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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 387 Mage Apprentice Strange

In the psychological consultation room, Sean slowly opened his eyes, and the hands of the wall clock on the wall moved. At this time, less than a minute had passed since he entered David’s spiritual world.

The speed of thinking is completely different from the flow of time in the outside world. He and Charles seemed to have stayed in the mental hospital and deep consciousness space for a long time, but in fact, in the eyes of outsiders, it was only a short moment.

“When will he wake up?”

The professor looked at David, who was wearing formal clothes and sitting in a wheelchair, with worry in his eyes. He had never experienced the feeling of being a father.

Suddenly learning that he had a son inevitably made Charles a little flustered. He felt guilty and panic-stricken.

For this mutant leader, he has served as a beacon for his compatriots and a beacon of direction, but he has never tried the role of a father.

“It will take some time to absorb the Shadow King’s consciousness.”

Sean glanced at the unconscious David and said in a gentle tone: “This is not a bad thing. David has been under the control of the Shadow King since he was a child. It will take him some time to adapt.”

“Professor, you should understand that David has great potential. He can absorb the consciousness of others and create abilities. The key is that he is a mutant with Omega-level potential.”

Sean turned to look at the bald old man sitting next to him and said calmly: “This means that David’s talent limit is extremely high. Theoretically, he can absorb unlimited resources and become an all-round mutant.”

“David is not a threat, he is mentally fragile and under the long-term influence of the Shadow King.”

The professor said helplessly that after his investigation, he found that David currently controls more than five superpowers, including astral projection, telekinesis, reality distortion, mental control, telepathy, etc.

In the later period, as the personality continues to increase, the abilities David masters will also increase. This is why he named himself “The Swarm”.

“The threat is to the mentally fragile, which means he cannot control himself. Do your duty as a father, Professor.”

Sean patted the bald old man on the shoulder. He had no intention of interfering with Professor Charles’s parenting education. He just hoped that this young man codenamed “Big Group” would not cause any trouble.

David has been under the long-term influence of the Shadow King, and his psychology is extremely fragile. If he is not careful, he will be on the verge of a mental breakdown. This is one of the reasons why SHIELD assessed him as a dangerous person.

However, with the professor’s supervision, there shouldn’t be any big trouble, and SHIELD has already formed a special operations team to deal with mutants. With the existence of suppressing serum, even if Apocalypse is resurrected, it will still not make any waves. .

Sean wisely left, leaving space for this strange father and son who had never met before. He also had to go to Kama Taj to discuss with Ancient One how to solve Casillas’s problem.

The fallen mage who was bewitched by Dormammu massively developed fanatical followers in Eastern Europe, held evil bloody sacrifices, and caused many major events. It is said that not long ago, he was with Victor, who became the king of Latvinia – Doom had a conflict.

Archives and materials from Eastern European countries are almost filling General Ross’s desk, and even the World Security Council is paying close attention to it.

For this kind of anti-social elements who disrupt social order, plan to lead the way, and attempt to destroy the world, SHIELD Commander Zemo held many meetings and issued a strong statement that Casillas and other cult members must be brought to justice. Follow the law and serve as a warning.

Currently, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s top advisor, Sean Sipers, is in talks with Kama Taj’s leader, Master Ancient One, and it is expected that a crackdown on rectification will be carried out soon.

This set of official rhetoric has been recognized by the World Security Council. For the current Earth, the first priority is to establish stable exchanges with Asgard. The political forces headed by the White House have submitted proposals regarding the nine star regions. The strategic agreement discussed uniting all the forces of the nine kingdoms and temporarily using the earth and moon system as the core to build a solid defense position.

All of this, of course, is indispensable for Sean’s secret promotion. Umbrella will become the first adventurer to break out of the earth and go into space. While discussing Asgard, the World Security Council has passed the lunar development agreement. The first phase of the base construction project is about to be put on the agenda.

The general trend of the world is like a wave, vast and unstoppable. Clowns like Casillas must be severely punished.

This is the core spirit conveyed within S.H.I.E.L.D.


Karma Taj, Stephen Strange, whose career was ruined, finished his meditation course after getting up early, and stood in a wide square with a group of mage apprentices, practicing outlining the magic circle, extracting energy with his mind, and shaping it. body.

As a disciple of the Ancient One, Mo Du acted as a mentor and recited the incantation, leading the group of people to outline rough and simple lines and condense the magic circle.

This is a compulsory course for entering the palace of magic. If you cannot master it proficiently and engrave various complex and obscure magic circles and obscure and lengthy incantations into your mind, you will never be able to become a qualified mage.

As Mordo drinks low, all the apprentices can extract natural energy and form lines and lines, but the speed may be faster or slower. Only Strange’s hands are trembling, and he is struggling to outline the lines, making a futile attempt. .

He watched others making progress every day, but he was always stuck in the same place, unable to take the first step.

An unspeakable feeling of frustration and disappointment arose spontaneously, and Strange lowered his hands slumped, his eyes dim.

After the car accident, his hands suffered devastating injuries. Eleven stainless steel nails were inserted into the bones, multiple ligaments were torn, and nerves were severely damaged. Before rehabilitation training, he even stretched his fingers. Less than, let alone holding a scalpel.

As a top-notch doctor, Strange tried his best to insist on rehabilitation training. At most, he could only barely hold a pen with his hands, and it was extremely laborious to shave.

He thought that his life was gloomy, and even if he spent all his wealth, the gains would be minimal. No one was willing to lose the reputation of his career to perform better surgery for Strange.

Until this poor genius doctor saw a medical record like a fantasy from a black nurse, he rekindled the fire of hope.

A patient named Jonathan Pangborn suffered a back injury and was paralyzed due to a work accident. One leg was completely disabled and he could not even sit in a wheelchair for a long time. However, when Strange found him, the opponent was running and jumping on the basketball court.

From his mouth, Strange learned the news about Kama Taj, where there is the secret of creating miracles, and he may be able to restore his hands.

A month ago, Strange would have scoffed at this, thinking that this was another charlatan who advocated metaphysics, but the facts were in front of him, so he used up his last money to buy a ticket to Kathmandu, Nepal.

After a series of twists and turns, he was finally recognized by the ancient master and entered Kama Taj to learn knowledge, hoping to heal his physical injuries through spiritual power.

“I can not do it……”

Strange looked at the Ancient Master who came in front of him, his face full of frustration. He thought it was his hands.

“You can do it, you just choose not to believe in yourself.”

With a smile on her face, she called over Master Hamil. The old man, who was wearing a robe similar to that of ancient Taoist priests, stretched out his hands. Strange was surprised to find that the other person’s right hand had been amputated, but he could outline the magic circle in an instant, without any trace of it. No stagnation.

“Stephen, you can’t let go of your inherent knowledge. You don’t believe in magic, and you can’t understand its existence.”

Gu Yi’s eyes were as calm as a deep lake, and she said softly: “There is an old saying in the East that cannot be established without breaking. If you don’t break the imprisonment in your heart, how can you see a broader world?”

She stretched out a finger and gently touched Strange’s forehead with a warm smile.

“Open your eyes, Stephen.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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