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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 389 Iron Legion

In the majestic palace, long tables covered with red tablecloths were filled with fine wines and delicacies. The sumptuous food and fruits were mixed with the fragrant aroma of wine, making people want to have a feast.

There is a blazing flame in the fireplace, exuding warm heat, luxurious metallic palm-colored seats, silver tableware with complicated patterns, exquisite and noble golden candlesticks, top-notch paintings hanging on the surrounding walls, and just the right soothing music.

Everything showed a profound aristocratic style, even the dinner party held by the medieval royal family was nothing more than that.

“It seems that you are very satisfied with your current life.” The young man sitting at the top said.

If there were other people present during this sumptuous dinner, they would be so shocked that their eyes would pop out because the person sitting in the symbolic host position was not Victor Doom.

In the whole of Latvinia, is there anyone with a more prominent status and a more noble status than this Doctor of Destruction?

Even the old aristocrats, big warlords, and leaders of various parties had to bow at the feet of Victor Doom, and they were so passionate that they wanted to kneel down and lick his shoes.

“Very satisfied, but not satisfied.”

Doctor Doom wearing a metal mask replied.

He put down the knife and fork in his hand and looked at Sean sitting opposite, with mixed emotions in his eyes.

The other party has created a new personality for himself, one that is ambitious, full of desire, has strong execution ability, and has a ruthless and indifferent attitude towards everything.

To a certain extent, this can be said to be a true reflection of the other side of Sean’s heart.

Doctor Doom knows all this, but in the long process of personality building, he is like an elephant tied to a rope, and can no longer break free from the other party’s control.

This is a fable in a storybook, saying that elephants in the zoo can be tied with a thin rope and do not need to be chained or fenced, because when they are still very young, the management of the zoo The soldiers tied the rope to their front legs. When the elephants grew into giants, they were convinced that they could not break free from the rope, so they would never think of escaping again.

The authenticity of this fable is difficult to discern, but it is very similar to the situation of Doctor Doom. He is the elephant on a rope, and can never escape the fear in the process of personality building.

Even though he became the uncrowned king of Latvinia, the founder of the Doomsday Cult, and dominated the destiny of a country, he still could not escape the huge shadow hanging above his head.

Sean Sipers, this name is the nightmare and fear that he can’t get rid of in his life.

“Latvinia cannot satisfy your ambition?”

Sean took a sip of red wine with a faint smile on his face.

“Latvinia is a small country and I want more land and resources… I want a war.”

Doctor Doom’s voice was slightly muffled through the metal mask. He leaned back on the chair, his whole body hidden in a dark green cloak.

“There will be opportunities. I also need Latvinia to expand its territory in Eastern Europe until it is qualified to enter the World Security Council and get a seat where it can express its opinions.”

Sean nodded. He did not continue the topic and asked instead: “Do you know any news about Casillas and his group of cultists? They came to Latvinia not long ago and had contact with your Iron Legion. over conflict.”

“They appeared in a Gypsy tribe in Latvinia and performed bloody and cruel dark rituals. At least hundreds of people became nourishment for the evil god.”

Doctor Doom held his chin with one hand and said slowly: “I sent the Iron Legion, which is the most powerful force in Latvinia. The Terminator series of robots manufactured by Skynet maintain the security order of the entire country. .”

“In my opinion, they are far more trustworthy than humans, never make mistakes, and are always fair.”

Doctor Doom does not hesitate to praise him. The unique beauty brought by his cold seriousness, as well as his characteristics of always being loyal and not betraying, are deeply loved by the King of Latvinia.

After officially taking control of the country, with the support of Umbrella, Latvinia established a huge industrial chain with the capital as the center, using the resources produced to mass-produce metal bionic robots named “Terminator”.

“Not everyone’s response to the dark ritual held by Casillas will be responded to by the evil god. Those who fail will be killed and become sacrifices, using their flesh and blood to worship Dormammu.”

Doctor Doom paused for a moment. His mother was once a gypsy, and she had been quite familiar with mysticism since she was a child. Recently, she even began to learn various techniques from the dark creatures entrenched in Eastern Europe under Sean’s instruction. Forbidden spells.

“They seem to be able to hide in another dimension. The magic that erodes the will and corrupts the body has little effect on the Iron Legion, so Casillas did not stay long. After a brief confrontation, he took the others to evacuate. ”

Sean was silent. Even with Skynet’s surveillance, it would not be easy to find Casillas who was hiding in Tibet.

The other party’s purpose is to vigorously develop Dormammu’s dark minions, gradually eroding the material world, and destroying the solid defense lines built by the three major temples. Instead of wasting time in the search process, it is better to wait for Casillas to take the initiative to come to the door.

Sean expressed his thoughts, and Doctor Doom immediately understood what he meant. There are many Gypsies living in Latvinia. This mysterious nation rarely settles in one place for a long time. The reasons for their long-distance migration are still unknown to this day. It is the mystery of the world.

In literary works, they are mysterious, psychic and happy-go-lucky. They are the stubborn and beautiful “Carmen” in Mérimée’s works, the kind girl Esmeralda in “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”, and the heroine in Pushkin’s long poem “The Gynecians”. Jin Feila and her people.

Unfortunately, reality is not a beautified literary work. In fact, there is nothing dreamy about the life of Gypsies. They travel hard, wander around, make a living, mix with beggars and thieves, and can never escape the fate of being expelled and disgusted. , and cannot get out of the vicious cycle of procreation, begging, and reprocreation.

No matter what the true appearance of the Gypsies is, the women of this nation are indeed rich in psychics, mediums and diviners. The most common industries they are engaged in are divination, selling medicine, begging and performing. Following the mobile circus, Or traveling in open caravans.

“You can try to fish out Casillas. Their team is growing day by day. Even many demon hunters and church monks have been corrupted by Dormammu.”

Sean tapped his fingers lightly on the table, looked at the flames on the candlestick, and whispered: “Those gypsies, or dark creatures, will be Casillas’ targets, keep an eye on them.”

Doctor Doom nodded silently, and the blazing fire in the fireplace reflected red on the metal mask.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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