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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 379 Space-Based Strike

There were rumbles and vibrations below, and the violent explosions lifted up layers of rock and soil. The chaotic magnetic storm and the blazing heat turned the abandoned camp into a sea of ​​​​fire.

Magneto was floating in the air, thick smoke and flames condensing into a huge mushroom cloud, and his purple robe blew loudly in the strong air waves rising into the sky.

He did not take it lightly. This level of attack was not enough to kill the sentry. Although the sound under his feet was terrifying, like a doomsday natural disaster, at most it only caused a certain degree of damage to the opponent, far from fatal.

As his defeated general, Magneto is well aware of the Sentinel’s strength, physical fitness like a prehistoric beast, extremely fast healing ability, supersonic flying ability, and ability to control energy…

The opponent seemed to have no shortcomings, and it was impossible to find any flaws. The reason why it seemed that he had the upper hand and suppressed the sentry was just because he seized the opportunity and launched an offensive like crazy. Once the opponent strikes back, he will definitely use terrifying means as fast as thunder.

In the sea of ​​​​molten gold and iron, a figure separated from the heat wave. His feet shook, the atmosphere roared, and he rushed in front of Magneto almost instantly.

Those deep and dark eyes stared at this veteran strongman among the mutants, as if burning with cold flames, exuding a heart-stopping and forbidding aura.

“Are there any other tricks?”

A slightly deep voice reached Magneto’s ears, and the old man was shocked. The violent attack just now did not hurt the opponent at all? !

The sentry stretched out his palm, and the atmosphere trembled vaguely. Invisible fluctuations spread out, and a thunderous sound reverberated, like a series of gunpowder barrels exploding.

Magneto felt wary in his heart, and he tried to distance himself, but when he saw the Sentinel’s hand clenched into a fist, a simple movement was like a spark igniting the fuse, and violent explosions roared continuously!

The dense magnetic field lines instantly collapsed, and the extremely strong electromagnetic field immediately collapsed!

The strong wind blew, and Magneto almost gasped, as if a huge mountain was pressing on him, and the huge sense of danger was suffocating.

He quickly condensed layers of magnetic shields and quickly withdrew from the sentinel’s attack range. His mind went deep into the earth’s magnetic field, struggling to move his power.

Magneto suddenly remembered the past. At that time, he and his old friend Charles were very young. He was not proficient in mastering his natural abilities and relied solely on anger.

Until he met Charles, he learned to use his inner emotions as a supporting force, which made his control even higher.

The feeling of touching the earth’s core magnetic field was like when he was young and struggled to move the heavy signal tower. Even if he tried his best, he could not move even half an inch.

The people watching the battle in the distance suddenly felt the earth shaking and the mountains shaking. They quickly retreated further away.

John and the others were dumbfounded, only to see the earth gradually rise, and the materials containing metal ores pulled the mud and gravel one after another, as if they had lost gravity, and huge rock formations rose up from the ground and flew high into the sky.

Sean, who was in mid-air, was a little surprised. Magneto had taken a step further in macroscopic control, vaguely touching the huge and incomparable magnetic field in the center of the earth. The entire valley was wailing, as if the sky was falling apart.

“He is indeed a showman.” Sean chuckled.

Compared to his old friend Charles, Magneto has always been a decent man who pays attention to pomp and circumstance. He moved across the Golden Gate Bridge, moved an entire football field, controlled a submarine, demolished buildings in Manhattan… His glorious history abounds.

Golden flames spurted out, and the air flow oscillated under the feet. The thick energy beams passed across, like hot knives, cutting open and smashing the huge rock formations that hit the face.

However, Magneto did not give up. He opened his hands, and the vibrating energy he had prepared in advance melted, condensing into steel spears.

Sean frowned slightly. He saw hundreds of vibranium spears shooting towards the sky, and in the blink of an eye they turned into a black dot invisible to the naked eye and disappeared into the atmospheric clouds.

After thinking carefully for a second, Sean understood what Magneto was going to do. This veteran strongman among mutants had tried every means to increase his lethality.

At first, electromagnetic rail guns were used as reference, and now even space-based weapons have been developed.

In less than two minutes, in the vast blue sky, sharp vibranium spears suddenly fell from the clouds, rubbing out large balls of snowy fire, like bright balls of light, heading straight towards The sentry fell.

Sweat broke out on Magneto’s forehead. During the rapid fall, he had to constantly adjust the direction of the vibranium spear to hit the final target, which required extremely strong control.

If it were his previous self, he would definitely not be able to do this. However, as he encountered rare setbacks in his life, he began to gradually understand his own talents in order to master them more deeply.

The silver-white vibranium spear carried strong firelight, trailing a long white trajectory and shooting down from the high altitude. The piercing scream tore through the atmosphere, and the sharp cone was aimed at the sentinel’s figure.

Boom boom boom boom boom——

Sean’s figure swayed, and in a series of fierce muffled sounds, the sharp spears cut through the extremely hard surface rock formations like piercing paper.

The vibranium spear carried terrifying kinetic energy and lifted up the exposed rock formations on the surface. The violent energy expanded and exploded, affecting an extremely wide range, causing the mutant legion and brotherhood, which served as cordons and spectators, to retreat again. .

Large swaths of rock were crushed into dust, and red magma spewed out from the cracks under pressure, flooding the devastated and broken earth.

The high-temperature baked air produces ionization, and a strong burnt smell wafts out. The shock wave spreads in all directions, tearing the rolled up gravel, soil, and metal fragments into finer dust, which is surging and rising in the tornado.

The various tribes in the far distance felt the aftermath of this battle, and the elder leader who learned the truth looked pale and trembling. The Black Panther, the guardian of Wakanda, became insignificant in the face of this destructive power comparable to the power of God.

Magneto, who was floating in the air, was breathing heavily. He had exhausted all means. Even the thick-skinned Hulk had to shed a layer of skin after repeated fierce attacks.

The smoke was blown away by the hurricane, and the sentry stood on the ground, holding a sharp vibranium spear in his hand. He glanced at Magneto and waved his arm gently.

The atmosphere exploded like thunder on the ground, and Magneto looked horrified. The re-condensed magnetic lines intertwined rapidly, forming a strong electromagnetic field with astonishing defensive power.

The vibranium spear collided with the strong electromagnetic field, and huge energy exploded from the point of contact. The rolling clouds seemed to be still for a moment, and the violent airflow also stagnated.

Suddenly, the heaven and earth shook, and a dazzling light illuminated the entire sky!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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