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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 367 Admission

The situation of the war was unexpected. The US military stationed in the border area launched several attacks on Wakanda in less than a week. However, the final effect was not ideal, and could even be said to be extremely bad.

Wakanda has a small land area, and the combined strength of warriors from various tribes is less than 100,000. However, as an isolated country with long-term peace and rich natural resources, its own economy is extremely prosperous, especially through its own Vibranium technology, production and accumulation of a large number of advanced weapons, making their potential military strength far beyond the Pentagon’s initial estimates.

You know, in the original timeline, Killmonger, who defeated Black Panther T’Challa, wanted to deliver weapons to black compatriots around the world, in order to set off a massive change movement and try to establish a new The era of domination.

It can be seen that Wakanda’s military strength is not weak. Instead, with its independently produced vibranium weapons and various incredible black technologies, it is enough to compete with any country in the world.

The bald eagle, which has always regarded itself as the world’s policeman and loves to stir up disputes everywhere, ran into an iron wall this time.

In the initial contact war, General Mattis first adopted symbolic air strike tactics, intermittent missile attacks, and large-scale fire bombing.

Generally speaking, this kind of missile is very effective against small countries. It is enough to defeat the fighting spirit and confidence of the Wakanda royal family and provide a huge advantage for subsequent operations.

Who knew that the capital of Wakanda was equipped with a powerful defense network, and air strike missiles could not carry out large-scale bombings at all. From the beginning of the war, the peripheral border tribes shrank their defense lines, adding their armored fighting vehicles, artillery and other heavy weapons , generally using vibranium alloy, which is difficult to destroy, so air strikes and bombings have little effect.

And soon the US military discovered that the Wakandans, who were smeared with oil paint and dressed in beast furs, looked like primitive tribesmen. They even used vibranium slag particles in the concrete of their defenses!

At a time when the whole world is spending money freely just to get a gram of vibranium, this third world country has reached this level of luxury. To be honest, when General Mattis learned the news, his eyes were red.

It’s not because the sadness is so overwhelming that it’s because the flame of greed in my heart is getting higher and higher!

So the Pentagon decided to invest more troops. However, after the land battle began, General Mattis’s views were shattered again. The vibranium cloaks equipped by the border tribe soldiers and the specially bred war rhinos directly pressed the American soldiers to the ground and rubbed them. , even if tanks and heavy artillery were deployed together, they were unable to conquer Wakanda’s solid defense line, and instead lost troops again.

After two failures, General Mattis has understood that unless the war escalates and the military is authorized to use more powerful weapons of destruction, taking Wakanda within sixty days will become an arduous task that is difficult to complete. .

That night, King T’Chaka, who was leading the battle, led the Royal Guards across the border, used stealth technology to hide from radars and outposts, and attacked the frontline combat headquarters at night. Although the aging Black Panther was bloated, , the combat effectiveness is not as good as before, but after all, he has taken the heart-shaped herb and received the blessing of the leopard goddess Bastet, and still has superhuman strength.

Under his leadership, the powerful female guards severely damaged the US military troops stationed at the forward positions, and almost captured General Mattis, the supreme commander, alive. If the mutant army had not arrived in time, the situation could have been saved. The defeat forced him to withdraw from the camp.

Of course, the Brotherhood, John and others had a tacit understanding with each other, and they paddled silently in unison. It looked like they were having a heated fight, with flames and freezing air flying all over the sky, and the sound and light special effects were extremely cool. Just a look.

General Mattis is destined to return to his homeland with disappointment. When SHIELD comes out to clean up the mess and divide the cake, that will be the key moment to truly exert its power.

A month later, the U.S. military still has not advanced half an inch toward Wakanda’s defense line. In thirty days, half of the time limit for military strikes has passed. In addition to losing more troops and consuming more supplies, General Mattis will continue to fight. There are no unnecessary contributions.

“Damn chimpanzees!” The general put down his telescope and cursed unwillingly.

He never thought that he would encounter a rare defeat in his life in this place, losing to a group of barbarians armed with cold weapons!

No wonder that old guy Thaddeus didn’t make the first move. The other party might have gotten some news in advance. Wakanda is indeed a tough nut to crack. General Mattis shook his head and sighed. He has deep qualifications and rich experience in commanding operations, but who could have imagined that America’s modern elite troops would collapse and sink into the sand.

“Who can turn the tide next?”

General Mattis signed the power transfer report, but he wanted to know whether SHIELD could overcome the Wakandans’ solid defense line.


Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, in a private club.

“Mattis can’t see the situation clearly. All sane people should understand that the world’s war model has completely changed after Captain America appeared!”

General Ross was holding a thick cigar, and the green smoke was faintly floating. He was talking about the failure of his old opponent. The young man sitting opposite was sipping a glass of wine and pretending to be listening attentively.

“Battles are no longer about soldiers fighting in trenches with rifles. The outcome is determined by courage and heavy casualties! Whoever has stronger warriors, better equipment, and more advanced technology may be the first to break through the defense line. , become the final winner!”

General Ross took a deep breath, and the Mattis guy was pushed out. Generally, the person who takes the lead will not have a good end, because once he cannot dodge the incoming bullet, he will end up miserable.

“Yes, those people only have interests in their eyes. They think that Wakanda can be easily conquered with muskets and cannons, just like the African natives of the last century, knocking on the door of the country, and then digging for the inexhaustible vibranium mine… …They don’t understand what we want!”

Sean echoed the general’s words. He deliberately ignored important information, causing some interest groups to get carried away and want to be the first to seize Wakanda’s vibranium resources. They completely forgot that the huge cake is never exclusive to anyone. .

“We don’t care about interests, we only value power.” The young man spoke firmly, exuding the majesty of a superior in his calm demeanor, “The United States cannot conquer Wakanda alone. We must learn to share and throw out the interests in our hands as bargaining chips. , fix the World Security Council, rewrite the rules of the game, and get more power.”

“Just wait and see our performance. By the way, I have to thank you for your little gift, Sean.”

General Ross is very interested. The Pentagon has chosen to recall Mattis. There is still half the time left in the military strike, and they must see results.

If this foreign war fails, America’s national prestige, massive military expenditures… these problems will become a noose around the neck, tightening at any time to strangle this bald eagle!

“No need to mind. General, new humans are the trend of the future. Umbrella has developed the ‘Fountain of Youth’ especially for big shots like you. It can effectively delay the aging of the body and enhance personal physical fitness. The one you injected The potion is even more of a perfect masterpiece.”

General Ross smiled and nodded. He clenched his fists subconsciously. His aging body was filled with vitality. This old man who was over fifty years old looked more like a strong young man.

“I never thought that one day I would be as powerful as Banner!” The general twirled his beard proudly.

“To the future of our country!”

“To our future.”

Amidst the crisp clinking of glasses, the two said different toasts.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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