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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 39 Waiting for the opportunity

When Frank opened his eyes, he found that his hands were handcuffed to the chair, and his body could not move at all. The surroundings were dark and silent, and there was only a metal table and a burning lamp in front of him.

“Interrogation?” As a former Marine, Frank was no stranger to this situation. He was caught by the enemy, and the next step was naturally to be tortured.

A guy who killed Kingpin and Bullseye and plundered all the inheritance of a New York gangster, how could he expect that the other party would be a kind person?

Frank sneered in his heart. He had experienced the most desperate pain in the world, how could he succumb to the torture of punishment? It would be ridiculous if the other party thought he could get any news or intelligence from his mouth!

There was a patter of footsteps, and someone pushed the door open and walked in. He pulled out a chair and sat down. The other person’s face was hidden in the thick darkness, and his specific appearance could not be seen clearly.

“Hello, Mr. Frank Custer.” The visitor greeted, and then continued: “We can finally sit down and talk. To be honest, your temper is not very good, and you have to use this method.” Communicate normally.”

“Who are you?” asked the burly man known as “The Punisher.”

“Oh, the same cliche question… I am the person who killed Kingpin, the culprit who made you take the blame, the boss behind the Hellfire Club, and a law-abiding citizen of New York.”

“Kill people, control gangs…you are really a ‘good citizen’ who abides by the law.” Frank showed a sarcastic smile on his face, not afraid of angering the other party at all.

To Frank’s surprise, the other party did not seem to be angry. Instead, he laughed softly and said, “From what standpoint did you say this, Mr. Frank?”

“What kind of person Kingpin was, I guess it doesn’t need to be elaborated. Why can you call yourself a hero who fights criminals, punishes rape and eliminates evil by eradicating gangsters with cruel and bloody methods? But I just got rid of one for the citizens of New York.” The gang boss became a murderer? Mr. Frank, you are called the ‘Punisher’ by Hell’s Kitchen, and your hands are probably stained with more blood than I know!”

The man sitting in the darkness had a touch of ridicule in his tone, but Frank was speechless and didn’t know how to argue. In fact, besides killing Kingpin, Frank seemed to have no other criminal deeds.

“What do you want from me?” Frank had to change the subject.

The other party tapped his fingers on the table, seeming to be thinking, and said after a while: “Actually, I don’t want to get anything from you at all. Mr. Frank, you broke into my club like a thug and injured me. The people under my command then threatened Wesley… In order not to lose a capable assistant, I got into a fight with you.”

“And now you’re asking me, what do I want from you? Frank Custer, does your family have a history of mental illness?”

The Punisher, who had always been decisive in killing and telling the truth, turned red in the face, veins popped out on his thick arms, and the anger in his heart was burning like a flame!

“Okay, I take back my last sentence, let’s have a good talk next, Mr. Punisher!”

The man restrained his joking frivolous tone and turned serious: “I know everything about your experience. Frank Custer, a former elite soldier of the U.S. Marine Corps, witnessed his family being killed by gangs after retiring, so he began to have a passion for Hell’s Kitchen. The gangs launched a revenge, during which they clashed with Daredevil, and were later arrested by the police. As Daredevil, Matt Murdock served as your defense lawyer, but you were still sent to prison. “

“It didn’t take long for you to escape from prison. Of course you couldn’t be willing to be trapped in prison after carrying the blood feud of your family… You killed twenty-four people. They were all villains bribed by gangs and were ready to kill you in prison. These people paid the price with their lives because of the miscalculation of your danger. After diligent investigation, you discovered the real murderer who caused the tragic murder of your family.”

“The drug dealer leader ‘Blacksmith’ in Hell’s Kitchen was also your former commander in the Marine Corps. This officer Ray Shunovo has been secretly involved in the drug smuggling business. It was him who caused the tragic death of your family. One shot. After blowing this officer’s head, you called yourself the ‘Punisher’ and began your great cause of fighting criminals and eradicating evil… Is there anything else you would like to add, Mr. Frank?”

Frank couldn’t help but be speechless when he heard the other party tell his story one by one. Those painful and bloody memories came to his mind again. Behind the title of Punisher, there was a painful soul that could not get relief. Only by continuously eradicating those gangster forces and making the villains and thugs get the punishment they deserve can Frank, who has lost hope in life, find some comfort in his heart.

“Who are you?” Frank’s eyes were like sharp swords, trying to pierce the darkness and see the other person’s true face.

“You can call me ‘King’, because before long, I will become the new king of Hell’s Kitchen.” The man’s calm voice was full of confidence, as if he was just stating a simple fact.

“Do you want to become the second Kingpin?” Frank frowned. If the other party had such a purpose, then another bloody storm would start in Hell’s Kitchen.

“Haha, Kingpin was just a loser. A rule based on violence and fear can never last long.” The man sat in the darkness, a smile escaped from the corner of his mouth, “Hell’s Kitchen is full of drugs, prostitutes, criminals, and gangs. There is no law or justice here. Can street heroes like you eradicate the source of evil?”

“Using violence to maintain law and order can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. It is destined to be a road with no end in sight. In this regard, a guy named Bruce Wayne summed up this lesson in a personal way.”

“Okay, let’s talk about the Hand first. I heard Wesley said you were investigating the Hand?” Sean didn’t want to dwell too much on the topic of violence and vigilantes, and instead asked about the Hand. Things come up.

Frank, who was initially prepared not to reveal any information, thought for a moment and finally revealed the information he knew. The other party did not seem to be the evil criminal he expected, but rather he spoke with a contemptuous attitude towards the gangster forces. .

“Looks like the Hand is going to make big news.”

The man in the dark let out an unexplained laugh. It seemed that he could use his hand to gather the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen together. This would be convenient for him to gain points and save him from searching for them one by one.

“Goodbye, Mr. Frank, it was a nice conversation.” Sean stood up and opened the door to leave. Silence returned to the dark space, leaving only Frank’s heavy breathing.

“Boss, what are you going to do?” Wesley, who was waiting outside, glanced at the iron door of the room and asked, “Keep it closed, or pour it into a cement pillar and throw it to the bottom of the Hudson River?”

After completing the interrogation, Sean was speechless for a while. He patted his subordinate on the shoulder and said seriously: “I say Wesley, don’t put Kingpin’s stuff here. Fighting, killing, etc., isn’t it too much? Okay! We are all law-abiding citizens of New York, what good does killing the Punisher do to us? Keep him locked up, anyway, with his ability, he should be able to escape on his own soon.”

Kill the Punisher and let him gather the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen! ?

There was a cold light in Sean’s eyes. He knew the plans of the Hand very clearly. He would definitely have conflicts with these street heroes in the future. It seemed like another grand hunting activity.

And all I have to do is wait patiently, be good at finding the right moment, and make sure nothing goes wrong before taking action. These are the excellent qualities a hunter should possess.

ps: I would like to recommend a book by a cute new author, “Director of All Worlds”. Readers who like to expand their imagination can give it a try ( ̄▽ ̄)/

In addition, I ask for votes every day~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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