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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 376 Another cooperation

After leaving Karma Taj and dealing with Mephisto, Sean never actively contacted the Supreme Mage again. They reached a tacit understanding with each other.

Ancient One and the Temple Master turned a blind eye to his existence, while Sean acted as a variable in the future, triggering more possibilities. The two parties maintained a delicate balance and maintained a strange relationship of mutual cooperation and mutual vigilance.

“Long time no see, great Supreme Mage.”

Sean frowned. He had guessed that Ancient One would come to visit him again, maybe when he was dealing with SHIELD and Hydra, or when Thanos arrived.

But what was surprising was that it was only then that the Supreme Mage Shi Shiran appeared in front of him. Could it be that the Ancient One, who ignores worldly things and is aloof from the world, would also become interested in Wakanda’s vibranium veins?

Sean glanced at the other person. She was still wearing a dust-free snow-white robe, a shiny bald head, and a neutral face. Everything was as if she had first met her, as if time had frozen on her body.

“You often make me question whether I made the right choice, Sean Sipers.”

Ancient One spoke slowly. She was wearing the Eye of Agamodha, Kama Taj’s supreme artifact. She must have been prepared.

“I have never crossed the line.” Sean said seriously, sitting on the chair in the central control room.

The Temple Mage has always been the defense line of the material world and the guardian of the long river of time. Under the leadership of the previous Supreme Mage Agamoduo, they adhere to the principle and program of eliminating aliens and resisting darkness.

Compared to the jealous teacher, Gu Yi appears to be more tolerant. For example, when she first discovered Sean’s existence, after a rough fight with him, she felt that the cost of killing him was too high, so she simply acquiesced to this existence.

I want to create more variables for the huge disaster that will sweep across the universe in the future, and look forward to adding a glimmer of hope.

Therefore, Sean was able to openly enter Kama Taj to learn about magic, and even cooperated with Ancient One to solve the big problem of Mephisto.

If this were Agamottu instead, let alone anything else, he would come up with a slap in the face and not be able to beat him. These mages have very bad tempers, and they are no different from berserkers.

“You are indeed, as you said, establishing a new order in this world. This is something I admire very much.”

Gu Yi nodded in approval. What Sean had done had reduced the birth of chaos and crisis to a certain extent, and replaced it with a more stable order.

For example, taking away the Cosmic Cube, allowing the Chitauri army to choose Asgard as an outpost, preventing the Battle of New York from happening, or promoting the registration bill, taking the lead in proposing the supervision of superheroes, suppressing S.H.I.E.L.D., and eradicating Hydra, Preventing the subsequent Sokovia incident and the civil war that triggered chaotic hostility among superheroes…

Sitting behind the scenes, Sean spent the initial stage of primitive accumulation and devoted himself to expanding the territory, establishing order, and taking the entire world into his hands.

“But you have an element of adventure hidden in your bones. To attract Thanos here in advance is to walk a tightrope and bet on the billions of living beings on this planet!”

Gu Yi changed the topic, his eyes suddenly became sharp and his tone was aggressive.

“When Thanos led the Dark Order and the Chitauri army came, where were you, Master Supreme?”

Sean raised his eyebrows and asked with a playful look.

He is not Kama Taj’s thug. Every move must be supervised and corrected by the Supreme Mage. The reason why the two parties maintained a tacit understanding at that time was because Gu Yi believed that killing himself would be too costly and had other thoughts.

And he was unwilling to make an enemy of the most powerful mage in the world for no reason, and face the power of the Eye of Agamothar, so the two reached a subtle state of “non-zero-sum game”.

But today is different from the past. Sean holds three infinity stones and enters the void state, which is enough to defeat Thanos. Even Odin in Asgard is not afraid of him, let alone the supreme mage of Karma Taj. .

“At that time, there was a riot in the dark dimension. Casillas obtained the spell ritual to communicate with Dormammu from the Book of Darkness and became a Dark Familiar.”

Gu Yi frowned and his eyes dimmed slightly. Casillas was a genius, and his understanding and learning of magic was among the best in Karma Taj.

But the other party went to the extreme, was quietly bewitched by Dormammu, lost his mind, and became a fanatic in the dark dimension.

Dormammu deceived Casillas with illusory illusions, and the energy of the dark dimension eroded him. Not everyone can extract the dark dimension, maintain the immortal body, and maintain themselves like the Ancient One.

This requires a strong will and the ability to endure pain. Even Ancient One still felt exhausted during this long ordeal, longing for the successor of the Supreme Mage to appear so that he could be relieved of this heavy burden.

“During his contact with Dormammu, Casillas realized that dark whispers and crazy and chaotic murmurs can infect the will of mortals, causing them to lose their minds in extreme madness and also become fanatics.”

Ancient One sighed, seeming to feel regretful. If she could detect Dormammu’s insidious plan early, she might be able to save Casillas from triggering a series of subsequent twists and turns.

“With the development of Casillas, Dormammu’s minions are increasing, and a war is coming.”

“The Master Supreme must have been prepared for this. Stephen Strange, you have already found him.”

Sean’s eyes flickered. In the Insight Project, this famous genius doctor in New York was also on the monitoring list.

Not long ago, Dr. Stephen Strange was unfortunately involved in a car accident. He was lucky enough to save his life. He only relied on his steady hands to work, and he lost the possibility of performing surgeries.

For a surgeon, being unable to hold the scalpel firmly is a huge blow, which is tantamount to announcing the end of the entire career.

“If I’m not wrong, Casillas and Dormammu made you feel that the crisis was approaching, so you slightly changed the trajectory of Doctor Strange’s life.”

A hint of sarcasm emerged from the corner of Sean’s mouth, and he smiled and said: “Studying medicine can’t save the world, so changing your career to a magician is also a good choice. Right, Supreme Mage?”

“In the course of time, he is destined to enter Kama Taj and take over the position of Supreme Mage. This is an unchangeable fact.”

Gu is expressionless, she has indeed advanced Stephen Strange’s life course.

Under Sean’s actions, the timeline keeps changing, with some good and some bad, both mixed.

It is a good thing to reduce chaos, establish order, temporarily defeat Thanos and the Dark Order, unite Asgard, unite the nine realms, and resist the crisis.

At the same time, Casillas gets more room to grow and Dormammu has more minions of darkness to drive around, which is a bad thing.

“Then what can I do for you? There must be a reason for the great Supreme Mage’s sudden visit.” Sean asked aloud.

“I want to discuss another cooperation.” Gu Yi replied in a deep voice.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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