’s cutting-edge weapons and strong military strength, General Ross will naturally lead SHIELD to clean up the mess. .

“To start the war rashly, the World Security Council…”

President Underwood has doubts. The vibranium veins are too hot and may arouse the covetousness of many forces, especially the five major countries headed by the World Security Council.

The United States only occupies a seat among them and does not have absolute say.

“They will agree, because this is my decision.” Sean tapped his fingers on the armrest and said calmly.

The president was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was saying and said nothing more.

At that moment, the young man sitting in the chair seemed to be the real master of the country.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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