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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 364 Preparation

T’Challa, who is wearing a vibranium suit, is like fish on the chopping board in the eyes of Magneto. He can be slaughtered, rounded and flattened according to his heart.

If we don’t consider that Wakanda may introduce anti-magnetic technology, he may have no pressure to defeat the entire country by himself.

After all, the application of vibranium is everywhere in Wakanda’s daily life. This is simply the best place for Magneto to show off. If the power is enough, he can even move it directly out of the huge and incomparable vibrator deep underground. Gold meteorite.

Invisible magnetic lines pulled the prince of Wakanda and fixed him in the air in the shape of a cross. The young and brave T’Challa looked sad and angry, with veins sprouting out of his dark face. The invulnerable vibranium suit was like a solid cage, killing himself. Locked inside to death.

As the heir to the future king and the black panther who protects the country, T’Challa had never experienced such a shameful humiliation. Thinking of his shameful behavior in front of his sweetheart just now, he stared hatefully at the white-haired old man in purple robes, his eyes almost squirting. Get angry!

“The little guy is still not convinced?”

Magneto glanced at the opponent sideways and pressed down with his palms. T’Challa, who was fixed in the air, was slammed into a jeep. The steel bars twisted like living creatures and wrapped around the opponent’s limbs.

As for the prince of Wakanda’s little lover, she has long been controlled by the mutant army. Nagia is the strongest warrior of the River Tribe, and she knows a lot about Wakanda’s internal espionage system, which may be of unexpected use.

Ulysses Klaue stepped out of the car and saw the powerful strength of Magneto. He had put his original anxiety behind and changed to a arrogant look.

As a veteran powerhouse among mutants, Magneto’s innate abilities have huge potential, especially for modern warfare, which can cause unimaginable damage.

You must know that the previous human government created plastic prisons, resin shields and polymer weapons in order to deal with this Brotherhood leader. If it had not been for the loss of the helmet that shielded the psychic power and the knowledge that Umbrella had developed a mutant suppressing serum, nothing would have happened. Magneto may not be as content as he is now.

“There are still fish that slipped through the net!”

Magneto looked up, with a hint of disdain in his eyes. The metal fighter plane emerged from the thick clouds, its cannon aimed downwards.

“Let go of your highness the prince! You colonists have disturbed the tranquility of Wakanda!” Okoye, who was driving a fighter plane, said coldly.

This fierce bald female warrior is a member of the Royal Guards who protect the safety of the royal family. The guards are all female and are elite warriors carefully selected from various tribes.

Okoye did not expect that His Highness the Prince, who had taken the heart-shaped herb and was equipped with a vibranium suit, had no room for resistance under the old man. This made it too late for her to go to rescue him.

The open palms changed, and the recognition system of the fighter plane locked everyone. As long as the other party was unwilling to cooperate, Okoye, as the captain of the Royal Guard, did not mind killing each other at all.

Wakanda has always followed a low-key style of maintaining secrecy. For centuries, there have always been some explorers or smugglers who strayed into the country. Without exception, none of them could get out unharmed – except for Yuri. That bastard Sith Klaw!

The Wakanda people do not have a good impression of the outside world, and they generally call them “colonists.” The African continent has a long and painful history of being colonized and occupied by European powers. At that time, fierce disputes broke out within Wakanda.

The elders, led by the border tribes, called on Wakanda to stand up bravely and become the savior to save the African continent and the black compatriots. With their technological power, there is no need to fear anyone.

The royal family members headed by the Leopard tribe rejected this proposal. At that time, Wakanda established the “War Dogs”, which is similar to the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. As spies, members are spread around the world and are responsible for collecting information from around the world. information to ensure national security.

T’Challa’s ex-girlfriend Nakia, who can’t forget him, is a senior member of War Dogs.

“Damn colonists!”

When Okoye received no response, he immediately called the border tribe. They are the gatekeepers of Wakanda. They live on the border all year round and are responsible for pretending to be farmers and hunters to deceive outsiders.

Wakabi, the elder of the border tribe, is the military minister of Wakanda and is also responsible for protecting his homeland.

The fighter plane lowered its altitude, and its cannons sprayed out a long tongue of flame, like the breath of a giant dragon. John and Bobby stood honestly behind Magneto, not intending to interfere with this senior’s show of glory.

Seeing this small scene, Magneto looked disdainfully. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, he moved a submarine with his bare hands and hundreds of cruise missiles were launched, without any fear on his face.

The rotary cannon of the fighter plane kept rotating, enough to fire thousands of rounds of ammunition in one minute, pouring out thunder-like roars. The old man stretched out his hand at will, and the space was like a solid mirror. Each 30 mm caliber metal bullet was like being captured. It’s as if it’s frozen, even with Peiran’s kinetic energy, it can’t move forward even half an inch!

Turning the palm of the hand, the torrent of metal rolled back, hitting the fighter plane like a sudden storm, splashing out dense sparks, a burst of thick smoke erupted from the engine position, and fierce flames swept away.

Okoye, who was piloting the fighter plane, saw that he lost control. He directly grabbed a vibranium war spear, took advantage of the opportunity of the fighter plane to fall downwards, knocked open the activation entrance, and rushed straight towards Magneto!

The sharp spear buzzed and vibrated, tearing open the airflow. Like silver lightning, it only took one breath to pierce the gray-haired old head!

Okoye is worthy of being the most elite female warrior in Wakanda. Even at a disadvantage, she still wants to make a comeback, get rid of this troublesome old man first, and then wait for an opportunity to rescue His Highness the Prince.

The extremely cold air appeared across the sky, and the frost condensed into a solid wall, blocking the fatal attack of the bald female warrior. Magneto snorted, and the indestructible vibranium spear melted into a pool of silver liquid like a candle exposed to heat. .

“I thought Wakanda was so powerful.” The old man smiled contemptuously.

He felt that he could level that third world country by himself without the help of the mutant army.

Bobby made no excuses. Magneto’s abilities certainly have great potential, such as controlling the earth’s magnetic field, causing volcanoes to erupt, raising islands from the bottom of the sea, moving mountains, and even creating electromagnetic pulses, causing global blackouts, etc.

Theoretically speaking, this veteran mutant can even penetrate the unified field theory, manipulate gravity, and be like a god!

Unfortunately, to do all this requires not only a certain degree of physics knowledge, but also continuous micro-operation training all year round.

Magneto has missed the best opportunity, so he only has macro-level control. Once he wants to go deep into the micro-level, he will inevitably fail, so it is not as scary as imagined.

For example, Iron Man Tony Stark specially built an anti-magnetic armor based on carbon nanotubes to deal with this strong mutant who restrained himself.

In the isolated island prison, a single room was specially opened to reserve a place for Magneto.

Of course, Bobby would not say this. He just smiled slightly and asked Colossus Pete to pick up T’Challa. The remaining Nakia and Okoye were thrown into the carriage and handed over to the rest of the mutants for guarding.

The prince of Wakanda was the first bargaining chip he got, and the next step was to inform the young boss that it was time to start the war machine.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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