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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 369 Pacifist

An exclusive passenger plane with a silver-white body and a bald eagle painted on it landed in the capital of Wakanda. Sean walked down the stairs, and the magnificent palace and tall buildings came into view.

Wakanda is a country with a prosperous modern civilization that is primitive and rugged. There are young people wearing suits and leather shoes who look like elites, and there are also old people who retain tribal culture. There are many high-rise buildings and shacks scattered around, forming a sharp contrast. A strange feeling of contradiction and harmony.

It took almost two weeks for General Ross to finally take over the city. During this period, the two sides conducted many negotiations, trials, and even military suppression. Finally, they reached a general consensus and maintained a delicate balance with each other.

Strictly speaking, even if General Ross wins this war, it will still be an arduous task to fully obtain Wakanda’s vibranium resources.

This third world country hidden on the African continent advocates brave fighting and has a strong will. Even though NATO troops were stationed in the capital of Wakanda, in just two weeks, a total of no less than twenty assassination attacks were launched, especially M’Baku, the leader of the orangutan tribe living in the Snowy Mountains, believed that surrendering to the colonists was a shame and organized a group of resisters.

This mountain tribe uses the white divine ape Hanuman as its totem. Unlike the other four tribes, the orangutan tribe adheres to traditional customs and refuses to use vibranium and modern high technology.

They are now the last defenders of Wakanda, attracting a large number of young people to join, and even gaining recognition and support from the domestic nobility.

Compared with the overwhelming momentum of the battle, the post-war disposal work was more cumbersome, giving General Ross a headache.

Even though T’Chaka, as an old king, has appeared many times to appease the restless Wakanda people, but after witnessing the tragic situation of their African compatriots who were colonized in the last century, how could they quietly accept the outcome of defeat and become Lower class in the colonies.

At this time, General Ross can probably feel a little of the pain of his old rival Mattis. The interior of Wakanda is a primitive rainforest that blocks the sky. Armored tanks and artillery are difficult to enter. Even without the existence of an energy shield, high-altitude strikes are difficult. The results were minimal, and the jungle combat environment was not conducive to the U.S. military.

If the Wakandans never admit defeat and are determined to resist for a long time, this will be a very serious problem.

NATO troops cannot be stationed in Wakanda for a long time, and in terms of overall strength, the combat effectiveness of various tribes is stronger than that of well-equipped American soldiers.

For example, those female guards who are as strong as cheetahs are fierce and brave. When General Ross first entered the capital of Wakanda, they once broke through the layers of defense of super soldiers and wanted to carry out beheading operations and kill to command military operations. top general.

If General Ross hadn’t accepted Umbrella’s deep transformation, he would instantly transform into an extremely strong red giant in front of everyone. His strong body would directly burst through the gorgeous and exquisite military uniforms, and kill the female guards who came in front of him. After losing ground, they might have a chance.

In another timeline, the general had to retire from the military due to heart disease, and later became Secretary of State and a high-ranking official of SHIELD, but now he has new choices.

Due to Sean’s persuasion, General Ross accepted Umbrella’s injection of medicine and deeply transformed his body. From then on, he will no longer suffer from aging and disease, and he will become a humanoid monster like the Hulk.

General Ross thought this was Sean’s good intentions, but in fact the other party had deeper considerations. The “Fountain of Youth” produced by Umbrella was widely praised in the upper class society for delaying aging and strengthening physical fitness. This is what countless people dream of. Surprise gift.

Even if he is worth hundreds of millions and holds great power, it is still difficult to get rid of disease and death, and cannot restore lost youth and health, but Umbrella can effectively solve these problems.

Big figures in the upper class or celebrities from all walks of life are flocking to the “Fountain of Youth”, but they don’t know that they are becoming members of the new human race.

When this society changes from top to bottom, and people begin to enjoy the fruits of science and technology and calmly welcome future changes, then a new era will come.

This is Sean’s true purpose.

“You finally came!”

General Ross walked towards Sean. Conquering Wakanda was not as easy as expected. These black indigenous people had a tenacious fighting spirit, and the United States was frightened by international public opinion and could not use brutal suppression methods.

On the one hand, they are worried about arousing more intense resistance among the Wakanda people. On the other hand, they have to formally take over the country’s vibranium resources from the king, and cannot go too far.

“What conditions did you propose?”

Sean entered the Wakanda parliament hall, ignored the hostile looks of the tribal elders, and sat in the king’s seat majestically.

General Ross did not feel dissatisfied. He knew what would happen next. The Wakandans had been dealing with it perfunctorily during this period, and now they were about to taste the bitter fruit.

“After intense discussions between the White House and the Pentagon, we have made some very reasonable demands.”

The general glanced at the queen who looked calm. Her husband, T’Chaka, the king of Wakanda, did not attend the meeting. The aging Black Panther personally went into battle during the defense of the capital and unfortunately encountered Magneto. As a result, that A brotherhood leader didn’t hold back for a moment and beat the other man half to death.

The dying T’Chaka is now paralyzed and lying on the hospital bed. He can’t even speak. Even Wakanda’s black technology can’t save him.

The old king, knowing that his end was approaching, had passed the throne to his son T’Challa.

“The Pentagon believes that the royal family should voluntarily renounce all power and dissolve the current government and military. In exchange, we promise to give up demands for post-war trials and compensation. The new King T’Challa and other royal family members can go into exile abroad with their private property. But they are not allowed to enter Wakanda’s borders without permission from the World Security Council.”

General Ross stated several key requirements in the armistice treaty. During many meetings during this period, both sides continued to test the bottom line.

The Wakanda royal family will definitely not agree to the treaty. Not only will they have to leave their hometown forever, but in such a humiliating form, all the ruling power they have established for a long time will be wiped out. This is simply more uncomfortable than death.

So when the armistice treaty was announced, many royal nobles took the initiative to join the resistance led by M’Baku and generously provided vibranium weapons. Even with the acquiescence of High Priest Zuri and old King T’Chaka, He also secretly sent a large number of heart-shaped herbs.

You know, this is the foundation for the royal family to lay down its rule, and its importance is even more important than vibranium!

“That’s a bit much.” Sean said casually, supporting his chin with one hand.

“I am a pacifist. As the top advisor of SHIELD, the World Security Council has authorized me to intervene in this international dispute. I only represent my personal position and strongly condemn this barbaric banditry in the United States!”

General Ross nodded repeatedly and accepted this evaluation with a smile. Before Congress passed military activities, he and Sean formulated a comprehensive plan.

Winning the war is only the first step.

“In the name of SHIELD’s top advisor, I veto all the contents of the above treaty.”

Hearing Sean’s words, the elders of each tribe looked at each other, and even the expressionless Queen of Wakanda was extremely surprised.

Whose side is this young man on?

“Here, I demand that all NATO troops withdraw from Wakanda within a week and release the prince of Wakanda… Oh no, it should be the new king now, T’Challa.”

“I have called the White House. President Underwood will take responsibility for this incident and issue a public apology later.”

Sean raised a gentle smile and looked at the tribal elders and members of the Wakanda royal family present.

“Please rest assured, as a pacifist, I never like to use fists to solve problems, especially such a bad behavior as war.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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