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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 380 Why are you coming?

The roar gradually dissipated, and Magneto, who was floating in the air, returned to the ground. His majestic and luxurious purple robes were in tatters and covered with charred traces. His white hair was messy, like a bird’s nest. His aging body was as powerful as The tide goes out.

His face was slumped and slightly exhausted, and his steps were a little unsteady when he landed. The extremely fierce confrontation between the two sides seemed earth-shattering and powerful, but in fact it was just a unilateral attack by the Sentinel. The Sentinel did not take any action from the beginning to the end.

That vibranium spear that tore apart the atmosphere penetrated the strong electromagnetic field with overwhelming power, and could completely blast Magneto into powder. However, Sean deliberately retained his power and did not give a fatal blow.

Magneto knew this very well, so he took the initiative to end this terrifying battle.

“This is no longer our time.”

The old man sighed. Through this challenge, he clearly saw the gap between the two. Unless his magnetic talent could be broken through again, it would be difficult to catch up with the sentinel walking in front.

Sean walked out of the smoke and dust on the muddy ground, ignoring Magneto who was filled with emotion, and left the ruins of the dilapidated camp.

The giant wheel of the world is always rolling forward, and no one can always stand at the top of the trend of the times. This is true for mutants, and the same is true for superheroes.

He will return to North America soon. Since he promised Ancient One to deal with Casillas, who is developing a cult, he will naturally fulfill his promise.

Things in Wakanda are almost settled. The new king Killmonger may have different intentions. After all, this golden leopard is an ambitious man and will not be willing to be a puppet for a long time. However, under the supervision of the mutant army and Magneto, , dare not act rashly for the time being.

That massive military strike came to an end, and the Bald Eagle looked embarrassed, but actually gained a lot. As an important member of the World Security Council, the United States obtained an extremely low import price of vibranium, and General Ross’s glorious resume was once again Add a touch.

The interest groups, plutocratic forces, and giants who are qualified to participate in the feast have all received satisfactory returns, and everyone has gained something. The increasingly acute conflicts in the country and the plummeting oil market caused by the promotion of new energy have become victims of the new world structure. Energy groups and heavy industry giants have begun to seek transformation.

As a part of formulating the rules of the game, Umbrella started a crazy acquisition. Through different sub-industries under its name, it merged with many large-scale enterprises that were once prosperous, once again improved its own industrial chain, and became a global leader in multiple fields. giant.

There are some eager capital groups who are unwilling to become a stepping stone for Umbrella’s growth and development. They want to make a fuss about the anti-monopoly bill. Unfortunately, they have repeatedly hit the wall and failed. The Anti-Monopoly Investigation Bureau, which is usually selfless, finally They like to launch antitrust investigations against large consortiums. Google and Microsoft have received fines and notices.

However, when they came to Umbrella, the Antitrust Investigation Bureau was vague and perfunctory. They soon realized that in this country where the will of capital is the main body, the voice they could make was pitifully small.

The next morning, Sean boarded the private jet and saw Wanda, who had arrived in North America from Sokovia. She wore a black women’s suit jacket and a white shirt, a simple and plain combination on the red-haired girl. But it has a different charm.

She sat in her seat holding a pile of documents, spinning the pen in her hand, her fresh face with a mature temperament was full of distress, and she was mumbling to herself.

“Mr. Harry Osborne’s invitation…well, according to Ms. Raven, this should be at the top of the schedule…and Miss Johnson-Scarlett’s call, an unknown woman, an invitation to dinner, no Important! Leave it behind…”

“Miss Mindy’s graduation ceremony… this should be attended and listed as an important event… Betty and Miss Gwen’s carnival night? What kind of project is this? The note is ‘monthly event’…”

Wanda frowned, with a sullen look in her eyes. According to the schedule arranged by Ms. Raven, the guy’s daily entertainment and important events that needed to be dealt with could almost pile up into a mountain.

Even so, there are actually many “social activities” with different women on the fully scheduled schedule, from Miss Gwen, an employee of Umbrella, to the beloved daughter of the general of the Ministry of Defense, who lives in the apartment next door. Female neighbor…the list goes on and on.

Wanda felt an inexplicable feeling of annoyance and whispered: “You can spend all your time chasing women while eating and sleeping… and you won’t be afraid of sudden death from overwork!”

“Are you caring about me, or are you cursing me?” A joking voice sounded from behind.

Wanda turned around in panic and was a little stunned for a moment when she saw that young face that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

“Don’t recognize me?”

Sean sat opposite Wanda with a relaxed smile.

Seeing the red-haired girl’s dazed look, he couldn’t help but reach out his hand and gently caress her delicate face.

Perhaps frightened by this abrupt action, Wanda stepped back subconsciously, stood up in a hurry and bumped into the flight attendant walking behind. While apologizing repeatedly, she knocked over a pile of documents stacked on the table.

“Sorry, if you felt I was offended just now, then I apologize.”

Sean looked at Wanda who was in a hurry and couldn’t help but laugh or cry. Obviously, he was not so courageous before.

“You should apologize to me…and Pietro!”

After packing up the documents, Wanda raised her eyebrows and said seriously.

“You left without even saying goodbye! And you also lied to us, saying that you were a scholar at the State University of New York…Pietro was right, rich people are full of lies!”

Wanda was furious and turned her head away from Sean. In her poor imagination, she picked up a homeless man with amnesia on the street one day, and found out that the other person’s true identity was a young rich man from the United States, a well-known genius. You can even see the president at any time. This bizarre scene only appears in movies.

Every girl loves the story of Cinderella and Prince Charming, but no one ever takes it seriously.

“This is different from what I thought…”

Wanda leaned her head against the porthole and said in a frustrated tone.

In her world, the most powerful person this girl who grew up in Sokovia could come into contact with was probably the police chief who had jurisdiction over that neighborhood.

The string of titles and dazzling halos hanging on Sean made Wanda feel flustered. The young man sitting in front of her was like an unreal bubble that burst at the first prick.

“Please give me a chance to explain, Wanda.” A sincere smile appeared on Sean’s face, “I did study at the State University of New York, and my name is Sean Sipers. In a sense, as you know The news is all true.”

“Of course, it was my fault for leaving without saying goodbye, and I want to apologize to you and Pietro for that.”

Sean noticed the girl’s loose eyes, his voice quietly became deeper, and his restrained emotions flowed out slowly like water: “No matter who I am, the time in Sokovia was probably the most relaxing time for me. Those days… I miss it very much. I miss walking on Fourth Street with you, picking things up at the flea market, and teasing the stingy boss… This is one of my most precious memories.”

Wanda glanced at Sean who seemed to be showing her true feelings, turned her head away with a groan, and answered after a while: “Pietro is very angry, you should say these things to him.”

Sean smiled and said nothing, while the stubborn Wanda buried her head in a pile of documents. Occasionally she raised her head to meet the other person’s soft gaze, like a spoon stirring coffee, which made her uneasy.

“You’re interfering with my work.”

Wanda said righteously.

“I’m the boss you work for.”

Sean shrugged and replied in a teasing tone.

The two stared at each other, and finally Wanda lay down, put her head on the table, and said in frustration: “I should have known I shouldn’t have come here, Sokovia is my hometown.”

Sean leaned forward, stared at the red-haired girl with complicated mood, and asked softly: “Then why did you come?”

The atmosphere fell into silence again, Wanda shook her head and said nothing.

She didn’t know why she left Sokovia and came to another prosperous and strange new world.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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