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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 37 Delivered to your door

“I think this is a misunderstanding, and Mr. Frank, I’m really not the owner of this club…”

Wesley raised his hands, trying to look non-threatening and well-behaved. He leaned against the leather sofa in the private room, with a 9mm Browning automatic pistol pressed against his forehead. As long as he held the gun If that hand pulls the trigger just a little harder, the head of this hard-won personal assistant will explode like a watermelon.

Just half an hour ago, this burly man with a strong physique rushed directly into the Hellfire Club. The gangsters and bodyguards had no power to resist in front of this terrifying killer known as the ‘Punisher’.

By the time Wesley came out to inspect the situation, there were already people lying on the ground, and everyone was moaning in pain. They probably had their hands and feet broken, or a dozen broken ribs or something. Fortunately, the other person was still a little restrained. For a moment, I didn’t go on a killing spree, otherwise this club would probably be filled with all kinds of severed human limbs.

According to the Punisher’s past behavior, most of the gangsters who dared to resist were shot in the head or had their throats cut with a tactical dagger. When it came to killing methods, the other side was clean and neat.

“So you can’t give me any useful information about the Hand?”

The Punisher, wearing his iconic costume, said indifferently that what the criminals in Hell’s Kitchen are most afraid of is seeing a black T-shirt with a skull printed on the chest at night, because that means they have one foot inside. hell.

“The Hand has had several simple cooperations with Kingpin secretly before. Most of them were to acquire some real estate or old buildings. As for the purpose, it is unknown. By the way, they have always wanted to create something called ‘black It’s an empty weapon, so I keep selecting children from all over the world to use as containers… That’s all I know.”

As a smart man, Wesley cooperated and told all the information he knew. The Punisher’s illustrious reputation in Hell’s Kitchen is more terrifying than the legend of the Red Devil. At least the latter will only beat you to death. Half disabled, and then sent to the police station, while the former sends you directly to see God.

“Who is your boss?”

The Punisher put down his pistol. He had investigated this man named James Wesley. He had previously served as Kingpin’s personal assistant. Later, Kingpin was attacked and killed. Wesley inherited all the underworld emperor’s legacy, which made Frank sniff. There was a hint of something unusual, and it all seemed like a plan that had been arranged long ago.

Frank is very interested in the mysterious boss behind Wesley, who may be the person who really killed Kingpin.

“To be honest, I really don’t know who he is or what his name is… I don’t know anything about the boss. He only left me a phone number.”

Wesley carefully took out his cell phone, and at the Punisher’s signal, dialed his boss’s number.


Sean is personally teaching the chimpanzee named Caesar in the laboratory. Caesar, who was injected with ALZ-112, has obviously shown a learning ability and IQ that far exceeds that of his peers. Whether it is learning words or pictures, it can quickly master them. , even with constant training and teaching, it can gradually use simple gestures to communicate with people, which is beyond the scope of animals.

In the words of Dr. Connors, Caesar is becoming more and more human, and even if he speaks one day, it will not be surprising at all.

“I always feel that you are doing something very dangerous.” After Sean came out of the room, Connors had a trace of worry in his eyes. He had the keen intuition of an excellent scientist.

“What’s wrong, doctor, are you afraid of Caesar?” A faint smile appeared on Sean’s lips. Through a series of means, he had completely tied Dr. Connors to his chariot.

“Yes.” Connors nodded. Through the thick glass window, he looked at the chimpanzee whose behavior was no different from that of humans. He said worriedly: “You are creating a new race, Sean.”

“Caesar’s learning ability is extremely amazing. He is constantly evolving, Sean! The cycle for learning various things is constantly shortening. What does this mean? This shows that Caesar’s current development has not reached the limit, and it still has There is room for growth, what if one day it becomes the same as humans?”

As a scientist, Connors felt the terrifying potential shown by Caesar. ALZ-112 was originally a new drug designed to treat brain degeneration, but if it did more than just that, once it was used on primates, it would It is equivalent to creating a whole new race!

Sean couldn’t help laughing after hearing this. What Dr. Connors was worried about was exactly what happened in the world of “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”. Since ALZ-112 was ineffective on the human body, scientists developed another ALZ-112 with a more powerful effect. 113 – This drug not only stimulates the intelligence of orangutans, but is also a virus that is completely fatal to humans.

Because of this, humans in that world were almost extinct, and the orangutans also got the opportunity to develop and form a brand new racial civilization.

“Doctor, nothing like what you imagined will happen. It is not that simple for a new race to develop. How long did it take for humans to evolve from the Stone Age of slash-and-burn farming to modern industrial civilization? There will only be one in the world. There is a Caesar!”

Sean dispelled Connors’ worries. The reason why he trained and taught Caesar was just to raise him as an interesting pet.

In the future, Sean will carry out more dangerous experiments, such as genetic research on mutants, or building super soldiers, or even a Hulk replication plan. These are all rough ideas that have been formed in his mind. No matter how much Caesar evolves, will he be more terrifying than those foreign beings and aliens?

“Don’t let caution limit your imagination, Dr. Connors.” Sean patted Connors on the shoulder and smiled kindly.

Buzz buzz——

Feeling the vibration in his pocket, Sean took out his phone and frowned when he saw the caller’s number. Wesley would not contact him easily. Could it be that something big happened in Hell’s Kitchen?

Thinking of his unimplemented score-boosting plan, Sean couldn’t help but feel a little confused. He answered the phone and heard Wesley’s voice from the other side: “Boss, there is something that you may need to come over and handle in person.”

“Did someone put a gun to your head, Wesley? You sounded nervous.”

Sean frowned. He vaguely sensed that something was wrong. Wesley had always been steady in doing things and would never say such vague words. He must have been threatened in some way.

“If you still want to keep this guy alive, get to the Hellfire Club within half an hour.” A hoarse, deep voice came from the other end of the phone. After saying this, he simply cut off the call.

Sean touched his chin. When did he provoke such an opponent? He has always maintained a low-key style, but it’s really interesting that people still come to visit him.

I made a list of the characters in Hell’s Kitchen who have the ability to threaten Wesley. Daredevil is said to have disappeared for a while, and there has been no news about him. Jessica Jones is still working as her own private detective. Luke- Cage is hanging around in Harlem. As for Iron Fist, which has not yet officially appeared, the Japanese ninjas from the Hand should not attack Wesley. After all, they maintain a good cooperative relationship.

After counting, there is only one punisher left who uses brutal methods to punish criminals, and judging from his behavior when he hung up the phone just now, he does look a lot like the other person.

“Don’t let the points that come to your door go to waste.”

Sean felt a slight excitement in his heart, as if the fighting instinct hidden in his body was gradually awakening.

Author’s Sanlian: Please collect, please vote, and please reward ( ̄▽ ̄)/


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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