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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 365 Give you war

The sun shone through the screen window, and dust floated in the air. Sean leaned on the bedside, unconsciously stroking the blond girl in his arms. Yesterday was Gwen’s birthday, and he naturally attended the grand dinner hosted by the New York police chief for his daughter. .

After the birthday party, the two went to their apartment on the Upper East Side and spent a pleasant evening with each other. The charming scent exuded by hormones ignites the passionate emotions between men and women and dominates their physical and mental will.

Gwen opened her eyes lazily and met Sean’s gentle gaze. The tenderness in her eyes was simply intoxicating.

She couldn’t help but reveal a sweet smile. Although it seemed a little bad for her employer to have a relationship with his subordinates and would cause unnecessary gossip, this carefree girl didn’t think about it that much.

Gwen always followed her inner feelings, and Sean really let herself fall in love with him, whether it was the mature temperament of the other person or the deep eyes that always had a mysterious meaning.

If she compared a man to a book, she would never be able to read this young man’s heart.

“What are you thinking about?”

Gwen’s fingers were playing with the other person’s thick chest, and she blinked, like a sparkling spring lake, exuding a charming aura.

“A lot. For example, what to eat for breakfast, should I eat you first, or should I eat you first…”

Sean smiled jokingly, then lowered his head and took the delicious pink red lips into his mouth, letting out the passionate feelings in his heart.

Appropriate venting is beneficial to physical and mental health. He thought so.

After some tenderness, the two finally got up from the bed. The exhausted Gwen was reluctantly picked up by Sean, left the soft bed, sat on each other’s lap and enjoyed a simple breakfast. ——Although it was already past twelve o’clock.

Gwen took small bites of the sandwich on the plate and picked up a glass of warm milk in her right hand. Apart from being loyal to her partner, Sean was a perfect boyfriend or lover in many ways.

He will never get tired of your chattering, and is even willing to tolerate your occasional temper. He often inadvertently creates small romantic surprises, or gives you your favorite gifts that you mentioned casually…

This is one of the reasons why Gwen knows that the other person cannot belong to her alone, but she is still attached to this relationship and unwilling to withdraw from it.

Sean turned on the TV. The president was sitting on the oval desk in the White House, with a solemn expression and a low tone, delivering a prepared speech.

I have to say that the other party is really a superb performer. That impassioned, deep and powerful speech had almost no flaws and was enough for everyone to give flowers and applause.

President Underwood solemnly announced the military plan for Wakanda to the media from all walks of life, claiming that at 12:40 last night, His Royal Highness T’Challa, the prince of the country, planned to assassinate the Kenyan diplomatic ambassador, Eric – Mr. Lancer – According to reliable information, this mutant has long since given up his radical views and became a pacifist, dedicated to working for the rights of fellow African mutants.

Officials speculate that this assassination incident may have touched the interest groups in Wakanda. The concept of equality promoted by Mr. Eric Lancer aroused strong dissatisfaction within the royal family, which is why Prince T’Challa Killer with pain.

The entire assassination process resulted in more than 20 people being injured and six people dead. According to the official video data, Prince T’Challa wore a strange battle suit and killed without mercy, treating human life as nothing. His ferocity The extent is really outrageous.

Just like the Gulf War that year, the United States took the lead in strongly condemning Wakanda’s injustice and decided to require Wakanda to accept its own military garrison in the border area with Kenya in the name of international assistance.

Wakanda, which was still in the dark, immediately responded with cautious and gentle words. King T’Chaka naturally rejected this unreasonable request. Although the attitude was tactful, the newly appointed President Underwood considered it extremely contemptuous. , is a silent contempt for the United States!

There was an atmosphere of excitement and excitement on Capitol Hill. That closed country rooted in the African continent actually dared to launch a “provocation” to the bald eagle. This gave those warring factions an excuse and reason to turn on the war machine.

Both war and colonization can bring huge benefits to capitalists and interest groups. There are very clear examples of this in the Middle Ages, such as the East India Company, which made huge profits by selling black slaves.

Under the public opinion deliberately created by interest groups, the war plan was not resisted or opposed by the public, and the military event was successfully passed on Capitol Hill. The military was gearing up and actively preparing, hoping to show off its skills and win over pieces of symbols. Medal of Honor.

In this feast of crows, the only surprising thing is that the always belligerent General Thaddeus Ross actually stood still and remained silent, and even allowed General Mattis, who was supported by the consortium, to take away the key to the war. power of command.

