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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 396 Dormammu’s gaze

“You bastards! Get all back to hell!”

Mordo stood proudly at the forefront of the defense line, waving the wand of Vatum and smashing the head of a nightmare. The black mage had a resolute face and was bathed in the energy halo of the trinity Weishan Emperor.

He looked at the white robe that disappeared behind the thick clouds, and a touch of worry and respect rose in his eyes. How crazy is this to face the six kings of hell alone?

The previous supreme mage, Agamoduo, established three major temples, constructed a complete mage system, and was the creator of order.

As the successor, Ancient One relied on his own tyrannical strength to block Dormammu in the dark dimension, expel the kings of hell, and was the guardian of order.

It can be said that the two supreme mages before and after shouldered the heavy responsibility of guarding the earth and fighting the darkness without fear. It was this unparalleled sense of mission that made Mordu follow him wholeheartedly.

The reason why many of Kama Taj’s mages choose to serve Emperor Weishan and respect the Supreme Magister is not only because of their own strength, but also because of their inner respect and admiration.

When darkness comes, some people will choose to be cowardly and survive; while others will stand up bravely and fight until the last moment.

In New York in the mirror world, everyone is implementing their own beliefs, using their own bodies as city walls to guard the last temple.

“That’s too late.”

After reuniting the Mephisto family, Sean landed in the New York Temple. He saw that the dimensional nodes were out of balance and the chaotic energy was like a volcanic eruption. The two temples were destroyed, causing irreversible damage to the solid defense line of the material world. damage.

Coupled with the erosion of hell, even if the temple mage successfully prevents the massive invasion of hell creatures, the status quo may not be restored, and Dormammu will still come.

As the kings of hell say, chaos comes and order breaks down; the living will die, but the dead will no longer exist.

When the planet is dragged into the dark dimension and becomes part of Dormammu, no living thing can escape.

Putting on the metal glove, Sean clenched his fist. On the round hole inlaid with gems, the three-color light flowed erratically, and abundant energy surged and rolled.

Ancient One took the Eye of Agamotto and went into hell to face the demon lord. If Dormammu comes, he is the only one who can stop this catastrophe.

Sean finally defeated Thanos and the Dark Order, cleansed S.H.I.E.L.D., wiped out Hydra, and joined forces with Asgard to launch the nine-star defense strategy.

It won’t be long before the bunker plan for the Earth-Moon system will be officially implemented. With the permission of the World Security Council, the five major countries will take the lead in building the first space city on the moon, ushering in a great era of human immigration.

Sean, who has worked hard to get to this point, is about to embark on a journey to the stars and the sea, how can he tolerate Dormammu destroying his grand plan!

He held the metal glove, and the three-color light suddenly opened like a giant curtain. The three colors of blue, orange, and scarlet poured out like a mighty torrent of destruction, swallowing up the crazy creatures from hell.

All the mages were stunned. In the gorgeous light curtain, those dark minions seemed to be solidified, and their bodies collapsed into fine dust.

“Those bastards from hell will not be afraid of sacrifice. You can only place your hopes on Gu Yi…”

Before Sean finished speaking, there was a loud noise in hell, and a huge red dragon head was thrown out, crushing a building in Manhattan.

“Well, it seems the great Mage Supreme doesn’t need us to worry.”

Sean shrugged and smiled. He saw Strange rushing out of the New York Temple. The future Supreme Mage had already put on a new suit.

With a red cloak floating in the air and an ancient copper book in his hand, Strange appeared in a brand new image.

“The Magic Floating Cloak, the Book of Emperor Weishan…where did you find them?”

Mordo’s dark face was full of astonishment. It was not easy to get the recognition of a powerful magic weapon, but Strange immediately showed two things when he appeared.

The former is a magical cloak with magical power, which can make the user levitate and fly freely in the air at a very fast speed. In addition, it can move according to the owner’s wishes and participate in battles.

The latter is one of the most important magical instruments in Kama Taj. It records various spells throughout the history. It is extremely powerful and has indestructible properties.

“I found it in the ruins of the London Temple…what’s the condition of it?”

Strange replied briefly that he originally did not want to come back to fight. For Kamal Taj, or even as a mage, this genius doctor from New York had no sense of belonging.

The reason why he sought out Karma Taj and became a disciple of the Supreme Master was simply to heal his hands and return to New York to continue his career.

What about the dark dimension, Dormammu, hell invasion… Strange doesn’t care at all, he just wants to resume his old life and be the proud and confident genius doctor.

But things went counterproductive. He witnessed with his own eyes those temple mages who fought desperately and would rather die than retreat. They faced enemies dozens or hundreds of times more powerful than themselves, but they never thought of backing down.

The world is in danger, but all you can think about is going back to the past?

Just as the Ancient One said, not everyone is willing to shoulder the responsibility from the beginning. Strange broke the shackles in his heart and began to take the first step on the road of superheroes.

“The ancient mage went to hell and wanted to take the lead in getting rid of the rest of the enemies before Dormammu came.”

Mordo clenched the wand of Vatum and replied seriously.

“Is there any way to prevent Dormammu from coming?”

Strange held the Book of Emperor Weishan, continuously selected powerful spells from it, extracted the energy and condensed it into the Seraphim Shield, covering the entire New York Temple.

“That’s too late.”

Mordo looked at the gloomy sky and repeated Sean’s words.

The imbalance of the dimensional nodes caused violent energy to impact the New York Temple. The walls of this key building began to peel off, and large pieces of masonry disintegrated and were annihilated into fine dust.

The solid space barrier is like a fragile mirror, with large cracks opening up. Those shocking lines are like spider webs, as if they will completely collapse in the next moment.

In the dark and silent dark dimension, the tip of the iceberg was vaguely revealed. The sky seemed to be split open, the thick clouds rolled into a huge whirlpool, and the black air flow screamed and hissed, even swallowing up the burst of thunder.

A pair of huge eyes filled with destructive light stared straight at the world.

That was the sight from Dormammu.

“Devotion…surrender…eternal life…”

The obscure syllables echoed in everyone’s ears like a low whisper.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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