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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 366 On the verge of breaking out

The sixty-day military strike officially began the moment General Mattis set foot on the African continent.

The vanguard troops set off from the Air Force Base in Tennessee and arrived at the border area of ​​Kenya after a ten-hour air trip.

Near the Kenyan border of Wakanda, Ulysses Klaue waited for a long time as a guide, followed by mutant legions and Brotherhood members.

Being in the vast grasslands of East Africa, you can see the famous Great Rift Valley and the majestic Kilimanjaro Mountains. This surprises and shocks American soldiers who have been in the Middle East or homeland all year round.

Subsequent supplies and equipment are continuously transported by military transport aircraft, and the camps are like fortresses rising from the ground, neatly distributed in rows. The US military is trying to block this border defense line in order to encircle Wakanda. The soldiers who traveled thousands of miles to this strange continent seemed to be in extremely high spirits.

In their eyes, war is the best way to obtain honors and medals, and it is also one of the shortcuts to obtain higher military ranks.

Kenya has no objections to this move by the United States. It is one of the African countries that receives the most assistance from bald eagles. It maintains good diplomatic relations and often carries out cooperation operations similar to joint military exercises, and both sides have a tacit understanding. , understand the valuable value of vibranium resources.

What’s more, Wakanda is not a member of the East African Community. The other party has rejected Kenya’s request to establish diplomatic relations several times. Because the country is closed and conservative, its diplomatic relations are not very good and it has been in a state of isolation all year round.

In the international disputes that have arisen in Wakanda, more countries are adopting the mentality of watching the show. As for the world powers that have the right to speak, they do not know the news about vibranium yet, so they will not intervene.

In this war game, the Wakandans can only fight alone. Their Prince T’Challa committed a crime brazenly and the evidence is conclusive. And the royal orphan who claimed to have been persecuted was transformed into an exiled person under the packaging of someone who wanted to do it. The leader of the royal family, his father died in an unfair power struggle. He has been wandering around for many years, living a miserable life of fear.

“Hello, General. This is Mr. Ulysses Klaue. He is very familiar with the internal situation of Wakanda and has some information channels. You can use him if necessary.”

John introduced the smuggler to General Mattis, and then turned sideways and introduced Killmonger, “He is the son of Prince Enjob of Wakanda, and he has legal inheritance qualifications, especially in the traditional culture of Wakanda.” , every descendant with royal blood can challenge the king and ask for a fair duel, and the winner can become the new king.”

“A bunch of backward savages!”

General Mattis did not hide his contempt. He looked at Killmonger and said sarcastically: “Someone actually said that such a country has a technological level that leads the world… How ridiculous!”

“What do they think they rely on to govern the country? A bunch of primitive people fighting with spears and clubs like they did in the Stone Age? Maybe the Wakandans should know the power of aircraft and cannons!”

This fifty-seven-year-old army general did not take Wakanda seriously at all. His resume was full of glory and his achievements were outstanding. Even compared with his old enemy Thaddeus Ross, he was not far behind.

Mattis entered the Marine Corps Reserves at the age of nineteen, and then officially served with the rank of second lieutenant. By the time he participated in the first Gulf War, he had been promoted to lieutenant colonel and became a member of the “Ripper Task Force” that invaded Kuwait City. “One of the members.

Ten years later, Mattis was promoted to the rank of colonel, led the 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade to Afghanistan, and gained command of the U.S. Navy’s Task Force 58, becoming the first Marine to command a naval fleet in the history of the U.S. military. Marine Corps Commander.

Therefore, he is certainly qualified to look down on Wakanda, whose technological tree is so crooked as his grandma’s family. It is a brave and fierce nation. No matter how ferocious they are, they can only face a disastrous defeat in the face of advanced technology.

“For a country with a total military strength of less than 100,000, its military strength is limited no matter how strong it is.”

Killmonger remained silent, while Ulysses laughed twice. After all, a small person like him couldn’t afford to offend anyone.

Ignoring the two unknown men, General Mattis walked out of the camp and stood on the desolate plain. Behind him was an airport with dozens of military transport planes parked. Various logistics personnel were busy moving around. In the next sixty days, this place will It will become a temporary base for the US military, supporting the start-up and operation of the war machine.

Wakanda will be shrouded in flames of war until their king accepts the terms of garrison, or is willing to abdicate and surrender the ancient country with vibranium minerals.

General Mattis estimated that NATO troops should also start mobilizing.

After the end of the Cold War, in order to adapt to the needs of the new international security environment, NATO member states have established rapid reaction forces one after another, and the United States is certainly no exception.

In order to implement rapid force projection overseas and execute contingency operations and other plans, the Ministry of National Defense has established a rapid deployment force. With its powerful sea and air transportation capabilities, the Army can deploy a light brigade within four days and an army within twelve days. The ability to deliver one division and two divisions to overseas theaters within thirty days.

The same is true for the air force and navy. Each of the three services has the basic capabilities to operate quickly and respond to international crises. This concept of “flexible defense” is to maintain and develop military capabilities while reducing expenditures through multinational cooperation.

Soon after, the NATO rapid reaction force of about 120,000 people will gradually enter this battlefield in sixty days, aerial bombing, ground occupation, and continuous attacks… Just like in the past, the commonly used methods will be used in turn. Cast it once, and Wakanda will naturally surrender under the wings of the bald eagle.

The law of the jungle is the ruthless law of nature, and in many cases, the pattern and relationships between countries are also like this.

Wakanda is like a treasure house in front of bandits, but there is not enough force to ensure its safety. Even in today’s civilized society, violent acts only need to be covered with a layer of reasonableness.

After fighting this battle, he can ascend to a higher position. General Mattis is convinced of this.

Although the United States has regulations that military personnel must wait seven years after retirement before serving as Secretary of Defense, but who says the rules can’t be broken!

The current President Underwood is not a stickler for rules. Re-election in the next term has become inevitable, and he must seek a higher status.

Both he and Thaddeus Ross are about to retire, and both of them are quite enthusiastic about the position of Secretary of Defense. If they can win this war game beautifully and let the interest groups behind them divide the cake and gain a lot, then they will There will no longer be any suspense about joining the cabinet.

On this side of the border, General Mattis is full of longing and his heart is surging. On the other side, King T’Chaka of Wakanda is standing on the throne. Except for the orangutan tribe living in seclusion in the snowy mountains, the other tribal elders have already made preparations. Prepare for the first war in Wakanda’s history.

The old king wore an enlarged vibranium suit and held a Black Panther helmet. He looked up and felt a huge and invisible shadow hanging over the country’s head.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear the roar of artillery fire, which was a sign of the rumbling war machine approaching.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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