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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 381 Ultron is online

On the way back, Wanda didn’t show any obvious emotions anymore. She occasionally chatted with Sean for a few words, mostly about work matters, and she adopted a formulaic and serious tone.

Sean could probably guess the complicated thoughts of the red-haired girl, and he was willing to cooperate. He no longer took the initiative to tease Wanda, but instead immersed himself in reading the heavy documents piled up like a hill.

The relationship between men and women is sometimes like a war, and the tactics to be adopted generally depend on the situation.

Wanda’s introverted and sensitive character is obviously not suitable for blitzkrieg. The right way is to figure it out slowly and advance slowly.

“Bobby has definitely matured a lot.”

After flipping through the documents, Sean nodded to himself.

Previously, a new team suddenly emerged in the mutant camp in North America. Its members were all young people. They neither relied on Charles’ academy nor chose to rely on Magneto’s brotherhood. At the same time, they also rejected the government. Registration Act implemented.

This group of lonely new forces gradually grew in the North American continent, attracting many young mutants with rebellious characters in their hearts. They had not experienced the dark ages of the older generation, and did not know how to be wanted by the government and arrested by the military, and became The cruelty and horror of living specimens on the operating table.

After Magneto left the African continent, some young mutants with radical ideas were unwilling to take refuge with the moderates led by Professor Charles, believing that this was an act of cowardice and tantamount to surrendering to humanity.

Later, someone put forward the slogan of giftedness, which quickly spread. A few young mutants with good abilities climbed up and shouted, which naturally attracted a lot of responders. Later, they caused many crimes in North America. Things, files were passed to SHIELD headquarters.

Currently, the relationship between the government and mutants is in the honeymoon period. Thanks to Sean’s promotion, public opinion from all walks of life, and the general trend of anti-discrimination, they are getting along quite happily with each other.

With the exposure of Asgard and the public appearance of S.H.I.E.L.D., the world is no longer resistant to the “new humans”. They have gradually adapted to the ever-changing era and accepted the existence of mutants and superpowers.

S.H.I.E.L.D. also has a vague attitude towards these middle-aged teenagers who cannot see the cruel reality. On the one hand, they are afraid of causing a big fuss and arousing protests and resistance from mutants; on the other hand, if they continue to sit idly by, it may lead to Second Brotherhood.

Not long ago, Zemo asked Sean for instructions on this issue. His answer at the time was, “Of course, let them solve the mutant issue themselves.” Then he sent Iceman Bobby.

The big boy who was once introverted finally showed his leadership qualities after a long period of training and training. A series of methods were used to get rid of this group of young mutants who claimed to be “gifted”.

Differentiation, wooing, and defeating one by one…these methods learned from Sean were applied to his compatriots one by one, and the results were remarkable.

In the final analysis, they are just a group of young people, relying on short-term passion to get together. After a little bit of ups and downs, it will be difficult to maintain.

Bobby first exerted pressure through the government, and then installed a few mutants to win over some moderates and deliberately create conflicts. Soon the team was self-defeating.

We can see some shadows of Sean in both Burning John and Iceman Bobby. The former’s ambition and the latter’s decision-making are vaguely similar to him.

“I asked SHIELD to search for Casillas around the world. Did they find any trace of them?”

Sean looked up and asked, and happened to see Wanda holding her chin with one hand, staring at him in a daze.

“Not yet… They mostly appear in Eastern Europe, but it’s hard to find the specific location.”

Wanda quickly withdrew her gaze and looked at the scattered clouds outside the porthole.

Sean smiled faintly as he flipped through information about another Omega-level mutant, David Charles Haller, a patient with extremely severe multiple personality disorder who was temporarily imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital in Los Angeles.

According to the danger level marked by SHIELD, this person’s natural abilities are extremely uncontrollable and should be destroyed if necessary!

“Magneto’s daughter, professor’s son…”

The corner of Sean’s lips curled up. Lorna Dane, codenamed “Polaris”, has been brought back to S.H.I.E.L.D. by Iceman. Now, what should we do with David, codenamed “Swarm”?

Maybe it’s time to talk to the professor. He thought so.


Stark Industries, a high-spirited Tony stood in front of the mirror. For him, today is a big day.

There is great hope that the Ultron program, which has consumed countless efforts, will be officially launched in half an hour, connecting to the Internet and landing globally in the form of an intelligent operating system.

Each user’s information will become a large amount of data, loaded into the complete framework that has already been installed, and become the nutrients that Ultron absorbs, constantly learning, improving, supplementing the algorithm, and evolving.

In the information age, as long as we master everyone’s data and conduct analysis and prediction, we can build an extremely accurate personal model.

Tony believes that Ultron can evolve into a prophet, a globally networked supercomputer that can mobilize massive computing resources, and the “chaos” computing method he and Reed have developed to simulate the real world can completely make it possible. Ultron has unprecedented predictive capabilities.

Continuously enlarge personal models to build future models of the world to simulate reality and predict crises.

As long as Ultron collects information and data for a longer period of time, sooner or later it will evolve into the “ultimate wisdom” of mankind.

Tony was extremely convinced of this.

Therefore, after completing the framework construction, he couldn’t wait for Ultron to be officially launched online and landed around the world.

“You should tell Sean.”

Pepper was adjusting Tony’s bow tie. Stark Industries wanted to announce this big news to the world, but did not disclose it to SHIELD and the World Security Council in advance. This would inevitably cause misunderstandings.

Ultron is not a simple intelligent operating system. It contains the brainchild of two world-class geniuses. No one knows what it will eventually evolve into.

“Sean will understand me. If the World Security Council knows the true role of Ultron, they will never allow it to exist!”

Tony frowned. To a certain extent, the official launch of the Ultron program was an invasion of the world’s privacy rights.

No country, including any individual, will accept this kind of protection that amounts to surveillance, even if it is well-intentioned.

“Geniuses must always be one or two steps ahead of this era. Abandoning those boring and empty legal provisions, Ultron can become the future of mankind!”

Tony’s tone was excited. He looked at Pepper, who had a worried look on his face, and his voice became much louder unconsciously, “Ultron only needs to take three steps to hold the future in his hands – from ‘it’ to ‘him’, Finally evolved into ‘He’.”

“Information and data can be modeled through chaos algorithms to outline the future, avoid upcoming disasters, and stifle future crises… A peaceful world, this is my ultimate dream!”

Tony took a deep breath. There was a hint of fanaticism in this genius’s eyes. After experiencing a series of things, he had already understood a truth.

Human beings are fragile and humble, and their bad traits deeply rooted in their genes make them always harming themselves.

But Ultron is able to protect them and create a truly peaceful world.

“Tony Stark can still be a hero even if he’s not Iron Man.”

With uncontrollable excitement, Tony pushed open the door and went to greet the long-awaited media reporters outside.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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