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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 377 Theory of Multiverse

Sean was a little surprised. Talking about cooperation was obviously not what he expected. From all aspects of possibility, he and Kama Taj’s Supreme Mage should not have this need.

The former is an ambitious man who attempts to control the world and dominate the future of mankind, while the latter is a great mage who guards the order of the earth and time and space. According to the popular conventions of comics or movies, they should be in different camps and have a hostile relationship with each other.

The first time they cooperated, neither of them wanted to overturn the table rashly. At that time, Sean did not have the power to fight against the Eye of Agamodha, and he was worried about the power of the Temple of the Supreme Mage. As for Ancient One, he also had his own plans, and both parties reluctantly Maintains a delicate balance.

But now, Sean has gained more bargaining chips. Karma Taj and the Temple Mage are not afraid. The time gem in the Eye of Agamothar is no longer a huge threat to him.

Cooperation refers to a joint method in which two parties with equal status cooperate with each other to achieve a common goal.

It is clear that this basis does not exist between them.

“Dormammu’s power is growing day by day. Strange needs time to grow. I want to use your power to deal with Casillas.”

Gu Yi did not beat around the bush and made the request straightforwardly.

She stared at Sean. This young man who was once considered insignificant among all living beings has now reached the top of the world.

In terms of pure personal power and extensive influence, he even surpassed the leaders of the big countries on the planet. The monopoly of capital and the collusion of interests gave birth to the terrifying monster Umbrella.

A scientific research institution that spans multiple fields and has huge influence. Behind the red and white umbrella logo, there are politicians, generals, capitalists…

These people firmly hold the upper-level power and dominate the direction of the country and the world, and Umbrella connects them together and accepts them as a part of it.

“With all due respect, it is very easy to wipe out Casillas and his minions with your power. There is no need for my help.”

Sean raised his eyebrows. The Supreme Mage who mastered the Eye of Agamodha was at least in the top five in this planet’s combat power rankings. Looking at the nine star regions, he was also an extremely powerful existence.

A single person stands outside the material world, punching Mephisto and kicking Dormammu, so that the demons in all dimensions dare not act rashly.

With such a dazzling record, even Sean must be given appropriate respect.

“You let Casillas go at first, maybe out of guilt, or to leave an opponent for Strange, but as the timeline continues to change, Casillas’s strength has grown beyond your expectations. With the ability of the Supreme Mage, it shouldn’t be a problem to clean up the mess.”

Sean leaned on the chair and kept a distance from Ancient Yi. The other person came wearing the Eye of Agamodha. Who knew what he had in mind.

The supreme artifact named after the previous supreme mage has the great power to manipulate the rules and reverse time. If you are not careful, you will be dragged into the time loop. Unless the caster removes the spell, you will be trapped forever. In the cage of the cycle.

If it weren’t for the support of three Infinity Stones, which were enough to resist the silent erosion of the Eye of Agamothar, Sean would definitely not want to see the Supreme Mage.

“Casillas has the protection of Dormammu. He can enter the dark dimension at any time and avoid my sight. And…I am already beyond my capabilities.” Ancient One said with a bitter smile.

She opened her palms, and a small and exquisite sandalwood folding fan appeared. This was the Supreme Mage’s favorite, a work of art from the East.

“Dormammu’s whispering and bewitching sounds are always ringing in my ears, extracting the energy of the dark dimension, causing me to suffer the consequences.”

Gu looked calm and shook his folding fan without any excuse or apology.

She whispered: “The deadline is approaching. I will use all my strength to fight against Dormammu’s crazy ravings. I really can’t get around to deal with Casillas.”

In his words, the Supreme Mage did not reveal the fear of death, but instead had a hint of relief.

“Actually, I would rather fight against Dormammu, the ruler of the dark dimension.”

Sean shrugged. Dormammu is a life form different from Thanos. He abandoned his own body and entered the dark dimension, condensing a huge and incomparable body, covering the infinite dimensions.

From this point of view, Dormammu, who is almost immortal and like a god, is in a sense stronger than the overlord of the universe.

Because of this, Dormammu is bound by the laws of the material world and can only move in the dark dimension. Like a dominant creature in the ocean, even though it can stir up huge waves and destroy ships, it cannot board land.

“The reward I can give is not much. You don’t need to think about the Eye of Agamodha. It is the sacred object of Kama Taj and can only be held by the supreme mage of each term. Besides… once the six gems are gathered, It’s enough to endanger the entire universe, which is something I don’t want to see.”

Gu Zheng spoke plainly, she shook the sandalwood folding fan, her pure eyes twinkled slightly.

“I can pay you with something you are more interested in.” The Supreme Mage seemed to have thought of something, and a smile appeared on his face, “For example… the secret of the multiverse.”

Sean’s heart was shaken and his eyes were solemn. The “multiverse” spoken from the ancient mouth seemed to have a strange magic power, attracting all his attention.

“Use your scientific explanation, the multiverse is a theoretically infinite or limited set of possible universes, including everything that exists and may exist: all space, time, matter, energy and the physics that describe them Laws and physical constants.”

Gu Yi immediately changed his style, like a lecturer who talked endlessly in class. As the most powerful mage on earth, he was full of scientific terms, which made Sean laugh a little.

“Thanks to the scientific discovery of modern quantum mechanics, some people have proposed the concept of ‘parallel universes’. As the Supreme Mage and the holder of the Eye of Agamodha, I often travel through time and space and glimpse fragments of the future. “

“Different choices will lead to variables in time, and eventually form similar but different parallel worlds. Just like in another world, I might be a old-fashioned old man with white hair…”

“Of course, this is not the focus of your attention, the next news is.”

Gu paused, and her expression turned serious. She looked at Sean who was listening carefully, “About a long time ago, I used the power of the Eye of Agamotto to travel along the long river of time and glimpse into the past. It’s easier than predicting the future.”

“I saw…perhaps it is more accurate to describe it as perception. They are existences of higher dimensions. They are beyond the imagination of life. They are ancient lives that were born at the beginning of the universe. They are just a moment of light and shadow, condensed into vague shapes. It exhausted the power of the Eye of Agamodha and almost destroyed my soul.”

“The moment the screen collapsed, I glimpsed a gorgeous galaxy, with endless light spots flickering, like familiar and unfamiliar worlds. Maybe it was a new… multiverse.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

After a while, Sean spoke up to break the silence.

It was rare that he could not hide his inner shock like this.

“You don’t belong to our world, but you are keen on chasing something. I think… maybe you are looking for the end of the universe, for example, another world.”

Gu Yi calmly answered that it was the first time she touched the essence behind the universe, and it was also the last time.

Whether there is another similar multiverse is a question that only life forms of higher dimensions can answer.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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