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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 383 David’s Multiple Personalities

Los Angeles, Ronald Reagan Medical Center.

David, who was wearing a restraint uniform, was pushed into a psychological counselor by a burly black caregiver. Due to his previous violent behavior, his actions had to be controlled. In fact, if it hadn’t been for SHIELD’s order, he would have been jailed for committing the murder. The sentence was life in prison and possibly even the electric chair.

Sean took a look and saw that this mutant with Omega potential was just a young man in his twenties, with thin cheeks and pale skin, as if he hadn’t been in the sun for a long time.

The most eye-catching thing is the pair of eyes, which seem empty and muddy, but are filled with complex emotions.

This time, it was not Dr. Kissinger who received David, but a bald old man in a wheelchair and a young man with a gentle smile, which made him subconsciously vigilant.

“Hello David, I’m Charles.”

The professor’s eyes were complicated. He only needed to mobilize his mental ability a little to find a sense of familiarity in David, his chaotic and fragmented brain waves, and his rapidly changing mental thinking.

There is no doubt that David is a psychic.

However, after snooping more carefully, the bald old man showed an incredible look in his eyes. In his spiritual world, there was more than one David sitting in front of him!

The entire psychological counselor’s seat was filled with people, old people, children, men, women… They had different expressions and different looks. They were chattering endlessly, whispering to themselves, or shouting loudly. The noisy voices turned into disordered thoughts, filled with confusion. David’s mind.

“how did you do it?”

There was compassion in Charles’s eyes. He had experienced this kind of pain and understood how difficult it was.

At the beginning of the Bald Professor’s awakening, he had no way to control his abilities. The voices in everyone he saw would be automatically transmitted to his mind, like a radio receiving all channels.

For a child, this is tantamount to painful torture. In addition to the noisy sounds played back day and night, more importantly, in front of him, human beings peel off the layer of hypocrisy and expose their true nature without any concealment.

His parents pretended to be loving in front of him, but in fact they hated and complained about each other; the teacher talked eloquently in front of him, talking about high-sounding principles of life, but in fact he was despicable and dirty, thinking about harassing beautiful female students…

In his eyes, the world gradually became extremely ugly and dirty.

It was not until the age of sixteen that Charles slowly learned to control himself. He rarely took the initiative to read other people’s inner thoughts, which may have something to do with the bad experiences in his childhood.

Seeing the bad qualities of hypocrisy, greed, and ignorance too early made Charles become an idealist, hiding in his inner utopia.

The situation David faced was worse than what he had ever encountered.

“It’s simple, I treat them all as myself.”

David showed a relaxed smile. He knew who the old man sitting opposite was.

“He is Tomby, who likes to play with stuffed bears alone, and this is Gianna, who has a problem with alcoholism…Weiwen, who loves heavy metal music, is an out-and-out hippie; Cooper, who is misanthropic to a certain extent, Suicidal tendencies…”

As if introducing a friend, David told Professor Charles about the different personalities that existed in his mind. Each one has rich personality characteristics. They are independent and control the body’s time irregularly.

“I’m much better now… I follow Dr. Kissinger’s instructions and take medicine on time every day, and the auditory hallucinations and hallucinations are reducing.”

Sean flipped through the information about David Haller. This thin and pale young man had shown a bright mind since he was a child. Whether it was sports or studies, he was among the best in the school.

Except for his somewhat withdrawn personality, before David was in high school, he was basically someone else’s kid, obedient and well-behaved, with excellent grades. Until later, he became more and more withdrawn, did not talk to his family for a long time, suffered from insomnia and nightmares, and gradually showed violent tendencies.

When he was fourteen years old, David pushed Phillips, who was often bullied at school, from the third floor of the teaching building. Fortunately, there was a lawn below, and he only broke one leg. After paying a large sum of money in compensation, their adoptive parents had no choice but to send him to a mental hospital. After taking long-term medication for a period of time, his condition improved.

But they didn’t know that David was secretly addicted to alcoholism and began to hang out in underground rock bands. From an outstanding and smart boy, he degenerated into a street gangster who made his parents sigh. He visited the police station more times than he went to school. Much more comes.

After being ordered to drop out of school, David moved out of his home and hung out with a bunch of bad friends. He was addicted to alcohol and drugs all day long, living an empty and decadent life like a zombie.

On the day of his twentieth birthday, David got up from bed after enjoying marijuana, and planned to hang himself with a long wire. Due to timely rescue, he was lucky enough to survive, but at the cost of being sent to a mental hospital by his family for treatment. Long-term treatment without expiry date.

“Why did you kill Lenny? As far as I know, she was one of your few friends.”

Sean closed the document and asked softly.

David’s mental state is very interesting, complicated, and extremely unstable, like a bomb that may explode at any time.

Even a powerful mind controller like Professor Charles cannot easily pass through the maze of thoughts and reach the depths of David’s heart.

The spiritual world of ordinary people is just an overall clear highway. There may be forks and detours, but as long as you follow the fixed route, you can always reach the end.

But David’s spiritual world is like a huge complex and changeable maze, full of all kinds of weird thoughts, especially the existence of multiple personalities in his mind, which is even more difficult to distinguish.

It is precisely because of this that the psychiatrist’s treatment of David had little effect.

“What do you say? I didn’t kill Lenny! It wasn’t me!”

David’s emotions became agitated, the water glass on the table rippled, and invisible pressure poured out of him and spread throughout the room.

The burly black caregiver covered his throat and made a “ho ho” sound. He felt suffocated, as if all the air had been sucked out.

“David, calm down.”

Professor Charles comforted the suddenly restless David, with a kind light in his eyes, and the suffocating invisible pressure suddenly disappeared without a trace.

“There’s something wrong in his mind. He has multiple split personalities. This is not just the impact of his natural abilities…”

Sean waved his hand and asked the black caregiver to leave the room. As the holder of the Mind Stone, to a certain extent, his mental power was superior to that of the bald professor, and he gradually discovered the problem.

Charles’ face was solemn. He looked at David, who was immersed in his own spiritual world, and the other person repeatedly said the words “I didn’t do this.”

“His mental state is very abnormal. I need to go deep into David’s heart and find the answer from his huge subconscious.”

Hearing what the professor said, Sean nodded. He was also curious about why this mutant with Omega-level potential became like this.

In the psychological consultation room, there was a sudden silence. The three people were as still as statues, with no change in the expressions on their faces.

There are only undetectable mental fluctuations, like raging waves, violently colliding.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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