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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 372 Trial by Combat

“Is all this true?”

T’Challa, who remained silent, suddenly stood up, his eyes seemed to be burning with fire. He looked at the high priest Zuri, and his dark young face actually showed a bit of the majesty of a king.

“Some truths are too heavy to bear, T’Challa.”

Zurui’s face was bitter. How could he imagine that this old story would one day be uncovered?

When he was sent by the old king to Prince Njobu to perform a surveillance mission, the other party had no idea about it and regarded him as a trustworthy and loyal friend. He never concealed anything except his origin.

It’s a pity that Zuri, as a member of the Leopard tribe, can only be loyal to the king. The old king who came to investigate the crime originally wanted to take Prince N’Jobu back to Wakanda and hand it over to the Wakanda royal family for trial. In the end, The most he could end up with was to be imprisoned in a dungeon. Who knew that there would be a conflict between the two parties, and the former accidentally killed his own brother.

If this incident spreads, it will definitely affect the authority of the royal family. The tribal elders will not be able to accept a king who killed his brothers. This will always become an indelible stain.

So the two people who returned to Wakanda tacitly chose to conceal the truth, keeping everything in the dust and pretending that nothing had happened.

“It’s not up to you to decide. We have the right to know the truth.”

T’Challa, who abides by his integrity, presses forward step by step. He wants to know what happened back then.

From this perspective, T’Challa, who succeeded the throne, was not suitable to be a king. He asked Zuri to tell the truth in front of everyone. No matter whether the outcome was good or bad, it was equivalent to making the royal family bear huge risks.

“I promise to keep the king’s secret.”

Zuri lowered his head. He had also been burdened with a heavy sense of guilt for many years. He would often think of Prince Njobu lying in a pool of blood, with those empty eyes staring at him, like a silent question.

“I am your king now!”

T’Challa roared angrily, and under his constant questioning, High Priest Zuri finally told the truth. Perhaps the details were somewhat different from Sean’s reasoning, but it was an established fact that the old king killed Prince Njobu.

There was a dead silence in the parliament hall, and the elders of each tribe had complicated expressions and different eyes. Who would have thought that the old king, who was famous for his kindness, had actually committed such a criminal act.

T’Challa’s eyes were blinded and he was hit hard. He wholeheartedly wanted to be a monarch like his father and be loved and supported by the people. Unfortunately, Zuri’s words shattered all the young king’s illusions.

Moreover, Sean’s malicious tirade made other people have more subtle associations. He sent his brother to the other side of the ocean and placed spies beside him. This series of methods made the accident seem like there was another hidden reason. .

The old king T’Chaka accidentally killed his brother, and now it looks more like a deliberate act. Originally, the high priest Zuri wanted to make a few excuses, but seeing everyone’s suspicious looks, he wisely chose to shut up.

“Now that the truth is out, we have to discuss the follow-up matters.”

There was a smile on Sean’s lips. The reason why he asked General Ross to withdraw his troops was simply because he did not want to give the World Security Council more excuses. Countries would not sit back and watch the United States occupy Wakanda and monopolize the vibranium resources.

Rather than letting the world’s major powers beat each other to pieces, it would be better to sit down and share the cake together. As for who will be the judge of the division of interests, of course it is you.

The NATO army is just an important chess piece used to open Wakanda’s country, and it is Killmonger who has royal blood.

A new king who can make no mistakes in legal principles and can make other tribes obey by default is undoubtedly an excellent target for support.

“First of all, Eric Stevens, the son of N’Job, follows the tradition of Wakanda and is indeed qualified to challenge the king. Secondly, the former king T’Chaka made a big mistake. As his son , the current King T’Challa’s qualification to inherit the throne has obviously been questioned.”

Sean spoke unhurriedly, and the tribal elders present did not dare to say anything. Even the Queen Mother of Wakanda and the royal family members could only swallow their anger.

The opponent has already occupied the rightful position, and it is useless to struggle any more. Now the only hope is that T’Challa can defeat Killmonger with his extraordinary bravery.

“It might as well be like this. Let’s let the grievances of the previous generation be resolved in this generation.” Sean suggested, “Use the traditional method of Wakanda and let both sides compete in a duel. The winner is king.”

Killmonger was excited and clenched his fists. He had been waiting for this day for too long. T’Chaka, the enemy who killed his father, was old and half-dead. Even if his revenge was successful, he would not feel any pleasure.

But T’Challa is different. Let the old leopard see his son die in his own hands, and fill the emptiness in his heart with the cries and wails of his enemies, which can further satisfy the ritual sense of revenge.

“I will kill you with my own hands under the eyes of everyone.”

Killmonger raised the corner of his mouth, not hiding the murderous intention in his heart.

He didn’t care about the young and strong T’Challa. Although the opponent had taken the heart-shaped herb, in Wakanda’s traditional duel, in order to ensure the fairness of the competition, the Black Panther’s power would be temporarily removed.

In this way, even though T’Challa is Wakanda’s most valiant and powerful warrior, Killmonger is not afraid at all. He fought hard on the battlefield in the Middle East, walked out of mountains of swords and seas of blood, and was even killed by others. Known as a murder dealer, it shows how terrifying his true strength is.

How can a royal nobleman who lives in a honeypot and has never experienced real fighting defeat a vicious cheetah hunting in the jungle?

“The challenge ceremony requires weeks of preparation!”

The royal family still refuses to give up and wants to fight for more opportunities for T’Challa.

The more time they are given, the greater the chance of T’Challa winning in the duel. What can a helpless outsider, even if he is really the son of Prince Njobu, do without the support of various tribes?

The Queen Mother of Wakanda looked at Sean. As long as she dealt with this young man and wanted T’Challa to win the duel, it would be easy.

Share a portion of the profits to the elders and leaders of each tribe, persuade them to continue supporting the royal family, and then let Killmonger “accidentally die” like his father. Who can say anything more?

This black woman, who was born into a noble family, has learned nothing else but intrigues and intrigues from her husband’s side. She has become better than her master.

“I don’t need that long! Just give me weapons and a King of Wakanda who dares to stand upright in front of me. That’s enough!”

T’Challa took the royal ring and held it tightly in his hand. He wanted to clear his father’s name and restore the majesty of the royal family.

Only by defeating the opponent openly in this battle can he secure his position as king.

“I accept the challenge.” T’Challa responded solemnly.

“Cherish every second now and every breath of air you breathe. I will send you down later to meet the Black Panthers of the past.”

Killmonger grinned, like a shark with open fangs, exuding a strong smell of blood.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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