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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 384 One Flew Over the Asylum

Thinking is an advanced stage of the cognitive process. It explores and discovers the internal essential connections and regularities of things. It is based on perception and at the same time transcends the boundaries of perception.

Human beings consider themselves to be the primates of all things because they have the ability to think, understand the world more effectively, and learn to create.

When Sean and Professor Charles entered David’s mind, they experienced a long period of darkness and strange changes until they passed through the huge and complicated maze of thinking.

Even as the holders of the Mind Stone and the most powerful mind controllers in the world, the two of them still spent a lot of effort to reach the depths of each other’s subconscious.

A completely white building stood alone in David’s subconscious. It was surrounded by high barbed wire and fountains were surging on the green lawn, making it appear quiet and peaceful.

This is a psychiatric hospital.

Sean looked at Professor Charles. The latter frowned and waved his palm. The barbed wire was torn open, and the bald old man walked inside first.

The two entered the building. The hospital mapped out in David’s subconscious was quite similar to the Ronald Reed Medical Center in the real world. The only difference was that the main color here was white, without any extra colors. It was as if a hazy, soft light enveloped everything.

“We need to find David’s main personality, his most essential nature.”

Professor Charles has rich experience. He once built a mental cage to seal the negative personality in Qin’s heart.

David’s situation is more serious than Qin’s. For some unknown reason, he has given birth to many personalities beyond imagination.

If the inner world of a normal person is a room, with the deepest secrets and memories buried inside, then David’s mind can be regarded as a hotel, and other personalities are like travelers, living in different houses and doing their own things. , do not interfere with each other.

Charles wants to find the most essential David among the many personalities, have a conversation with him, learn more information, and solve the mental problems encountered by the other person.

“We must hurry up. David has the ability to absorb other people’s consciousness. Once he develops a vigilance in the subconscious, we will be driven out.”

Charles walked in front. He appeared in the form of a spiritual body and naturally no longer needed to push the wheelchair.

“There are almost forty rooms. If a person has so many different personalities, will he really not have a mental breakdown?”

Sean secretly smacked his lips. He and the professor went deep into the wards of the mental hospital. There was a personality in every room.

The elderly, children, men, women… some look very normal, and some are different from ordinary people. They are like mental patients, living in this subconsciously mapped hospital.

In addition to people wearing hospital gowns, Sean also saw the existence of security guards, nurses, doctors and other characters. They turned a blind eye to him and acted like NPCs in the game, following designated procedures.

The professor kept pushing open the door, trying to find David among the many different personalities, but in vain. The rows of wards were filled with the residual personalities of David that had been continuously split from his more than 20 years of life.

Each one reflects David’s heart, the lonely child playing with the teddy bear, the tattooed girl listening to rock music, the skinny pale boy… The existence of these personalities symbolizes the pain David has suffered, and they are subconsciously become a real image.

In the process of searching, Sean even discovered the existence of comic characters, toy puppies and the like.

“He couldn’t control his natural abilities, and his ever-increasing mental power made David feel very painful, so he split into various personalities to weaken the pain.”

Charles whispered as he glimpsed fragments of David’s memory from each personality.

This young man with Omega-level potential and deeply troubled by his own talents is an adopted child. According to the information provided by Sean, he is likely to be his father.

“I never knew he existed…I never thought I would have a child.”

The professor had complicated emotions. He wanted to help David, but he was unable to do anything, even though he was the most powerful mind controller in the world.

“I can’t lock them all in a mental prison or destroy them violently. This will make things worse.”

Sean’s eyes flickered, and the power of the Mind Stone spread out, searching like a radar. However, in David’s maze-like mind, it was impossible to distinguish the boundary between reality and illusion.

Spiritual consciousness is like a huge iceberg floating on the sea. All that can be seen is an extremely small surface. The real conscious activities are hidden under the sea water. Subconscious consciousness, deep consciousness, unconsciousness, layers of complex spaces, even The professor couldn’t even sort it out.

Just when things were at a deadlock, something changed suddenly!

The hospital’s piercing alarm sounded, the red warning lights turned wildly, and riots and turmoil suddenly came!

Before Sean and the professor could react, a burly man appeared at the end of the corridor, wearing a terrifying mask that looked like his face was sewn together, and carrying a huge buzzing chainsaw in his hand.

This shape resembles the figure of a murderous maniac, as if appearing out of thin air, directly cutting a security guard into two halves, the electric saw cut into the skin, a large amount of blood spurted out, and the twisted intestines fell from the hideous wound on the abdomen. came out and sprayed on the white wall, the scene was extremely bloody.

“There’s something wrong with this style of painting.”

Sean was puzzled. What happened when a chainsaw murderer suddenly appeared?

At the other end of the hospital corridor, another figure emerged. The figure was wearing a red and black striped sweater and a brown-black top hat. His face was covered with twisted scars left by high-level burns. His body was skinny and his right hand was made of reflective metal. The sharp iron claws of cold light.

The iron claws lightly scratched the white wall, then penetrated the care worker who fled hastily, tearing the face full of fear diagonally, and the complete limbs were decomposed and tortured, just like a scene from a horror movie, extremely visual impact.

At the same time, a sharp and scary laughter echoed in the corridor, and a humanoid puppet wearing a black suit and a red bow tie appeared on a bicycle, repeating “I want to play a game with you” every time. As soon as the word fell, someone was dragged into the dark space.

The entire hospital that existed in David’s subconscious suddenly turned into the set of a horror movie. They started killing people. No matter the security guards, nurses, or doctors, they could not escape. Later, even the many personalities in the room could not escape. Survived.

“David is killing himself…why is he doing this?”

The professor cannot understand this behavior. This is a spiritual world where illusion and reality are extremely blurred. The crazy killings of those terrifying characters are actually the violent destruction of their own consciousness.

“Maybe he can’t control it… We can’t find David’s true personality. Maybe it’s because… he’s not here and is locked in a deeper consciousness space.”

Sean speculated that with the “death” of each personality, the hospital gradually shattered and collapsed like an earthquake, and he and the professor seemed to have lost gravity and fell straight down.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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