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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 362 Before the War

Wakanda is located among the mountains. A barrier similar to optical camouflage blocks the prying eyes of the outside world, making people mistakenly think that the surroundings are like the indigenous inhabitants of primitive tribes. The barren and barren land is the essence of this country. face.

The capital, Birnin Zana, is a strange city with a hint of backwardness in its civilization and a hint of barbarism in its modernity. It is close to the center of the royal residence, with tall buildings and criss-crossing tracks, making it look like a future city full of science and technology; but it is surrounded by African-style buildings. The low stilts and rough and primitive masonry buildings form a different kind of contrast.

In the meeting hall of the royal family, Okoye, the leader of the Royal Guards who protects the king, is a bald female warrior with a strong temperament and experienced many battles. The Chimoyu beads on her wrist project a clear picture. The string of Beads full of metallic texture are a unique technological product of Wakanda. They are similar to mobile phone smart terminals and have many functions such as communication and video.

“This is a Wakandan Kingdom handicraft that was once mistaken for a handicraft from other civilizations. It appeared on the underground black market in the border area yesterday, and its seller was none other than Ulysses Klaue, this despicable person. The thief appeared near Wakanda and was accidentally discovered by our agents.”

In the picture projected by Qimo Zhu, first a metal object similar to a mountaineering pickaxe appeared. It was one of the few handicrafts from Wakanda that circulated to the outside world, and then a bearded smuggler appeared. The trafficker is none other than Ulysses Klaue, Wakanda’s most wanted criminal.

King T’Chaka, who is sitting at the head of the table, once put on a vibranium suit when he was young and powerful. In the name of Black Panther, he wanted to capture this criminal and bring him back to his country to calm the anger of the people. Unfortunately, the other party was extremely cunning and stayed in hiding all year round. The west coast of the United States gave him no chance to make a move.

As a king, of course he must abide by the traditions of Wakanda, minimize the attention of the outside world, and maintain a low-key and secretive style. In this way, Ulysses Klaue is lucky enough to survive until now.

“In the past thirty years, we have not been able to catch Crow. This is my lifelong regret. I cannot give an explanation to the people who have returned to the panther goddess Bastet.”

King T’Chaka glanced at Wakabi, who was in charge of the border army. The military minister of Wakanda, his parents died in the explosion caused by Ulysses Klaue.

“This is an opportunity given to me by God. As the king, I have the obligation to arrest this abominable thief who committed a heinous crime! As a Black Panther who protects the country, I should also bring him back and hand him over to the people for trial!”

The old king spoke loudly and impassionedly, but his out-of-shape body gradually became bloated and obese due to his age, which made people doubt whether this old black panther could regain his youthful self. Correct posture.

“Father, you are the king of Wakanda. You should not leave easily. Why don’t you let me go for you? Let me judge this villain who has committed heinous crimes in the name of the leopard goddess Bastet!” The young prince Techa! Ra said so.

That young face was full of perseverance and courage, with sharp eyes, already possessing the temperament of a leader.

The old king, who was leaning on his seat, breathed a sigh of relief. He had no intention of taking the risk himself. When he was young, he failed to capture Ulysses Crow several times, not to mention that he was old now and his health had deteriorated. Just because he neglected to exercise, he no longer had the strong fighting power he once had.

The reason for saying this is simply to win people’s hearts. Wakabi, who leads the border army, has always been resentful that the enemy who killed his parents did not receive the justice he deserved. The elders of all ethnic groups present also complained. , believes that Ulysses Klaue has been at large so far, which is a silent humiliation to Wakanda!

T’Chaka knows that he is getting older and his energy is not as good as before. In addition, the world situation is unpredictable. There are still nine star fields outside the earth. Among them, Asgard, the most powerful, has now taken the initiative to extend a peaceful offer. Olive branch, making a connection with the earth.

It is foreseeable that a huge wave of innovation is about to begin.

How should Wakanda deal with itself?

This question troubled the old king and kept him awake at night. Should he boldly step out of the ancient tradition and violate the country’s long-standing principle of hiding and communicate more with the world? Or should he continue to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests and be isolated from the world? An outside bystander?

