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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 386 Large Group

The Shadow King’s fat face was filled with an undoubted look, and he watched helplessly as the red chair smashed against his head, making a muffled sound.

This is David’s spiritual world, a void space constructed by spiritual consciousness, but the ruler is not David himself, but the outsider, the Shadow King.

At that time, the Shadow King was operating in the real world in the human form of Amor Farouk, and accidentally met Charles Xavier. The young professor had just graduated from college and was high-spirited. He had not yet met Magneto, who was bent on revenge. Traveled alone to the Haifa area of ​​Israel and joined a medical team.

During those peaceful days, Charles had a brief romance in the medical team. After that, they had several contacts with each other. During this period, the movie king selected the professor and regarded him as the perfect host. As a result, in the spiritual duel suffered a disastrous defeat.

After the failure, the Shadow King set his sights on Charles’ lover. Under his deliberate influence, David was born.

This child inherited the professor’s extraordinary spiritual talent, so the Shadow King took advantage of the situation and lurked secretly in the depths of his consciousness. It was precisely because of this that David had auditory hallucinations and hallucinations when he was young, and eventually suffered from Multiple personality disorder.

“This is impossible……”

The fat man with yellow eyes screamed. He had absolute initiative in David’s spiritual world. Even a strong man like the professor might not be able to cause harm to him.

But this young man not only left the chair smoothly, but also beat himself crazily. This never happened before, and the Shadow King was stunned.

“You still come out to fool around with such low looks. A villain like you can’t survive more than two episodes.”

Sean stepped on the Shadow King’s fat head and rubbed the greasy fat face with the sole of his shoe. The movements of many characters on the long table suddenly stopped, as if frozen.

This confirmed his suspicion that the reason why David split into many personalities was because the Shadow King was secretly at work. The former had the innate ability to absorb other people’s consciousness, while the latter relied on absorbing the energy of consciousness to survive.

The Shadow King continues to create eerie auditory hallucinations and hallucinations, affecting David’s mental consciousness, and then produces more negative emotions, some of which are absorbed by him, and some of which split into other personalities.

“who are you?”

Faced with the Shadow King’s question, Sean ignored it and stepped on its head and hit it on the ground. It didn’t take long for the fat face to be bruised.

“Are you surprised? How does it feel to suddenly lose control of your conscious space?”

Sean had a smile on his face. When he was in Sokovia, he had mastered the Mind Stone deeply. In terms of pure spiritual power, even Professor Charles was slightly inferior.

“I’m starting to feel pain, and the wound won’t recover…well, I also smell a hint of fear.”

Bang bang bang, there were several muffled sounds in succession, and the Shadow King was trampled to the ground like a toy, without any resistance.

The appearance of the fat face was no longer distinguishable. It looked like a ball of sticky blood. The small eyes flashing with yellow light were no longer as spooky and eerie as before.

“You can’t kill me! My spiritual consciousness and David’s are connected together, you can’t kill me!”

The Shadow King roared with a sharp voice. It would not give in like this. As long as Sean and Charles were not determined to kill David, he would always exist.

This strange guy of unknown origin is a pure spiritual body. Once it occupies the host’s body, it can use it as a skin to move around in the real world.

“This is a troublesome problem.”

Seeing Sean’s worried expression, the Shadow King let out a sharp, triumphant laugh. David was its carefully cultivated host and had been lurking deep in his consciousness since he was young.

As he said, in a sense, it is the other side of David, and the two are inseparable.

Even a strong person of the professor’s level has a very in-depth understanding of spiritual power. It is impossible to eliminate the Shadow King without hurting David.

“Let me go quickly!”

Shadow King’s small eyes once again revealed an eerie yellow light. It stared at Sean fiercely and gritted its teeth and said: “You can’t stay in David’s mind forever. No matter what you do, I will be the final winner. !”

“Charles, either you sacrifice yourself to save David, your only son; or, I will take over David’s body. He is a mutant with Omega-level potential. As long as he continues to absorb consciousness, create personalities, and gain more His ability…sooner or later he will be more powerful than you.”

“So, make…ah!”

Before the Shadow King could finish his words, he was stepped on hard by Sean again, and his head kept hitting the ground.

“Don’t pretend I don’t exist, okay?”

Sean’s face was calm. He looked at the arrogant Shadow King and said coldly: “You have been waiting silently for more than twenty years to occupy David’s body. Now he is like a ripe fruit. You have no reason.” I’ll let it go.”

“His body…”

Bang bang bang!

“When I don’t ask you to speak, it’s best to shut up.”

Sean stepped on the fat head, with a dangerous light in his eyes, and said with a smile: “But the appearance of the professor made you change your plan. Compared with young David, his father is the strongest in the world.” A great mind controller is undoubtedly a better host.”

“Instead of strengthening David’s natural abilities and exploring his potential as an Omega-level mutant in the long process, it is better to choose Professor Charles.”

The bald professor looked hesitant. He did not have the decisive character of Magneto. He would do anything to achieve his goals, even if it meant sacrificing his loyal subordinates.

On the one hand, it is his son, who has not fulfilled his father’s responsibilities for many years, and he has a strong feeling of guilt in his heart; on the other hand, it is his own life, which may even affect the safety of the entire world.

Charles deeply understands how destructive his natural abilities will be once abused, which is why he tries to exercise restraint.

“It was a clever idea of ​​you to leave the whole thing deadlocked and then force the professor to make a choice.”

Sean’s eyes flashed, he kicked away the Shadow King who fell on the ground, and slowly walked to David’s side. This most essential personality has been blocked in the depths of his consciousness.

He is both cowardly and sensitive, like a pitiful and helpless child.

“However, there is a third option. I can let David kill you.”

Sean stretched out his palm and pressed it on David’s head. He looked at the Shadow King who had climbed up, his eyes indifferent.

“How did you let…”

The words of the fat man with yellow eyes stopped suddenly, and he suddenly felt a strong spiritual energy pouring into this deep consciousness space like an angry wave.

For many years, it has quietly controlled David, influenced his thinking, and even sealed the main personality in the deep consciousness, creating more personalities to control the host’s body.

However, in just a moment, David became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly took over the dominance of spiritual consciousness.

“Now, you are the one with no way out.”

Sean stood at the edge of the long table and lightly snapped his fingers. The many stagnant personalities were like vicious dogs, madly pounced on the panicked Shadow King.

David, who was huddled in his chair, slowly stood up. His eyes were like a kaleidoscope, reflecting the ever-changing complex emotions.

“My name is the flock, because we are many.”

David read a verse from “The Gospel of Mark” in a low voice. The Shadow King was howling miserably, being torn to pieces by many personalities, leaving only a hoarse scream.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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