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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 388 King of Latvinia

Sean stepped into the main hall of Kama Taj. Ancient Yi, who was wearing a white robe, had been waiting for a long time. She looked up at the huge star hanging in the sky. The area in the Eastern European countries was filled with dense light spots, and gradually began to move slowly. The speed is encroaching and expanding in all directions.

It was Casillas’s dark invasion, and more and more people fell into the hands of fanatics controlled by Dormammu, who threatened the power of the temple.

As the minions of darkness gradually increased, the numerous monasteries and holy legions under the three major temples each suffered heavy losses. Under the command of Kamal Taj, they began to shrink their defense lines and accumulate strength.

“The Temple Mage cannot trace their trajectory. Casillas has the protection of Dormammu and can enter the dark dimension at any time and avoid my sight.”

The Ancient One was quite helpless. Casillas had once practiced at Karma Taj. His talent was extraordinary, his learning progress was much faster than ordinary people, and he understood the operation of the temple. Since he obtained Doma in the Book of Darkness, After Mu’s gaze, he escaped from her control.

“The minions of darkness are becoming increasingly rampant, and my life is coming to an end… Sean, what are you going to do?”

Ancient One rotated the metal wheel with his fingers, and the huge star shining with lava-like luster moved slowly. With the three temples as nodes, many trajectories intertwined and converged. This was the strong defense line built by the temple mages over the years, and it protected countless aliens. The living entity is blocked from the physical world.

“Where is your chosen successor? The future Supreme Mage, Stephen Strange.”

Sean walked up to Ancient One. He looked at the three gates in the central hall, leading to New York, London and Hong Kong respectively. These are key nodes in the material world. Once destroyed, with Kama Taj as the center, the A strong line of defense will collapse in an instant.

“He has just abandoned the inherent cognition in his mind, separated from the appearance observed with the naked eye, and perceived the world with his heart and consciousness.”

Ancient One shook his head. Although Strange was the future Supreme Mage, he was just now qualified to enter the magic palace.

“He can’t deal with Casillas and Dormammu yet.”

The current supreme mage walked out of the central hall. At this time, Kama Taj was quiet, and the temple spiers stretched out like a sleeping ancient city.

“Why not choose Modu? His loyalty to Kama Taj and his admiration for you are unquestionable.”

Sean followed Gu Yi’s footsteps. He looked up and saw that the night was filled with stars, as if he could reach them at his fingertips.

“Modu is a devout believer in the Holy Trinity Vishan Emperor. He strictly abides by the doctrine of the temple and remembers the rules of Kama Taj. He is the other extreme from the deviant Casillas.”

Gu had a plain face, playing with the sandalwood folding fan in his hand, and said softly: “If there had not been the invasion and interference of Casillas and Dormammu’s secret observation, Mordo might have been a good successor.”

“Unfortunately, in the fragmented future fragment, Casillas successfully destroyed the solid defense line of the material world, Dormammu descended from the dark dimension, and Mordo was not the one who could turn the tide.”

Sean curled his lips. The current Supreme Mage is a contradictory person. On the one hand, she abides by the fragments of the future she saw from the Eyes of Agamodha, but on the other hand, she is extremely eager to change the established trajectory.

“I will personally go to Eastern Europe, hoping to solve the problem of Casillas. As for Dormammu, as long as the three major temples are safe and sound, everything will be fine.”

Sean looked towards the direction of the library. A man in a red robe was buried in a vast collection of books. His eyes were filled with enthusiasm, as if he was trying to find hope for new life in the endless ancient secret texts.

“The successor you chose, he only wants to recover his hands and then return to New York to continue his career.” The young man teased and said with a smile: “Compared to being a mage of Kama Taj, he would rather Known as Doctor Strange.”

“He will wake up. Not everyone is willing to shoulder heavy responsibilities from the beginning. I am the same, and Strange is the same.”

There was a trace of sadness in Gu’s eyes, but she quickly returned to normal. She looked at Sean and said, “Strange and I have different styles of acting. You may not be able to get along well with each other by then.”

“I would really like to experience the power of the Eye of Agamodha. I hope Strange can make up for this regret of mine.”

There was a faint smile on Sean’s lips. The blue water rippled and expanded into a space channel. He glanced at the Ancient Master with a deep look, and then walked away.

He already possesses three Infinity Stones. The Time Stone embedded in the Eye of Agamodha is the supreme holy object of Karma Taj and a token held by the Supreme Mage.

It was impossible for Ancient One to hand it into his own hands. The other party knew that once the six Infinity Stones were gathered together, they would have great power to destroy the entire universe.

From the beginning of Sean’s contact with the Ancient One, the two parties have maintained a delicate cooperative relationship. He was unwilling to break up and forced a war with the Supreme Mage to seize the Eye of Agamodha.

Rather than losing the last bit of dignity, it is better to let nature take its course. Anyway, the end of the Ancient One is approaching. She herself has long been determined to die and has no nostalgia for this world. Otherwise, she would not have chosen Strange and returned. In the arms of death.

“Whose side is time on?”

Sean said something to himself, stepped out of the blue space passage, and came to the brand-new Latvinia.

He stood in the center of Glory Square, raised his eyes and saw a standing bronze statue. The entire body was made of copper and iron, exuding a thick metallic texture.

It was a tall figure wearing a cloak, his face covered with a gloomy mask, his hands open, with thunder and lightning like a wild python on one side, and a planet symbolizing life on the other.

Victor Doom, the uncrowned king of Latvinia and the sole pope of the Doomsday Cult, is considered by countless believers to be the incarnation of destruction and a god on earth.

“Destruction is coming, and no one will live forever.”

Sean looked at the line of words engraved on the base of the statue. Doom had completely established his own religious regime in Latvinia. Those corrupt bureaucrats and numerous parties, old aristocrats, conservatives, radicals, civil rights leaders… They were purged from top to bottom in the increasingly violent civilian riot.

Doctor Doom lived up to his name. He brought riots and blood to his hometown, and countless people died as a result. Then a new regime was born, and everyone converted at the feet of Victor Doom.

Looking beyond the eye-catching statues in Glory Square, what comes into view is a majestic and majestic palace. The rising building reveals Victor Doom’s consistent style, solemn and rigorous, and full of classicism.

“I come, I see, I conquer.”

Sean stood in the Plaza Gloria in Latvinia, and this classic quote from Julius Caesar suddenly came to his mind.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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