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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 392 Dark Invasion

Strange was caught off guard and thrown into the space channel. He fell from a low altitude and crashed onto an overturned tent.

Before he could recover, a bolt of lightning hit the old-fashioned pickup truck next to him. Amidst the loud roar, intense firelight burst out.

“This is……”

Strange looked around in surprise. Fans in black robes collided with the mechanical legions made of metal, like a duel between magic and technological power.

The dizzying chants echoed on the battlefield. The fanatics belonging to Dormammu recited long and difficult to pronounce ancient syllables. They put their hands on their chests and condensed a transparent blade, which was a deadly weapon intercepted from space. .

These fallen mages, like Casillas, betrayed the trinity of Vishan Emperor that Karma Taj believed in and turned to the dark embrace of Dormammu.

Doctor Doom led the mechanical legion, and the lightning danced like a silver snake, fighting against the black waves that were constantly attacking. The artillery launched a blanket attack on the dense forest, but the group of fanatics twisted the space and easily resolved it.

“I’m just passing by…wait!”

Strange was on the edge of the battlefield. He was thrown to Latvinia by Ancient Yi. Several fallen mages noticed the movement and rushed towards him waving their transparent blades.

With a depressed look on his face, he kept moving his hands, quickly condensing an energy whip to block the enemy’s attacks.

“The horn of war has sounded, and the minions of darkness have formed an invincible and powerful army. They are like a tide of death that swallows all things, breaking the solid defense line of the material world and bringing new hope to this planet!”

Casillas, who was floating in the air, seemed to be chanting poetry. He looked at the tall Sean and kept saying confusing words: “You have been searching for my traces. Ancient One wants to find me. To prevent Dormammu from coming, she knows that once the earth is dragged into the dark dimension, the three major temples, Kama Taj, and the order established by the Supreme Mage will all be destroyed!”

“The great Supreme Mage is afraid, she is afraid of that new and beautiful era!”

Casillas looked at Sean who was listening quietly. The red mark on his forehead became more and more obvious. He was supported by the dark dimension and drew powerful energy from it at all times.

Opening his palm, a ball of rich energy quickly rotated, like a blazing ball of lightning, flying out suddenly and bombarding the center of the battlefield below.

Strange, who was struggling to fend off a group of fallen mages, saw the strong shock wave lifting up the soil and large trees falling down. He swung the energy whip in his hand, temporarily broke away from the enemy’s onslaught, and retreated quickly.

The air wave swept out like a hurricane, and whether it was the mechanical legion or Dormammu’s fanatics, they were all turned into dust by the explosive energy tide.

“This is the power I have, the reward from Dormammu. If you, like me, devoutly pronounce the name of the Lord of All Things and fall into the embrace of the dark dimension, you can also receive this generous gift.”

Casillas was gradually assimilated by the dark dimension, and his consciousness was infected by Dormammu. He unknowingly lost himself and became a fanatical believer-like existence.

I believe that it won’t be long before this fallen mage with extraordinary talent will completely become Dormammu’s vassal.

“I don’t have the leisure time.”

Sean’s eyes were disdainful. He caught a glimpse of Strange below. The future Supreme Mage left Kama Taj. There must have been some problem with Ancient One.

“Last time, you and Mephisto joined forces to destroy the three major temples and shake the solid defense line of the material world; this time, what allies did you find?”

Sean’s eyes flickered. According to Skynet’s report, New York seemed to have entered a mirror world. There was no movement and everything was calm.

“Mephisto is not the only lord in hell. Six kings gathered together. They made an agreement with Dormammu to divide the human souls in the material world.”

Casillas took off his hood, revealing a typical European face, with gray hair, a hooked nose, and dark purple veins floating in his eyes.

“New York is the real main battlefield. Our activities in Latvinia are just to create an illusion.”

He spoke slowly, looking like a winner.

“The life of the Ancient One has come to an end. There is no doubt about this. Dormammu’s followers have long since sneaked into the London Temple and the Hong Kong Temple. Those mages who believe in Weishan Emperor have no more willpower than ordinary people. How much stronger.”

“You corrupted the Temple Mage?”

Sean was not in a hurry to take action. With the strength of the Supreme Mage, even if the seven kings of hell were to fight together, they might not be Gu Yi’s opponent.

“I just opened a door of truth for them. Death is the destination of all things, and time is the shackles of all living beings. We can never get rid of it and have to become slaves imprisoned in it.”

Casillas was like a philosopher, his robes fluttering in the wind, “No one is not afraid of death, even the Supreme Mage. Why did I betray Karma Taj? Because I discovered the secret of the Ancient One, where Behind the hypocritical face full of high-sounding words is a despicable cowardice!”

“She draws on the power of the dark dimension and studies the mystery of time alone… The Ancient One is the biggest rebel of Karma Taj!”

Casillas’s tone became excited, and a trace of sarcasm and anger flashed in his eyes. He once trusted the Supreme Mage so much, regarded him as a god in the world, and worshiped him.

But the other party deceived him and all the magicians of Kama Taj. Ancient One used the energy of the dark dimension to maintain his immortality and gained more powerful power.

“Now, this world is about to fall into the dark dimension and fall into the hands of Dormammu…”


Before Casillas finished speaking, golden flames spurted out, causing Sean’s feet to vibrate, the atmosphere roaring, and the tall figure tore out strong air waves, crashing into the complacent fallen mage.

“Enough of the story, it’s better to solve the next thing with fists.”

Intermittent sounds rang in his ears. Casillas was shocked. He clasped his hands together and drew complex lines. He immediately twisted the space and tried to distance the two sides.

The space is layered on top of each other, like a constantly rotating kaleidoscope, forming an invisible cage, trying to imprison Sean who suddenly took action.

In the hands of Casillas, the scale of the space continued to stretch, as if it had been extended into an endless circular corridor. This miraculous and powerful spell left Strange below stunned.

Tearing apart the atmosphere, Sean stopped as he shot forward, and then punched out. The dull explosion was like thunder, and the rumble echoed in the air.

The next moment, the superimposed and stretched space was like a fragile mirror, shattering!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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