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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 370 Challenge

A week later, in the parliament hall, Sean, as an outsider, was sitting in the chief position. Below him were the recently released Prince T’Challa, Queen of Wakanda, Princess Shuri and other royal family members.

Not long ago, the young prince received the vibranium ring symbolizing royal power from his father. Under the witness of the high priest Zuri and the tribal elders, he inherited the throne of Wakanda in a legal capacity.

Wakanda is composed of five tribes. The Panther tribe uses gold as its representative color. They are the rulers of the country in the past. The first Black Panther, Ba Jinga, accidentally discovered under the inspiration and guidance of the leopard goddess Bastet. He obtained the heart-shaped herb, and then used powerful force to unify the five major tribes, gain the allegiance of everyone, and established this country.

Secondly, there are the border tribes whose main body is blue. These people live on the border all year round and join the army as adults. They are the first line of defense to guard Wakanda. They are good at animal husbandry and raising war rhinos. On weekdays, the tribesmen are responsible for dressing up as Farmers and hunters serve as disguises to deceive the outside world and conceal the true face of the country.

There are still the river tribes represented by green, the mining tribes in red, and the ape tribes that live in seclusion in the snowy mountains all year round.

Five tribes make up the country of Wakanda. In the parliament hall today, the leaders and elders of each tribe gathered together, including the leader of the resistance army, the strong and burly M’Baku Dama from the ape tribe. In his seat, his expression was complicated.

The young man who called himself a “pacifist” personally went to the Snowy Mountains to visit the orangutan tribe, broke through the defense line as if there was no one else around, and “convinced” M’Baku to participate in this meeting.

“Mr. Sipers, thank you for your righteous deeds and driving away the greedy colonists from Wakanda. To express our gratitude, we specially gave you a small gift.”

“I wonder if a thousand tons of vibranium can show Wakanda’s deep sincerity?”

The queen of Wakanda, who has a graceful style, unlike her son T’Challa who sticks to her heart, does not understand the world at all. She is well aware of the greedy nature of outsiders.

This young man who claims to be S.H.I.E.L.D.’s top advisor lives on the other side of the ocean, yet he mercilessly condemns the United States and tells the group of intruders to withdraw their troops. This is definitely not out of some pacifist nonsense!

Those high-sounding whitewash words can only deceive children who have never experienced the world, as well as those short-sighted and ignorant fools!

The suffering experienced by the African continent has long proved that outsiders never have good intentions. From the Queen of Wakanda’s point of view, what Sean wants is nothing more than the vibranium veins buried underground. Since the other party has preserved Wakanda and allowed his son to return safely, it is understandable that the royal family should pay something in return. things.

“No need.” Sean waved his hand and refused without hesitation.

He looked at the Queen of Wakanda who was stunned, the rather uncomfortable T’Challa, and the silent tribal elders, and a gentle smile couldn’t help but emerge from the corner of his mouth.

“I’m not here for wealth. Although the vibranium produced in Wakanda is valuable, there are things more valuable than them.”

The people below have different expressions. Vibranium is the rarest metal in the world. Its powerful properties make it widely used and has excellent effects.

It is precisely because of this that the price of vibranium remains high. In addition to its rarity, it also has its outstanding practicality and efficiency.

If it had been anyone else, the aristocratic elders of each tribe would have definitely made some sarcastic remarks, but the young man sitting above just said a few words and ordered the NATO troops to evacuate and temporarily withdraw from the capital of Wakanda. Such an unfathomable big shot, It’s better not to offend.

“What is more precious than vibranium is justice and justice!”

Not caring about the complicated emotions of everyone in Wakanda, Sean looked down and said to himself.

“General Ross led the army to invade Wakanda, which is isolated from the world, and used a strong country to bully a weak country. This is an unjust act and should be condemned.”

The faces of everyone sitting below were even weirder. Only the new king T’Challa showed an expression of approval. This prince, who had received a good education since childhood and lived in a honeypot, studied in Europe when he grew up and returned home after completing his studies. The motherland can be said to be a fledgling that has not yet stepped out of the ivory tower.

Unlike in the original timeline, where Zemo planned the bombing attack on the United Nations General Assembly, resulting in the death of his father, T’Challa hurriedly completed his succession and learned to deal with political affairs. Today’s Black Panther has not been exposed to the wind and rain, and is still young. Childish.

T’Challa is just like Thor, the God of Thunder in Asgard. Under the guidance of his father, he determined to be a benevolent monarch and give the people a happy life, but he did not know the cruelty of reality.

“General Ross withdrew from Wakanda. The White House also called a few days ago. President Underwood is extremely sorry about the unfortunate experience of old King T’Chaka.”

Sean looked down, his eyes indifferent. He had traveled thousands of miles to set foot on this strange land, not for a small gift from Wakanda, and the United States had gone to great lengths to activate the war machine, and he would not feel guilty for getting part of the vibranium. satisfy.

It’s just that these noble elders of Wakanda, the superior ruling class, selectively ignored this cold fact under the huge threat of national subjugation and annihilation.

“I am here today to bring up an old incident, which is also an unjust act and needs to be fairly judged by everyone here.”

An old black man wearing a patterned waistcoat subconsciously raised his head. He is the high priest Zuri of Wakanda. He is responsible for taking care of the royal heart-shaped herbal medicine and supervising the succession of the throne. He has a high status and is deeply respected.

The heavy door of the conference hall opened, and the mutant army staying in Wakanda came in with a young black man.

He took off a ring from his neck, held it high in his hand, looked at everyone in the hall, and shouted: “My Wakanda name is N’Jadaka, son of Prince N’Job.”

This sentence shocked everyone, and the tribal elders stood up one after another. The guard took the ring. It was indeed made of Wakanda’s unique vibranium technology, and it was no different from the inheritance ring that symbolized the king.

“My father died in an apartment twenty years ago, with leopard paw prints on his chest!”

Killmonger’s eyes sparkled with cold light, full of hatred. He stared at T’Challa, who was wearing a luxurious robe. He should have been able to get everything the other party had.

“He was considered by the police to be a drug dealer and was involved in an illegal transaction. As a result, he was killed. After his death, he was stigmatized as an ‘addict’! Unfortunately, my mother was imprisoned. In prison He took his own life!”

Killmonger stood proudly in the hall with a fierce momentum. The anger that had been buried deep in his heart for many years finally burst out!

After losing his parents, he was sent to an orphanage in Oakland. He later escaped secretly and became a street boy in the street community. He was absorbed into the local gang until he caught the attention of the CIA during a large-scale case of recovering drug transactions. Developed into a secret spy.

After destroying the largest gang in Oakland, Killmonger turned informant and entered the University of Annapolis for education. Later, he came to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as an exchange student. He completed his studies with honors and became a street gangster. The transformation process of elites.

It can be said responsibly that, regardless of the background of Wakanda, the ups and downs of this black young man are simply a model story of life inspiration. If it were polished to cater to the political correctness of the United States, it would be easy to make an Oscar-winning movie. .

“I now exercise my right as a descendant of the royal family to challenge His Majesty the King!”

Killmonger clenched his fists, his eyes like sharp swords, piercing straight towards T’Challa who was stunned in his seat.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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