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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 385 Shadow King

Sean remained awake during the long fall. He could not distinguish between truth and falsehood in the spiritual world, and he could not grasp the passage of time. Only the speed of his thoughts remained as normal. No one knew how long it had been until he He fell heavily onto a red-backed chair.

The professor sat next to him. The two of them seemed to be firmly nailed to the chair, losing the ability to move freely. Except for a long black table, no other furnishings could be seen around them, shrouded in a hazy and soft light. This space.

Sean turned his head and looked to the right. A pale David was sitting next to him. As he appeared, more figures appeared on the chairs, including men, women, old and young.

Different from the uniform dress in the hospital, these people are dressed differently, and their identities can be roughly judged just by their appearance. Elites in suits and leather shoes, always holding mobile phones; people with lip rings, earrings, and tattoos on their arms. A rock musician; a manic young man with freckles on his face who keeps yelling violently…

Such mental projections filled the seats, presumably representing David’s deeper conscious personality. Sean sat in his chair with a curious look in his eyes, while Professor Charles was deep in thought without saying a word.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please remain quiet.”

When different personalities crowded the long table, the hazy and soft light suddenly dimmed and turned into darkness. Under the bright spotlights, a plump figure was reflected. This guy dressed like a TV show host clearly did not belong to the category of human beings.

It looked like a big fat man wrapped in a high-end suit, with a fat head that was full of a slippery and disgusting feeling. His narrowed eyes reflected a cold and frightening yellow light.

“Welcome to David’s world!”

The fat man held a microphone, his bloated body jumped, and he imitated Michael Jackson’s classic dance steps. He slid to David’s side and shouted: “Dear David, you still remember me.”

The original personality that Professor Charles had been looking for, that is, the mental projection that appeared in the image of David, huddled on the chair, trembling all over, as if he was extremely scared.

“I won’t hurt you. David, I am your friend, have you forgotten? That cute dog you had when you were a child, your dead good friend Lenny… I have always been with you, in different ways. .”

The originally tender words, spoken by this fat man with yellow eyes, were filled with an indescribable horror.

He pressed David’s head and forced him to look at him. Those narrowed eyes were full of darkness and madness.

“I grew up with you and created so many personalities for you…I am you, David.”

“You are not David, you are Amol Farooq, a formless monster.” The silent Charles said.

The bald old man’s eyes were piercing, fixed firmly on the fat man with yellow eyes like nails, “I remember you. You found me when I was not in a wheelchair.”

“Just like now, drag me into a terrifying dream, bring me to the deepest part of your consciousness, and then create emotions of fear… You treat those negative emotions as food, Shadow King.”

Charles’s spiritual power roars and rolls like an angry sea, releasing invisible pressure and shaking this stable space. He is the most powerful mind controller in the world, and almost no one can defeat him on the spiritual level.

“Oh, oh, oh, Charles Xavier, there is still an unsettled score between us.”

The fat man with yellow eyes, known as the “Shadow King”, let out a sharp laugh. He held David’s head down with a greedy look in his eyes.

It’s like seeing a plate of carefully made delicious pastries, and I want to swallow them immediately and taste them.

“It’s you who put me in this situation, Charles…but I found a better host, David.”

A disgusting smile appeared on that fat face. He looked at the trembling David and laughed wildly: “I discovered you in the last century, Charles. I thought you were the one who could help me in this world. The most powerful host I’ve ever found!”

“It’s a pity that you are too powerful. This makes me regretful. I wanted to invade your mind and take over your body, but you are beyond my control.”

“I thought you were supposed to be dead.”

The bald professor’s eyes grew colder, and it was obvious that there had been quite a lot of grudges between them.

The Shadow King is a pure spiritual energy entity that feeds on the emotions of living things, especially those strong negative emotions. Like a parasite, it lurks deep in human consciousness and then gradually takes over the host’s body.

Charles almost let the Shadow King succeed. At that time, he was still called Amol Farouk and had a human form, not the fat, disgusting monster he is now.

The Shadow King coveted Charles’s talents, and the two sides had a fierce confrontation in the spiritual world. In the end, the former suffered a disastrous defeat, lost his human body, and could only escape hastily in the form of a spiritual body.

“A little bit worse. Although I lost all my entities, I found a better host.”

The fat man with yellow eyes looked at Charles who was trying to get out of the chair and sneered: “I know you are strong, Charles. But this is David’s deep consciousness. All your violent behaviors will be fed back to his body in the real world.”

“Are you going to kill your son, or make him an idiot?”

The Shadow King was confident, even if he learned of Charles’ arrival, he was still fearless.

Human beings often have rich and strong emotions. These seemingly useless emotions will bind them like shackles.

“Charles, how about we make a deal?”

The Shadow King’s small eyes were moving, and his fat face was full of smiles. As time went by, the bald professor had become the most powerful mind controller in the world. Wearing a brainwave amplifying device, he was able to compete with The spiritual consciousness of mankind around the world is linked.

If he could get Charles’ body, it would be equivalent to turning the entire world into a huge factory supplying nutrients. The strong emotions generated by billions of people would be enough to make the world stronger, even surpassing the current life form and evolving to a higher level. .

“Hand yourself over and I will let David go.”

The Shadow King put forward a condition. Although David has the innate ability to absorb the consciousness of others, which is incomparable with himself, Charles can make himself transform and evolve faster.

“I still have the same answer I gave many years ago, get away!”

An angry look appeared on Charles’ old face, and the professor’s deep sense of self-cultivation to be able to say this was enough to prove how angry he was in his heart.

“If the negotiations fail, then there is nothing we can do.”

The Shadow King narrowed his eyes. He was dancing with tap steps and beating at a very fast rhythm. Although the exciting drum beat was beating, many personalities sitting around the long table began to riot.

They killed each other and bit each other like wild beasts. Their bloody behavior actually represented the cruel fact that David’s personality was constantly “dying”.

From the subconscious hospital on the upper level, the crazy killings of those terrifying characters, to the brutal fighting now, this is the process of the Shadow King gradually clearing David’s personality.

“Charles, are you going to watch your son die?”

The Shadow King had a sinister smile on his fat face. No matter what choice the bald professor made, he would be the final winner.

“Hey, hey, do you think I don’t exist?”

When the fat man with yellow eyes saw the young man sitting between David and Charles, Shi Shiran stood up, slowly pulled out the chair, and suddenly raised it and hit his head.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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