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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 38 Fierce Battle

In the Hellfire Club, the punisher who issued the threat calmly leaned on the sofa. The bottle of whiskey on the table had reached the bottom, the cigar box was also opened. The Browning automatic pistol was placed on the right hand side, and its owner Smoking and enjoying authentic Cuban cigars.

“You damn rich people!” Even after drinking other people’s wine and smoking high-end cigars, Frank still cursed without changing his expression.

Wesley pretended not to hear, not daring to show the slightest anger. If he offended the other party, he might not be able to wait until the boss came over.

“Your boss sounds very young. How did he kill Kingpin? Set up a trap, or used heavy firepower?” The Punisher seemed to be relaxed. In fact, if Wesley did anything unusual, he would be able to kill him. Within two seconds, shoot the opponent’s head.

“Mr. Punisher, I really don’t know much about my boss. He doesn’t want to show up in person, so he supports me as his agent to handle various matters for him.”

Wesley smiled bitterly. He knew that the young boss didn’t trust him, and the other party didn’t care about loyalty. After all, as long as you pay enough chips, people’s beliefs can change at any time.

“He seems to be a cautious guy.” The Punisher asked no more questions. He was just a little curious about the person who killed Jin Bin.

When did such a mysterious guy appear in Hell’s Kitchen again? He was able to get rid of Kingpin and Bullseye, and supported the puppets to accept each other’s property. After a series of actions, it didn’t cause the slightest ripples, which surprised Frank.

Wesley lowered his head slightly. In fact, he knew the identity of the young boss, but he just chose to hide it. When one’s life is threatened, telling some insignificant information is forgivable, but if important information is leaked, it is undoubtedly a complete betrayal.

The Punisher is certainly scary, but his boss is not a kind person to talk to. Kingpin, who once dominated Hell’s Kitchen, fell easily, and Wesley didn’t dare to have any thoughts of rebellion.

As time passed by, the Punisher’s eyes gradually became cold. He always kept his word. If Wesley’s boss did not arrive within half an hour, then the other party would probably lose only one capable subordinate. .

The pointer was about to move to twelve o’clock. Suddenly, the lights in the private box went out, and the entire space fell into darkness. The Punisher immediately grasped the pistol, and his burly body turned directly over the sofa to find a suitable bunker. .

The fighting instincts he had trained for many years made him always vigilant. Since the mysterious guy hiding behind the scenes could quickly swallow up all the property left behind by King Bin after killing him, it was enough to prove that he was not simple-minded.

Therefore, the Punisher did not expect that the opponent would really come over alone. He had already made plans to deal with a group of gunmen and thugs, and had also planned an evacuation plan. Once he discovered that there were many enemies, he would immediately look for opportunities. escape.

As a retired Marine, the Punisher doesn’t think there is anything shameful in this. When he discovers that the enemy is powerful, he still rushes forward regardless. That is not called bravery, but stupidity!

He is not a brash man with a brain full of muscles. On the contrary, in his burly body, there is a brain that can think calmly under any circumstances.

The Hellfire Club was dark, as if someone had cut off the power supply. In the silent environment, the sound of “tap-tat” footsteps seemed particularly clear. The door to the private box was pushed open, and in the dark space with extremely low visibility, the Punisher raised the Browning automatic pistol in his hand. With a loud noise, firelight splashed, and bullets poured out.

The person who pushed the door seemed to have expected it. He quickly stepped aside and disappeared like a ghost. The bullets missed and all hit the door frame, carving out a series of dense holes.

The Punisher threw away the pistol with an empty magazine, took out the tactical dagger from his waist, and hunched over slightly, like a ferocious wild wolf waiting for an opportunity.

A fierce gust of wind swept over his head. The Punisher quickly lowered his head to avoid the powerful and heavy whip leg. The sharp dagger drew a sharp blade from bottom to top. The opponent was obviously not a rookie, so he held his hand sideways. Holding the dagger’s arm, his hands were like a noose, seizing the punisher’s weapon!

“So much strength…”

His arms were slightly numb, and the Punisher couldn’t help but be surprised. His opponent was not tall and strong, but when they fought just now, his opponent used his strength to overwhelm him and directly removed the weapon in his hand.

The Punisher, who had lost his combat dagger, suddenly closed the distance, raised his fist and punched the opponent in the face. It was obvious that he planned to adopt the tactics of close combat. He punched very fast, giving no time to react at all, as if to Use this storm-like attack to knock your opponent to the ground!

The man who broke in was not to be outdone at all. After blocking a heavy punch that hit his chest, he kept moving and quickly parried the attacks with his hands. Like an indestructible rock, he withstood the punishment head-on. Or a ferocious and violent crazy attack.

The two sides were completely like two humanoid fighting machines, punching like the wind, working tirelessly, abandoning all cumbersome fighting techniques, and engaging in fierce fighting without any tricks!

Wesley, who was leaning on the sofa and did not dare to move at all. After witnessing the battle scene between the two people, he could only hide aside and tremble. At the same time, he sighed secretly in his heart, are these still human beings? ?

“Fall down!”

In the spacious private box, a loud shout suddenly broke out. During the violent and frequent collisions between the two sides, the Punisher finally seized the opportunity. Like a tiger descending a mountain, he pressed forward with a fierce and unrivaled momentum, and his right hand was like a giant. The ax struck down, and the fierce wind that hit his face left no doubt that even hard rocks could be broken in one blow!

“Weakness limits your imagination…”

Vaguely, the Punisher seemed to hear a low laugh, and a huge sense of danger came over his heart. The opponent he had been fighting with just now suddenly seemed to have transformed into a terrifying giant beast, with a surging momentum. If there is a wave, it seems that it will swallow him up in the next moment!

The fatal blow that gathered all the strength of his body hit the opponent’s arm hard, and a clear cracking sound was heard. The punisher felt as if he had hit a hard steel plate, and the huge rebound force directly broke the bones of his hand.

The opponent was unforgiving, his tall and tall body was like a mountain peak, and he hit him at a very fast speed. The Punisher’s 200-pound heavy body flew up into the air like a cannonball, and fell behind him. There was a dull thud on the wall.

With a gentle snap of his fingers, the lights in the private box turned on again, and Sean stood in the center of the mess, surrounded by broken tables and chairs, flying wood chips, and scattered glass shards.

“It’s just a few broken bones. For you, this should be a common occurrence.”

Looking at the Punisher who couldn’t get up after struggling several times, Sean said in a relaxed tone. He was in a happy mood after completing a score-raising operation, so he didn’t intend to let this street hero who showed no mercy to criminals pay compensation. The club’s losses were incurred.

There was no suspense about this battle from the beginning. Even though the Punisher, who retired from the Marine Corps, has been rigorously trained, he is familiar with special operations tactics such as individual soldiers and teams, and is proficient in combat, fighting, shooting, underwater operations, forced confessions, and intelligence. Collection and other skills, but he still can’t escape the human realm.

Against myself, whose strength, speed, and nerve reflexes are far superior to those of humans, it is equivalent to a low-level novice with a whiteboard. When encountering an advanced player in a magical outfit, even breaking through the defense is a problem.

A non-human with the power to penetrate steel plates and the speed to catch up with a car, the Punisher will never be his opponent no matter how hard he trains. The threats that can pose to Sean now are the mutants who control supernatural powers, the alien gods of Asgard, and the alien beings who are born with powerful powers.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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