T’Chaka vaguely made a decision in his mind, but there are factions within Wakanda, and the conservative and decadent tribal elders will not agree to take this step.

So before that, he wanted the heir to the throne, his only son T’Challa, to establish enough prestige to suppress all the discordant voices in Wakanda.

Ulysses Crow is nothing less than a great opportunity presented to him.

“Bring back the unforgivable thief, T’Challa.”

The old king stared at his grown-up son, held his shoulders and said solemnly: “You will be crowned king by then.”


border areas.

As night falls, in the magnificent manor in the center of the oasis, hundreds of guests gather from all directions. The surrounding lights are brightly illuminated by the shining light, and the fine wine, singing and dancing make the atmosphere extremely lively.

This is the border area between Wakanda and Sudan. It is also a gray area beyond the reach of light. There are three religions and nine streams, dragons and snakes are mixed. The law is useless here, and violence and bloodshed are the eternal themes.

The enchanting Black Pearl stood on the auction stage, with the chief Tuwang and the warlord leader sitting underneath. It could be described as a sea of ​​people, noisy and boiling.

Each piece of valuable treasure is lifted up from the red cloth and attracts everyone’s attention like a magnet. The most eye-catching one is of course the expensive metal placed in the container.

“Such a small gadget makes them fight to the death?”

John was leaning on the sofa in the upper private room, looking down at the fierce bidding auction through the one-way glass.

“There is too little vibranium circulating in the market every year. This rare metal with a wide range of uses will naturally be snapped up by large companies and scientific research institutions once it appears… The sky-high price is hundreds of times higher than gold, that’s it. Stir-fried.”

Bobby was not surprised. He had done his homework carefully before and knew what kind of huge value vibranium had.

If, like Ulysses Klaue, Wakanda had rich veins of vibranium, I’m afraid the whole world would be crazy about it.

“Don’t be nervous, Mr. Crow, we will absolutely guarantee your safety.”

Iceman Bobby looked at the anxious smuggler and said softly.

A stiff smile appeared on Ulysses’ face. He never imagined that the so-called plan of these people was to use themselves to attract the Wakandans, and then escalate it into an international dispute to give outsiders a reasonable excuse.

For example, Magneto, as the diplomatic ambassador of Kenya, was attacked by Wakanda inexplicably. Coupled with the orphans of the royal family in exile, this naturally formed an excellent reason for war.

This approach has always been a consistent feature of the United States. In its history of only more than two hundred years, it has conducted hundreds of wars and military conflicts. The frequency far exceeds that of Russia, which is famous for its “warlikeness” and “fighting nation” .

Sometimes in order to start a war, the bald eagle has no excuse and has to forcibly create one.

For example, in the famous “Texas Incident”, in 1835, Mexico’s “abolition” policy caused dissatisfaction among slave owners in Texas.

So the United States incited Mexican slave owners to rebel, leading to Texas independence. Mexico sent troops to suppress the rebellion, but a conflict broke out with the U.S. military who came to intervene. The United States used this as an excuse to launch the U.S.-Mexican War.

This war allowed the United States to acquire nearly 2.3 million square kilometers of Mexico, becoming a territorial power across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and its economy and society also developed on a large scale. Mexico lost nearly 55% of its territory, and its vitality was severely damaged since then, completely reducing it to a second-rate country in the Americas.

There are such things as the “Maine Incident” and the “Gulf of Tonkin Incident”. The United States even used the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as an excuse to bypass the United Nations and forcefully launch a war.

Now that the war has ended more than ten years ago, the United States has not found any strong evidence that Iraq “possessed” weapons of mass destruction. In this regard, the Russian President expressed his opinion frankly, claiming that it might be a bag of washing powder. .

The seven-year bloody war caused by washing powder was a mockery of the United States’ clumsy pretext for war by countries around the world.

“Perhaps starting today, the entire African continent will be in turmoil.”

John thought about the young boss’s instructions and couldn’t help but observe a second of silence for Wakanda.

For medals and promotions, for orders from the Ministry of National Defense, to divert domestic conflicts… there are countless reasons for all parties to focus on this third world country.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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