You must know that this general’s reputation and military achievements are not inferior to Ross’s. He once served as the commander of the Joint Forces Command and the commander of NATO’s Allied Transformation Command. He was later active in the Middle East, South Asia and the Saharan Africa, and led the two countries in Afghanistan and Iraq. Big war.

If the other party is allowed this opportunity to win the military attack on Wakanda, its prestige will definitely rise to a higher level, and the position of Minister of Defense will definitely be included in the bag.

General Ross didn’t seem to care about this, which made people wonder whether this lion with the name of “Thunder” had lost the fighting spirit of the past.

In short, the United States was caught in an extremely fanatical mood, and the anti-war wave that many people expected did not come. Under the deliberate guidance of the federal government, and the efforts of all parties to advocate war, this military activity was carried out very quickly. pass.

As Sean often says, when the interests of the majority are aligned, the voice of the masses will naturally be insignificant.

The so-called democracy and freedom have never been achieved in this country. Those big figures standing at the top of the pyramid just try their best to do things according to the rules of capital operation. As for the voices and desires of the people, no one cares.


While Sean was enjoying a warm breakfast on the other side of the ocean, Wakanda, which was pushed to the forefront of public opinion, was not having an easy time.

The old king T’Chaka was sitting in his palace. He had just finished a heated meeting. The tribal elders were so quarreling that they each had their own opinions and no one could convince the other.

The leader of the border tribes, Wakanda’s military minister Wakabi, strongly urged the country to fight, because if it continues to give in, it will not gain any benefits.

The two elders of the River Tribe and the Mining Tribe believe that it is not appropriate to act impulsively before things are clear, as that will only lead to disaster.

T’Chaka was in a dilemma. He didn’t understand what happened. War Dog’s intelligence agents didn’t receive the slightest hint. Everything happened too suddenly, like an unprepared bullet.

Originally, his son T’Challa was just going to capture Crowe, but who knew he would cause such a big fuss.

First, they received severe condemnation from Kenya, saying that T’Challa had caused a diplomatic dispute, and then the United States on the other side of the ocean also intervened – it was like a neighbor fighting, and guys living in another community came over to join in the fun.

The old king, who was quite politically wise, vaguely understood the origin of the matter. The truth that Wakanda was sitting on a vein of vibranium finally spread out, attracting the coveted eyes of bandits.

What about the orphans of the royal family living in exile overseas?

The old king felt a little bad. He did do something wrong back then. After he inherited the throne, he sent his younger brother N’job to the United States. As an intelligence agent, who knew that the prince of Wakanda had an affair with an Oakland city official? The woman fell in love and gave birth to a son.

N’Job, who was in a foreign country, witnessed the discrimination and persecution of his black compatriots, and then came up with the idea of ​​using Wakanda’s powerful power to change the world. It happened that Ulysses Klaue, a smuggler, entered his life. in sight.

Both parties had their own ideas and cooperated. N’Job needed a large sum of money, so he told the smugglers the secret route into Wakanda, how to avoid the eyes and vigilance of the border army, and how to sneak into the Wakanda mines. Steal large amounts of vibranium.

Unfortunately, Ulysses Klaue was eventually discovered and detonated a bomb on the way to escape, causing numerous casualties to the people of Wakanda. As the king, T’Chaka found his younger brother, perhaps for surveillance purposes, or because of a sense of caution. , he had already bought and placed an undercover agent next to the other party, a young black man named Zuri.

It’s a pity that Njobu didn’t know it and regarded Zuri as a good brother. As a result, he was betrayed and betrayed. After learning the truth, T’Chaka asked his brother to return to his country and accept the trial of the tribal elders.

Unexpectedly, the two brothers quarreled due to their differences in ideas. T’Chaka accidentally killed his younger brother Njobu. I don’t know whether he deliberately ignored it or was worried that the murder of his blood relatives would be exposed. He took Zuri and left in a hurry. He left behind the cold body lying in a pool of blood, and his nephew who had no one to take care of him.

“I should accept punishment. This is the crime I committed! But this has nothing to do with Wakanda and T’Challa…” The old king sat alone in the palace and muttered to himself.

This unbearable memory buried deep in his heart has been lingering in his heart like a ghost for many years. He cannot face the black history of killing his brothers.

“Leopard Goddess Bastet, please guide me.”

T’Chaka put his hands on his forehead, closed his eyes and thought of his son who fell into Kenya’s hands, and the hesitation in his heart slowly dissipated.

This black panther, which is getting older and bloated, has a fierce light in its eyes.

“If you want war, Wakanda will give you war!”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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