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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 373 Regent

“That’s where the Black Panther’s power comes from.”

Sean was standing in a heart-shaped herb field that only the Wakanda royal family had the right to enter. It was surrounded by huge plants emitting blue-purple fluorescence. Inside the morning glory-shaped corolla, heart-shaped buds bloomed, which were quite delicate and beautiful.

As long as it is picked off, ground into liquid and swallowed, ordinary people can receive the blessing of the panther goddess Bastet, become infinitely strong and agile, and become the guardian of Wakanda – the Black Panther.

This medicinal herb field growing in an underground cave is the core secret of the Leopard Tribe. It has been guarded and cultivated by the Leopard Tribe people for generations. It was by relying on the power of the black panther that they obtained from it that they established the ruling authority of the royal family and gained the loyal obedience of the other tribes.

But all this will cease to exist with the new king’s accession to the throne.

“How does it feel?”

Sean looked at Killmonger crawling out of the red sand. He took the heart-shaped herb and after a brief mental slumber, he had gained extraordinary strength.

Every muscle on his muscular body seemed to be full of explosive power, comparable to the super soldiers created by Umbrella.

Unfortunately, this kind of heart-shaped herb that gives mortals power cannot be transplanted, cultivated or increased in production. They seem to rely on the growth and development of vibranium veins buried underground, making it difficult to promote it on a large scale.

“I have never had such a wonderful feeling…even better than taking drugs!”

Killmonger shouted excitedly after regaining consciousness.

A week ago, he defeated T’Challa in a duel. Just like in the original timeline, the young Black Panther, who was good at fighting and extremely brave, was no match for Killmonger, who had gone through mountains of swords, seas of blood, and life and death. .

In the final analysis, this is not a point-and-shoot martial arts competition, but a life-and-death fight. The two sides are not much different in strength and skills, but as a CIA agent and later joining the Ghost Force, Killmonger’s His fighting style is fierce and his momentum is fierce, and he easily takes the initiative in the battle.

The defeated T’Challa lost his throne as king. Killmonger, who was originally bent on revenge, wanted to kill the opponent in the battle, but was stopped by Sean.

It wasn’t that he was kind-hearted, that he was suddenly merciful and wanted to let the young black panther go, but simply to keep a rival for this ambitious golden leopard.

This is the same as boiling an eagle. You can’t let it be too full, otherwise it will flap its wings and fly away, and you can’t let it starve, otherwise it will bite its owner.

The Wakanda turmoil has almost come to an end with the end of the competition. The royal family has completely lost its right to rule. Both the vibranium veins and advanced technology have fallen into Killmonger’s hands.

Even if Princess Su Rui, who is in charge of this, wants to play some tricks, she can’t see them under Skynet’s surveillance, so she has to give up in despair.

However, Sean generously said that if the other party is willing, he can work at Umbrella or SHIELD. He will always welcome such scientific talents.

With the successful transfer of power, General Ross led the NATO troops to withdraw from Wakanda, and a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel began to move in, including the Brotherhood of Magneto and the Legion of Mutants.

There is no doubt that after the war, there is a feast of celebration.

Sean nicknamed it “A Dinner Party with Crows”, which means that the group of eager capitalists, conglomerates, and representatives from various countries are like scavengers.

And he is the divider of the cake. Those capitalists, financial groups, and even the five major countries represented by the World Security Council must follow their own rules.

As for Wakanda, it has become the largest exporter of vibranium in the world, giving priority to selling vibranium resources to the five major countries at very affordable prices.

In the foreseeable future, vibranium ore mined from the underground of Wakanda will be continuously transported to the world.

Umbrella handed over this incredibly profitable business to Ulysses Crow. This was Sean’s promise. In most cases, he was a man who kept his word.

According to the previous defeat treaty, members of the royal family will be expelled from the country and exiled abroad with their personal property. Without the approval of SHIELD or the World Security Council, they are not allowed to step into the border of Wakanda, otherwise they will be charged with illegal entry. Arrested on charges, no one cares about other unnecessary conditions.

With the wings of the royal family cut off, Killmonger can secure his position as king. All that remains is to form an army and get the gun in his hand.

“I feel very powerful, like I have endless power… Is this the Black Panther?”

Killmonger was overjoyed to become the king of Wakanda. After more than twenty years of hard life, he finally regained everything he deserved.

“It seems that the baptism of the Leopard Goddess made you very happy.” Sean’s eyelids drooped and he asked casually: “I heard that you killed Zuri?”

Killmonger was shocked, restrained his excessive joy, and said solemnly: “Mr. Sipos, that old guy is the murderer of my father just like T’Chaka!”

“It makes sense to avenge my father.”

Sean nodded, seeming to agree with this reason.

“But – did you ask me?”

As soon as the words fell, Killmonger felt extremely horrified. The next moment, a strong wind rushed towards him!

The new king of Wakanda seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer, flying into the air with a “bang”, and his whole body was deeply embedded in the hard wall of the underground cave.

If he hadn’t taken the heart-shaped herb and his physical fitness had improved several times, he would have been patted into a puddle of mud on the spot!

“Ahem…Mr. Sipers…”

Killmonger coughed several times and vomited out blood foam. He felt as if the bones in his body were shattered, and the heart-piercing pain rushed into his brain.

“Listen, I don’t care about the life of the high priest, but you have to put yourself in the right position.”

Sean walked slowly and slowly, and Killmonger struggled and fell from the wall, falling into the blue-purple field. The winner who was once so majestic in the martial arts tournament was now particularly embarrassed and humble.

“To be honest, you are just my puppet to control this country. You can enjoy countless wealth and noble status, but that’s it! Don’t have other ideas like your father.”

Sean lowered his head to look down at Killmonger lying in the dirt, and said in a gentle tone: “You are very ambitious and have strong execution ability. Usually I admire this kind of people very much, because they are born winners and can always try their best. Find a way to get what you want.”

“But you’d better know how to measure. I gave the heart-shaped herb to M’Baku of the ape tribe, and let go of the unwilling Black Panther T’Challa and the Wakanda royal family. To put it simply, I let you Understand your situation, no one is indispensable. If you were taken away, someone else would still be in this position.”

Killmonger was sweating coldly. He had indeed thought about using Wakanda’s powerful national power to liberate his black compatriots and lead the African continent to rise.

But after taking the throne, he realized that it was not that easy. Wakanda’s border troops were suppressed. Magneto led the Brotherhood to control the border defenses. At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. also began to station in Wakanda, led by the mutant army. The leading branch organization has initially taken over the mining of vibranium veins and the maintenance and operation of the technology system.

Killmonger only delivered an impassioned speech at the enthronement ceremony. The main content was to call on Wakanda to step out of its closed state, communicate with the outside world, and establish friendly and cooperative diplomatic relations.

After doing this, it is like a puppet on the table, with no more unnecessary functions. The elders and leaders of the various tribes, who had divided the power and wealth after the collapse of the royal family, wisely remained silent.

Compared to Wakanda being invaded and occupied, at least this silent erosion is more dignified.

“I understand…Your Majesty the Regent.”

Killmonger staggered up from the ground and changed to a more respectful title.

ps: I recommend a book called “The List of Victims of All Worlds”, in which the protagonist inspires to save the gunmen. Readers who like it can give it a try~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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