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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 371 Reasoning

T’Challa was stunned on the spot. Unlike in the original timeline, he had learned about the past events from the high priest Zuri in advance, so when Killmonger accused the old king of murdering his brother, fratricide began. The crime was like a bolt from the blue, shattering the tall image of his father in his mind.

“What nonsense! Wakanda’s parliament hall has no place for outsiders who tell lies like this!”

The Queen Mother of Wakanda, who was now more distinguished, shouted to stop. She suddenly stood up and looked at the tribal elders present with an angry look on her face.

The Leopard Tribe has always regarded itself as a royal family. Since the founding of Wakanda, the rulers of all generations have come from among them. The first generation of Black Panther, Ba Jinga, took the heart-shaped herb and claimed that he had received inspiration and guidance from the Leopard Goddess Bastet. , unified the rest of the tribes with strong force, and this has been the case for generations since then.

Except for the orangutan tribe, which lives in seclusion in the snowy mountains and is indifferent to worldly affairs, it is not necessarily true that the other three major tribes are loyal to the royal family. The reason why they obey the royal family is simply because the first-generation Black Panther took the heart-shaped herb and had strong strength to protect the safety of the tribe.

You must know that the African continent was still in the barbaric era. The indigenous people were barbaric and ignorant. The conflicts between various tribes were fierce, and extermination and massacres were common.

The Black Panther took the heart-shaped herb and gained superhuman strength, providing protection for the rest of the tribe and gaining the allegiance of everyone.

Later, in order to protect the vibranium resources, the five major tribes established Wakanda, isolated themselves from the world, and concealed information. Even when the colonists came to this wild continent, they did not take the initiative to communicate with them and always played the role of bystanders.

“I’m afraid what he told is the truth. An illegal transaction occurred in an apartment in the United States twenty years ago. The deceased was suspected of being killed by a gang. There were paw prints on his chest, and this royal ring is enough to prove his identity. .”

Sean put his hands on the armrests and spoke calmly. He looked directly at the complicated-looking High Priest Zuri, with a faint smile on his face.

“Besides, the high priest should know very well whether all this is true or false. Weren’t you sent to Prince Njobu as a royal spy twenty years ago?”

The tribal elders looked at each other. They did remember that before Zuri became the high priest, he joined the “War Dogs” specially established by the royal family. Later, he and the old king returned to Wakanda, and soon there was news about Enjo Shocking news of Prince Bu’s unexpected death.

“You are not the noble prince, the young king of Wakanda! Your father is a murderer! None of you are worthy of sitting in that position!”

When Killmonger saw Mr. Sipos speaking out in support, he became more courageous. He looked at T’Challa who was at a loss and his voice was like thunder!

“The Black Panther is the guardian of Wakanda and the messenger of the gods…I am here today to challenge your king, challenge the Black Panther!”

Faced with Killmonger’s declaration of challenge, T’Challa moved his lips slightly, as if he wanted to accept it.

“Don’t believe his lies. Prince Njobu has been dead for many years, and now a stranger claims to be his blood and flesh and blood. This is too suspicious.”

The Queen Mother of Wakanda pulled her son who was hesitant in her heart. No matter whether the matter was true or false, she could not let T’Challa accept the other party’s challenge.

That would be tantamount to letting her husband, the former King T’Chaka, bear the huge stigma of killing his own brother. This would greatly shake the authority of the royal family, especially at this juncture.

M’Baku, the elder leader of the orangutan tribe, won the hearts and minds of a large number of people by organizing a resistance army. However, the royal family’s performance in this invasion was mediocre. It can even be said that they were the cause of everything.

From T’Challa’s attack on the Kenyan diplomatic ambassador to King T’Chaka’s forced peace talks, the reputation of the royal family has plummeted, and various tribes are also quite dissatisfied.

The Queen Mother looked at Sean, who was sitting firmly in the chief position, and her heart became wary. Could all this be a conspiracy by the other party?

“I have something to say, please listen carefully.” Sean raised his hand to suppress the noisy voice.

