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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 382 Goodbye Professor

“Stark Industries crosses borders again! A new generation of intelligent operating systems!”

“Ultron opens a new era of the Internet!”

“Is the era of artificial intelligence coming?”

The extremely gimmick headlines spread all over the Internet in an instant, and the North American continent was stunned by this blockbuster news. It was personally developed by two of the world’s top geniuses, Tony Stark and Reed Richards. The intelligent operating system was officially logged in and put into use today.

After the new energy project, Tony Stark sets his sights on the Internet again?

This news made it difficult for many outsiders to understand, and no one could guess what the purpose of the new Stark was.

Stark Industries made a big splash this time, inviting hundreds of well-known media and major TV stations. The cost of publicity and operation alone is unimaginably high.

However, the effect of this kind of wealthy and wealthy behavior was immediate. The whole world was discussing the news. Suddenly, Stark Industries was at the forefront again and became a hot topic.

Because it is open to the public and free of charge for the world, the number of users has soared exponentially as soon as the Ultron program was put on the market.

The Ultron program launched by Stark Industries is not only a computer operating system, it can also be installed on various smart terminal devices and has an extremely wide range of uses, from office civilians to bank alarms, camera surveillance systems, etc., penetrating In daily life, it is almost everywhere.

In this era of big data, once it is fully promoted, it will be enough to become a global monopoly. If it weren’t for Stark’s strong industrial background, Tony might not be able to successfully launch the Ultron program and land it globally.

Sean, who was sitting on the private jet, saw Stark, who was full of confidence at the press conference, with a faint smile on his lips.

The Ultron program that has landed around the world will become the key to another upgrade of Skynet.

Whether it is the chaos algorithm developed with great concentration by Tony and Reed, or the external framework and core data of Ultron, all of them have left Skynet’s backdoor.

In a sense, Ultron, like the Red Queen, has been completely reduced to Skynet’s trumpet.

“Thank you, Tony.”

Sean said silently, but Wanda, who was sitting opposite, stared. The Maximoff siblings did not have any good impression of Stark.

Their childhood nightmare was caused by Stark, and it still haunts Pietro and Wanda, like a lingering shadow hanging over their hearts.

“Well, actually I’m not familiar with him.” Sean closed the laptop and betrayed Tony without hesitation. “After all, if we can be considered friends after meeting a few times and discussing cooperation a few times, then don’t I have friends all over the world?”

Wanda pouted and didn’t say much. The plane flying above the clouds shook and began to lower its altitude. The buildings crawling on the ground became increasingly clear.

Two hours later, after enjoying a sumptuous dinner, Sean drove to Westchester. Everything in the suburban manor was as before.

Now everyone around the world knows that there is a famous mutant academy in Westchester, which specializes in taking in homeless mutant children. It is said that this special education institution certified by the World Security Council has a long history, which can be traced back to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Sean stepped out of the black car and stood in front of the open iron door. On the wall covered with green vines, there was a rusty nameplate. The words “Xavier Youth Talent Academy” could be vaguely seen, and next to it was About the origins and deeds of mutants.

That is the story of the first generation of X-Men, including Sebastian Shaw, young Professor Charles and Magneto. During this period of history, the older generation of characters are actively looking for more compatriots to make the world Avoid nuclear war and return to the track of peace from the brink of destruction.

“This is my proposal, written by Hank himself. The new generation of young people should always know that the peace and status they have are achieved through the efforts of those people.”

Qin, who was wearing a fiery red dress, pushed Professor Charles in a wheelchair and stood quietly at the door, as if to welcome Sean’s arrival.

She is now the dean of teaching at this college, and the teaching tasks are left to Storm Girl Ororo. She occasionally comes over to accompany the aging bald old man.

Looking past the open door, Sean saw old retro white buildings sitting on the vast lawn. The most eye-catching one was an X-shaped bronze statue that looked like a slanted cross. This is the totem of mutants. and symbol.

It is precisely because they possess the X gene in their bodies that they gradually come together and use their unique talents to form a new race.

“Sean, long time no see.”

Qin quietly left with Wanda, who played the role of secretary, leaving space for the two people, one old and one young.

“Professor, your old friend is doing well in Africa.”

Sean pushed his wheelchair and walked along the lake, finally stopping under the shade trees.

“He secretly controlled the Kenyan government, occupied Wakanda’s border tribes, used the vibranium resources he obtained to accumulate capital, and basically got rid of Umbrella’s supply.”

Sean’s eyes flickered and he said softly: “For mutants, this should be a good thing.”

“Eric, he finally found his way.”

The professor was quite relieved that mutants no longer had to attack each other because of their different stances, which made him feel relieved.

He and Magneto used to be friends who fought side by side, the most trusted partners. If they really had to fight to the death, no one would feel comfortable.

“When you came to see me today, you probably didn’t just talk about Eric.”

“In SHIELD’s files, a young man named David Haller recently appeared. After being determined, he is a mutant with Omega-level potential.”

Sean’s words shocked Professor Charles. Omega-level mutants are the beings at the pinnacle of racial strength.

It’s like Qin, who has not yet fully integrated the Phoenix Power, may not be able to withstand it once the firepower is fully unleashed, even if she and Magneto join forces.

There are currently not many known mutants with Omega-level potential, the only ones being Jean Gray and Iceman Bobby.

“According to our investigation, David’s father should also be a mutant with the ability to control the mind. He was raised by adoptive parents.”

Sean looked at Professor Charles who seemed to realize something, with a smile on his lips.

The professors in his youth were not like they are now. At that time, Charles was handsome, rich, and knowledgeable. He was like an elite member of the upper class and was very popular with girls.

“When David was ten years old, he always had auditory hallucinations and hallucinations, and later even became irritable and restless. His adoptive parents thought he had paranoid schizophrenia and arranged for him to see a psychiatrist, but this did not improve anything.”

“With no choice but to show violent tendencies, David was sent to a mental hospital in Los Angeles. Until a week ago, he committed a murder, killing a girl named Lenny and injuring several caregivers.”

Sean put his hands on the professor’s shoulders and whispered, “Obviously, he needs treatment.”

The bald old man frowned. He could hear what Sean was implying. Before meeting his lover Maura, he had met a woman in the Haifa area of ​​Israel.

Perhaps because his memory was too long, Charles couldn’t remember the other person’s appearance. The only thing that was certain was that they had several intimate exchanges.

“Sean, you mean David…” The professor hesitated.

“Yes, according to the results of DNA comparison, he is your son.”

Sean answered truthfully with a smile on his face.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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