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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 390 Rebel

The Carpathian Mountains at night are like an ancient beast crawling on the earth, extending in an arc from the Danube Gorge on the border of Austria and Slovakia to the east, passing through Poland, Ukraine and the Iron Gate Gorge in Romania.

In the border area near Latvinia, in the dense forest in the southeastern part of the mountains, a Gypsy tribe lives and lives. In the quiet night, tents were pitched in the lee at the foot of the mountain, next to a shallow, crystal clear stream, and occasionally a few embers of campfires that had not yet been extinguished were shining with starry light.

A dozen dilapidated old pickup trucks surrounded the tents in the middle, forming a simple temporary camp. This is the life of the Gypsies. They never live stably in one place. They wander among the edge towns. Consciously or unconsciously, I avoid the census and so on, and isolate myself from the world.

Among them are handcrafted coppersmiths from Romania, skilled car repairmen, and more famously, some jugglers and girls who are good at dancing. The most mysterious among them is the gypsy witch who is good at divination and psychic.

Every town they visit, these gypsy witches holding crystal balls and wearing face paint can often attract a lot of business, especially in backward and remote rural towns.

A thick mist suddenly rose from the dense forest and spread toward the temporary camp of the Gypsies at a rapid speed. Like a rolling wave, it swallowed up every tent in an instant.

In the thick gray fog, Casillas, shrouded in black robes, walked out. This fallen mage who betrayed Karma Taj had a red mark on his forehead, which was the mark of being watched by Dormammu, and his two eyes. Eroded by the energy of the dark dimension, the skin was cracked and broken, revealing dark purple blood vessel patterns.

From Karma Taj’s library, he stole the forbidden ritual of communicating with the dark dimension and calling Dormammu, and actively became a minion of darkness, walking in the material world.

“Not enough. I need more fanatics.”

Casillas spoke in an aria-like voice, and the thick fog seemed to be alive, surrounding him.

Tent after tent was overturned and torn apart, and the gypsies who were immersed in sweet dreams were instantly devoured by the fire of life and turned into a withered corpse.

“It’s a pity that none of them could withstand Dormammu’s gaze.”

Behind Casillas was a black wave. In a short period of time, he used evil rituals to communicate with the dark dimension to develop many believers.

Like Casillas, they were all deceived by Dormammu’s so-called eternal home, hoping to gain the great power of immortality, and for this reason they were willing to become part of the dark dimension.

“Oh, there’s a lucky little guy here.”

The thick fog pulled at a little girl wearing a linen robe, a bohemian-style headscarf, and her silky blond hair was tied into braids.

That childish little face was full of painful expressions. She withstood Dormammu’s gaze, obtained the energy transformation of the dark dimension, and was about to join Casillas and become a fanatic.

“Welcome into the embrace of darkness…”

Casillas reached out to touch the girl’s head. His expression suddenly changed, and the space suddenly changed. A beam of lightning pierced the thick fog, and seemed to have lost its accuracy, hitting a tent.

The dazzling firelight illuminated the mist, and a dark green cloak gradually appeared, with a stern and solemn metal mask protruding from it.

“This is my territory, no one can act arbitrarily.”

Doctor Doom’s voice was low and hoarse, his eyes were cold, and the electric current lingered on the metal arm, like a python, and it would burst out at any time.

Behind him, the steel legions descended from the sky one after another, constantly hitting the hard ground with clanging sounds.

“Victor Doom…”

Casillas didn’t seem surprised. Last time, he created an evil sacrifice in Latvinia, resulting in the death of hundreds of people. During this period, he also clashed with the opponent’s Steel Legion.

“If you are here for what happened last time, I am deeply sorry. Those people returned to the embrace of the dark dimension and gained eternal tranquility.”

If this fallen mage ignores the weird attire, he would look more like a philosopher or an elegant aristocrat.

“Mr. Doom, I heard that you were once a scientist, and now you are concentrating on studying magic. Then you should be well versed in the laws of nature. Everything has its end.”

Casillas did not seem to intend to take action immediately. He looked at Doctor Doom who led the army and said seriously: “Both planetary civilizations and life races will eventually perish. This is an irreversible rule in the universe, but the dark dimension different.”

“There is no passage of time there. We surrender under Dormammu and avoid the arrival of death, just like many worlds in the dark dimension. We will embrace life and gain eternal tranquility.”

“Human beings think about good and evil, but they don’t know that their real enemy is time, which can destroy everything and destroy everything.”

He spoke about the greatness of Dormammu in a measured tone, and his eyes were full of fanatical piety, which made people’s hair stand on end.

Doctor Doom sneered disdainfully. He would not believe this, and asked, “Do you also say the same thing to those people who you regard as sacrifices and use their lives and flesh to worship Dormammu?”

“They are insignificant, just tiny specks of dust in the vast universe.”

Casillas looked at Doctor Doom sincerely and said loudly: “We are all slaves of time, imprisoned in the cage of death. If we want to break the shackles and transcend time, we can only believe in Dormammu!”

“Mr. Doom, what I did was not to rule the world, or for any other ambition… I just wanted to save everyone and leave the future in the hands of Dormammu, the lord of all things.”

“You think you have seen the truth, but you don’t know that you are the fool whose eyes are blinded.”

The thick fog was like a parting tide, revealing a tall figure. Sean looked at Casillas with a smile on his lips.

This mage who was once admired by the Ancient One, but later fell into darkness and became a fanatical follower of Dormammu, had a tragic fate.

He lost his beloved wife and children early, lost hope in life, thought he had nothing, gave up on himself, and was addicted to alcohol.

Until he came to Kama Taj, saw the power of magic, became a disciple of Ancient One, and started his own practice.

It has to be said that Casillas is indeed a natural mage. The speed of his progress shocked even Ancient One. While others were still struggling with the appearance seen with the naked eye, he had abandoned all cognition and stepped into the world. Enter the door of the Magic Palace.

There is a saying in the ancient Eastern proverb that “deep love will not last long, but wisdom will be hurt”, which is suitable for Casillas.

Hidden in his heart is his attachment to his wife and children, and with his in-depth study of magic, Casillas gradually desires more, such as reversing time and bringing his dead relatives back to him.

Casillas harbors a deep fear of death and time…so he hopes to seek power from magic.

This fallen mage was the first person among Karma Taj to raise questions. He believed that Ancient One was hiding something and that the Supreme Mage was not a selfless saint.

Facts have proved that Casillas’s guess was correct, and he discovered the truth – the great Supreme Mage actually violated the precepts of Kama Taj throughout the ages, abandoned the trinity of Vishan Emperor, and threw himself into the embrace of the dark dimension.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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