He paused for a moment, considering his words, and then began to use words to rape the Wakandan people’s poor logic.

“As far as I know, you Wakandans have a special way of identifying what is true and what is false, and Killmonger previously sought international assistance, claiming that his father was persecuted and died in a power struggle.”

“There is a method in criminology called ‘backward reasoning’. If we want to know the truth of all this, let us take a look at the timeline.”

The Queen Mother of Wakanda gritted her teeth. She knew that letting Sean continue talking might lead to unpredictable consequences, but she was frightened by the opponent’s strength and had no choice but to swallow her words.

If this young man gives the order and General Ross leads the army to return to Wakanda, their fate may not be much better.

“More than twenty years ago, the young King T’Chaka succeeded to the throne and became the supreme ruler of Wakanda, and his younger brother, Prince N’Job, soon joined the ‘War Dogs’ and became an agent of the royal family, going to Life in the United States. It is said that this is a royal tradition in Wakanda. They have established a special agency similar to an intelligence center and sent a large number of spies and agents to various parts of the world to find out information and study the world situation.”

“There, N’job met a woman from Auckland. They fell in love with each other, got married, and gave birth to a child. According to the information collected by SHIELD, Prince N’job was a radical. He even participated in a march against racial discrimination and was a democratic fighter in the community. The police once arrested him and his wife on the spot for organizing illegal activities.”

“Twenty days later, N’Job was released, but his wife was still in prison. Later, the Prince of Wakanda had contact with a smuggler, who was Ulysses Klaue. On the one hand, In order to save his lover, and on the other hand to liberate thousands of oppressed black compatriots, Njobu betrayed his motherland and joined forces with Crowe to steal vibranium.”

Sean was like a judge sitting high in the court, his tone was serious and rigid, and he was meticulous, trying to reproduce the truth of the year before everyone’s eyes.

“Everyone must be aware of what happened next. Crowe’s plan to steal vibranium was exposed, and he detonated a bomb on the way to escape, causing over a hundred deaths and injuries to Wakandans. T’Chaka, who was still king at the time, found N’Jobu and asked him to take him with him. Return to Wakanda and accept the royal trial.”

“Of course N’Jobu didn’t want to leave his wife behind in prison. A conflict arose during the confrontation between the two. T’Chaka accidentally killed his own brother. Afterwards, he returned to Wakanda. In order to cover up the truth, he took N’Jobu’s life away. Prince Boo’s son remains in America.”

“It sounds like it all stemmed from a misunderstanding. Njobu betrayed the country, and T’Chaka killed his brother by mistake – but after sorting it out, we can find that this may not be the case.”

Sean changed the topic and looked at the high priest Zuri who bowed his head silently. “As we all know, only people with high moral integrity can hold the position of high priest of Wakanda.”

“As far as I know, High Priest Zuri is just a very inconspicuous figure in the Leopard Tribe. He joined the ‘War Dogs’ as an adult. His own abilities are mediocre and there is not much that stands out. He is such a person. After Ka returned to China, he defied all opinions and sent him to the position of high priest. Isn’t this questionable?”

“Taking a step back, after T’Chaka succeeded as king, he sent his brother to the other side of the ocean, far away from the center of power in Wakanda, and also secretly sent people to monitor him. Why is this?”

“There are too many strange things worth pondering in this past incident.” Sean paused and smiled: “The prince of Wakanda died tragically in an apartment, and the orphan of the royal family lives on the street. Behind this old incident is the distortion of power. ? Or moral turpitude?”

“High Priest Zuri, can you answer the questions in our hearts?”

Zuri, who was dripping with cold sweat, met Sean’s cold gaze, and his face turned gloomy for a moment. How could he expect that this outsider would dig up the dark history of that year like a cocoon.

ps: I’m afraid that if I say happiness, I’ll be accused of being uneducated, if I say health, I’ll be accused of following the trend, and even the cool Mid-Autumn Festival is beginning to be ruined, so I’m here to wish everyone a rich Mid-Autumn Festival~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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