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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 394 Mirror World

According to the ancient records of Kama Taj, hell is a strange dimension attached to the material world, filled with hot lava and a strong smell of sulfur. It can be called a barren land with no vegetation. Except for the dry and cracked hard earth, there is no life all year round. The deep clouds dispersed, and there was no other scenery.

Mephisto is one of the rulers of hell. He has always liked to act in the material world in human form, bewitching others, playing with souls, and getting endless fun from it.

The lord of hell enjoyed this evil hobby so much that the popular story in “Faust” was based on him.

Unfortunately, Agamotto later established three major temples, perfected the magic system, and organized mages to eradicate alien creatures. His successor, Ancient One, even used thunderous means to expel all creatures from outside the material world!

For this reason, Mephisto had conflicts with the two supreme mages, and even encouraged everyone in hell to form a mighty dark army, trying to invade the material world and take it as his own.

For the first time, the seven kings of hell came out in full force, leading countless dark creatures, such as evil skeletons, balrogs, nightmares, giant stone puppets…

The three major temples, which were founded not long ago, also gathered many forces such as the Knights Templar and the Priory to fight against the invasion and onslaught of the dark tide. That war was not recorded in history, but it can be said to be a battle related to the survival of mankind. An important battle, its cruelty is beyond imagination.

In the end, under the leadership of the previous supreme mage Agamothu, the three temples won the victory with great difficulty, blocking the seven kings of hell and the legions of darkness from the material world.

The second time, Mephisto used the spirit of vengeance to select the Ghost Rider in the material world to complete the mission for him. This behavior angered the Ancient One, who inherited the position of Supreme Mage. An earth-shattering battle.

In the end, Gu Yi personally drove this powerful Hell Lord back to his hometown, and at the same time established his own illustrious reputation.

“This time is different.”

Outside the material world, the six figures leading the way are like towering mountains, covering the sky and the sun.

One of them said in a conspiratorial manner: “The two temples in London and Hong Kong have been destroyed, and the strong defense line established by Agamottu is crumbling.”

“How long do you think you can last? Instead of giving this earth to Dormammu, it is better to hand it to us… After all, we only want souls, and this world can still retain a glimmer of hope.”

“Shut up! Samael!”

Gu Yi’s eyes were cold, she waved her palms, with a white robe as the center of the circle, ripples appeared in the surrounding space, and spread quickly.

In less than half a minute, New York seemed to be sealed in amber, and the entire city sank into a mirror world.

“You can try to cross that line of defense and see if I can cut off your head this time.”

In the thick dark mist, a ferocious red dragon head poked out, its huge vertical pupils stared at the Ancient One standing in the void, and the fierce fire almost burst out.

It is Samael, one of the Seven Lords of Hell, the fallen Seraph, and the legendary red dragon who blows the horn of doom.

“We are not that idiot Mephisto. It won’t be long before the defenses of the material world collapse and Dormammu arrives. By then you will naturally be unable to do anything else.”

Outside the dark shadows of the six hell monarchs, a tall figure covered in hell flames appeared, with a hint of schadenfreude in his tone.

“Zathanos, now that you are freed from the restraints of Mephisto, you should no longer be interested in Earth.”

Ancient Yi’s voice was cold, and a blazing halo blessed his body. Multiple dazzling haloes were superimposed and intertwined, condensing into a bright crown. The flames of his soul hung down like tassels, making the Supreme Mage even more like a god.

“I really want to know who is going to take the first step.”

The cold gaze penetrated the clouds, and there was silence in hell, with no one responding.


Sean took Strange to the New York Temple, which also became a fierce battlefield. Dormammu’s fanatics, many dark creatures, such as werewolves, vampires, and evil alchemical creations, like A steady stream of black waves surged in crazily.

Modu wielded a powerful magic weapon and was at the forefront to kill the enemy bravely. The other mages were not to be far behind. Alchemy guns and temple magic weapons were flying all over the sky. For a moment, the shouts of killing were loud.

“You go back and find some magic weapons.”

Sean looked at the anxious Strange and sent him away from the battlefield.

It’s a pity that this is the mirror world, otherwise he could mobilize SHIELD’s helicarrier to directly evacuate the people, and then carry out a blanket strike. No matter how large the number of these dark minions is, they will not be afraid.

In order to prevent this final battle from affecting the real world, Ancient One directly dragged the entire New York into the mirror space, and the two sides had to compete with each other in terms of physical strength.

Under the command of Karma Taj, the temple has gathered knights, monasteries, and a group of demon hunters. They will become the last line of defense to stop this terrible dark invasion.

However, under the plan of Casillas, Dormammu’s evil god Whisper was used to corrupt some weak-willed temple mages, and secretly infiltrated the two temples in London and Hong Kong, causing great damage to the solid defense line of the material world. Destruction of the earth.

Only the New York Temple is left, and once it is completely destroyed, Dormammu will truly descend.

At that time, the Supreme Mage will be attacked from two sides, on the one hand, the many demon kings of hell, and on the other hand, the corrosive power of the dark dimension.

Is this what Gu Yi said is the end?

While Sean was concentrating on thinking, as the defense line of the material world gradually collapsed, more hellish creatures poured in, including huge balrogs, nightmares with gloomy auras all over their bodies, and the largest number of evil skeleton spirits.

Seeing that the balance of victory was out of balance and sliding towards hell, Gu Yi, wearing a bright crown on his head, gently waved his palm and used the sacred sword of Emperor Weishan. The huge lightsaber made of majestic energy slashed down violently, with splashes of blood. The flowing fire swept across, and once the swarming minions of darkness touched it, they were instantly turned into ashes!

The entire mirror world fell into dead silence for a brief moment, and the dark tide paused for a moment, and then rushed forward without fear of death, hitting the last line of defense formed by the temple mages.

“Leave Dormammu to me.”

Sean looked at Ancient One, who was standing in the void, trying his best to stabilize the material world and prevent the invasion of hell, with a smile on his face.

The Supreme Mage alone is enough to withstand the menacing six kings of hell, as well as the ancient elemental life form Zatanos.

As for Dormammu in the Dark Dimension? He really wanted to learn a lesson.

Even without the Eye of Agamothar, with the three gems, Sean would not be afraid of the dark evil god.

“Hey, look what I found? A delicious serving of soul.”

A handsome man with a pale face wearing a long black trench coat stood in front of Sean, blocking his way to leave.

“It’s been a long, long time since I tasted the wonderful taste of the soul… You make me want to move!”

The handsome man who suddenly appeared licked his lips, and his ferocious fangs were faintly visible under his pale skin.

“Who are you?”

Sean stopped with interest. The other party was filled with a strong smell of sulfur, and he was obviously a visitor from hell.

“I am the future king of hell, the son of Mephisto, the Witch-Hearted Demon.”

The handsome man announced his name unabashedly, his eyes staring at Sean, full of greed.

After hearing this, Sean nodded, the smile on his face became more joyful, and he said softly: “As the saying goes, the most important thing for a family is to be neat and tidy. I will send you to see Mephisto.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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