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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 395 Facing Hell

The gloomy sky had been accumulating for a long time, and a heavy rain finally fell. Electric light pierced the thick clouds, thunder rolled through the void, and huge raindrops fell on the ground, splashing hazy mist.

The entire New York became a huge battlefield between hell and temple. As the defense lines of the material world collapsed, the number of dark minions surged. Under the leadership of six kings, those hell creatures poured into the mirror world like a tide.

A giant Balrog with a height of thirteen feet appeared on Broadway. Its whole body was covered with sulfur and fire, with huge horns. It carried a rough giant ax in its hands, and its legs like cow hooves crushed a car. The car rushed towards the New York Temple.

A team of demon hunters used alchemical firearms and bombarded the Balrog with bullets mixed with mercury. This weapon, which is extremely lethal to the vampires, poses no threat to the Balrog who is wearing a layer of cuticle armor. .

The hot breath surged through the Broadway Boss, evaporating a white mist. In the pouring rain, the Balrog roared and waved his giant axe, while the temple mages who formed the defense line raised their magic weapons, and a dazzling magic circle rose under their feet, borrowing powerful energy from the trinity Weishan Emperor.

Battles like this were happening constantly throughout the city. A bone dragon spread its wings and covered the sky and sun, lying on the Statue of Liberty. Its pale head raised its head and roared. In its empty pupils, ghost fire burned faintly.

And in Wall Street, the world’s financial center, a gloomy nightmare lingered, knocking open the famous landmark Copper Bull and running wildly in the Southern District of Manhattan. Thousands of evil skeletons rushed down from the Empire State Building, and giant stone puppets gathered. Formed an army and occupied Times Square…

Faced with the massive invasion of hellish creatures, the Temple Legion showed tenacious resistance. With the New York Temple as the center, they organized dozens of powerful lines of defense, forming a huge magic circle with each other, extracting a steady stream of natural resources. energy.

Along the surrounding blocks, there are a total of thirty small defensive positions. The Temple Mage leads the Knights and Demon Hunters to deploy various magic circles to block the advancing dark craze.

“Is this the courage of mankind? It is not worth mentioning in the face of the doomsday prophecies that are about to come true.”

Samael lingered on the edge of the gate of hell, the red dragon’s head shining with fierce fire, peeking out of the rich and deep dark mist.

“Chaos has arrived and order has collapsed! The living will die and the dead will not survive!”

Zatanos stepped out first, and the flames of hell burst out, rushing towards the lonely Supreme Mage in a crazy manner.

Even though the last temple still exists, as the defense line of the material world declines, the suppression of the kings of hell becomes weaker and weaker.

As an ancient elemental demon, Zatanos knows that the six kings of hell will never be the first to take the lead easily. After all, Mephisto’s lessons are before him.

“Zathanos… you will once again remember the reputation of the Supreme Mage.”

Gu Yi snorted coldly and took steps. The bright crown bloomed with light, and the intense spiritual flames rose up. The kings in hell closed their eyes subconsciously, not daring to stare at the dazzling light.

“Bosat’s Thunder!”

A beam of energy as thick as a wild python burst out from the hands of the Supreme Mage, like a ball of rolling thunder, violently colliding with the flames of hell!

Before Zatanos could react, he let out a shrill wail, and the dark flames covering his body suddenly dimmed!

Emerald light bloomed from Ancient One’s hand, and the Eye of Agamotto on her chest quietly opened. She stretched out her hand to hold it, and the outlined lines intertwined into a looping knot, binding Zatanos.

“I have absolutely no mercy in my heart for you.”

There was a rare look of begging for mercy in the eyes of this elemental demon, but it could not move the Supreme Mage at all. In an instant, Zatanos was sealed into the time cage.

There, time loops endlessly and never stops, and Zatanos will endure this painful suffering that is worse than death.

Just imagine, when one second is stretched out in a loop, woven into a circle, and repeated over and over again, what kind of torture will it be for the person who is in it?

“Who else?”

Ancient Yi stood above the clouds, staring coldly at the six figures in hell.

With Zatanos’s lessons learned, even Samael, the most fiery-tempered one, remained silent. The devil was equally famous for his cunning and caution.

They originally wanted to take advantage of Dormammu’s arrival and drag the planet into the dark dimension to harvest human souls. Unfortunately, Ancient One did not give in and stood outside the gate of hell, blocking the dark king’s massive invasion.

“We don’t have to be enemies.”

In the thick and deep dark mist, Abaddon, whose face was hidden under the hooded black robe, appeared.

It is known as the “King of Diseases” and leads the swarms of locusts. It has been specifically described in Chapter 9 of the Book of Revelation——

“A giant star fell from the sky and fell into a bottomless abyss. Immediately, thick smoke rose from the bottom of the abyss, covering the sky and darkening the sun. It was as if a big furnace had been ignited. There were locust-like objects in the thick smoke. They fly out from below and do not destroy the vegetation, but only attack those who have not received the mark of God on their foreheads. The locusts look like war horses ready for battle, with the faces of men, the long hair of women, and the teeth of lions. They have iron armor on their chests. , the roar of the wings is like the sound of thousands of troops galloping.”

This lord of hell rules an army of dead men and locusts, and his strength is not inferior to that of Mephisto.

“How else can I cooperate with you?”

Ancient One sneered, a red mark appeared on her forehead, the dark dimension was eroding the material world, and Dormammu was about to arrive.

“We can join forces to fight Dormammu, as long as you are willing to open up the material world and allow hell creatures to come in and out… Rather than letting Dormammu drag this planet into the dark dimension, it is better to make sacrifices and save the last bit for mankind. hope.”

Abaddon lifted his hood, revealing his ugly insect-like face, and a hint of cunning flashed through his huge compound eyes.

“We all know for a fact that the devil has no integrity whatsoever.”

Gu Yi said lightly. She looked at the six figures standing at the gate of hell, and there seemed to be a cold wind swirling in her eyes. “Domammu will have to wait for a while before he comes. How about I get rid of you first?” .”

Dressed in a white robe, the Supreme Mage rushed into the gate of hell without hesitation. Thousands of shadows scattered in all directions. This is a powerful spell in the book of Emperor Weishan. The shape of Ikeen is condensed with energy. Many physical clones,

“act recklessly……”

“You are asking for death…”

“Ancient One…”

The hell was in turmoil and chaos instantly. The six kings who wanted to act as bystanders roared and roared for a moment, with unconcealable panic in their voices.

“This is Earth’s most powerful mage…a truly respectable strength and belief.”

Sean, who was standing high in the sky, sighed sincerely and strangled the Wu Xin Mo’s neck with one hand.

The courage and strength to fight into hell and face six demon lords by oneself are really heartbreaking.

“I am a child of hell! You can’t…”

Sean curled his lips, ignored the Wuxinmo’s struggle, and threw the opponent downwards with a sneer.

The son of Mephisto, the future Lord of Hell, penetrated directly through the more than 100-story Shimao Building and smashed deeply into the center of the earth.

The devil’s body, which was strong enough to withstand artillery bombardment, fell apart like cracked porcelain!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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