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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 363 Rubbing on the ground

The night sky was dotted with stars, invisible air currents roared in, and the dark sky looked like a giant ship crossing the sky, tearing apart the icy clouds and slowly revealing a huge figure.

The bright moonlight shines through the thick dark clouds and falls on Wakanda’s metal fighter planes, reflecting the cold light.

The young prince T’Challa, who was wearing a vibranium suit, was holding a Black Panther helmet and stood in the center of the spacecraft, with a trace of solemnity on his dark face.

“Your Highness, are you taking the initiative to catch Crowe this time, or do you want to save that little girl who always loves to take risks?”

Okoye, who serves as the leader of the Royal Guards, is sitting cross-legged on the driver’s seat, making strange gestures with her hands. This is her unique way of flying a fighter plane. The simulated holographic map in front of her flows slowly, showing the landscape environment below. .

“What nonsense are you talking about, Okoye, of course I want to share my father’s worries, not to mention you also know that Wakabi is my good brother and your husband. His parents died at the hands of Crow. This It’s a lifelong shadow.”

T’Challa pretended to be angry. He had a gentle personality, an upright and kind heart, and was called a king by his father.

“I said, I must bring Crowe in front of him personally, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!”

At this time, the spaceship is staying over the border of Wakanda. After Ulysses Klaw participates in the underground black market auction house, he will return to Sudan by car. The smuggler is in collusion with a speaker who can provide him with Armed protection.

If he directly broke into the black market and captured Crowe alive, it would attract too much attention and it would be difficult to end the commotion, so he simply waited until the other party returned and captured them all.

As for the “little girl” Okoye refers to, she is the ex-girlfriend of the young prince, a beautiful beauty from the River Tribe – a beauty limited to black people.

T’Challa had a young love affair with a girl named Nakia. Unfortunately, he was going to Europe to study at that time. As the future king of Wakanda, he must understand the world and learn the knowledge and culture of the outside world, so he had to We broke up sadly.

When the young prince returned to his homeland, Nakia had become the most powerful female warrior of the River Tribe. She even joined Wakanda’s intelligence system and became a super spy, dedicated to rescuing suffering African compatriots.

Obviously, Najia also targeted Ulysses Crow, the notorious smuggler.

“There are less than fifty people in a convoy. I can handle it by myself.”

T’Challa is full of confidence. This is his first time as Black Panther, putting on a vibranium suit and fighting against outsiders.

This black suit made of vibranium nanotechnology is invulnerable, absorbs kinetic energy, and coupled with the royal family’s original fighting method – a form of martial arts that combines primitive combat skills with imitating animal hunting, is enough to deal with Crowe and his men.

T’Challa put on his helmet, ejected sharp claws from his hands, crossed them on his chest, like a cannonball falling rapidly from the open passage, the wind roared in his ears, and he threw several metal balls in his hands, with blue light flashing. Between them, it turned into a disc the size of a palm, tightly adhering to the jeep driving in the front.

The invisible electromagnetic pulse suddenly spread, causing the leading vehicle to lose control and plunge into the jungle on the roadside, causing a rear-end collision and commotion for a while.

“Black Panther! Guardian of the Kingdom of Wakanda! He must be here!”

Ulysses was sitting in the jeep in the middle, flanked by John and Bobby. The mutant army had their faces wrapped in turbans, mixed in with the private militia.

“Why panic? The king of Wakanda is already fifty or sixty years old. No matter how strong he is, he is just an old leopard.”

John didn’t care. He sat as steady as a rock and allowed the commotion outside to spread. The private armed forces belonging to the Sudanese Speaker formed a defensive formation and were alert to the surrounding movements.

“He has a son, Prince T’Challa, who is said to have returned from studying abroad soon.” Bobby reminded softly.

In the explosion caused by Ulysses Klaue, more than a hundred Wakandans were killed and injured, including leaders of border tribes. The impact was extremely bad. In the history of Wakanda, which has not been invaded by foreign enemies, it is actually Is rare.

So this time he reappears, presumably the team sent by Wakanda will not be too weak. It may be the border army or the Black Panther. The former is unlikely. The dispatch of the army is really eye-catching. It is more likely to be the latter. By.

A group of people carefully entered the jungle with submachine guns, and the bright light from their flashlights pierced the darkness. Their private armed forces were not only escorting friends of the Sudanese Speaker, they were also escorting a group of African women.

The underground black market located on the border is not only engaged in the illegal business of smuggling arms and vibranium minerals, but also human trafficking. Among them, black people are of high quality and low price, which can be said to be the most cost-effective type.

The team of five pushed through the overgrown weeds as high as a man and saw only a wild dog barking. They looked up and saw a black shadow lying on the trunk of the tree, like a black cheetah, its sharp gaze making people feel heart-stopping.

“Did you notice anything unusual?”

The commander of the private armed forces asked, but there was no answer from the other end of the communicator.

The next moment, a figure was thrown out of the jungle and hit the jeep like a cannonball. It made a harsh vibration and the entire car body was dented.

The sound of gunfire broke the silent night sky, and streaks of fire were like long whips. Wherever they passed, jungle weeds were flying like debris, and the black figure was as fast as lightning, rushing into the convoy against the fierce and dense torrent of metal, like a The cheetah that hunts prey moves swiftly and neatly.

In less than ten minutes, this private armed force was knocked to the ground. The bullets shot on the vibranium suit, only a few sparks splashed out, and the strong kinetic energy was absorbed. T’Challa didn’t even feel a trace. .

He raised his sharp claws, tore open a car door, and knocked down the militants who were shooting continuously behind him. He stretched out his hand to hold the submachine gun that was spitting fire, exerted a slight force, and crushed it into a pile of scrap metal.

T’Challa has already taken the heart-shaped herb, and he is extremely powerful and strong. Coupled with the invulnerable vibranium suit, he is really invincible!

“Nakia! You shouldn’t be involved in such dangerous actions.”

The young prince settled his opponent and walked to the truck at the back. The dark-skinned girl, covered with a gauze scarf, was comforting others. The entire carriage was filled with goods for sale.

“They need me! These tribesmen are being bought and sold as livestock and goods…”

Before Nakia finished speaking, she saw T’Challa, who had taken off his helmet and was wearing a vibranium suit, fell heavily to the ground.

A white-haired old man in purple robes stepped out. When he turned his palm, invisible magnetism exploded. The black panther, regarded as the guardian of the gods by Wakanda, rubbed against the ground like a teddy in heat!

Nakia was stunned to see the young and brave Prince of Wakanda, his lower body kept shaking, hitting the ground hard, and with that sad and angry expression, he was quite happy.

For a moment, the scene was extremely embarrassing.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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