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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 397 I’m here to negotiate terms

“Weak humans, instead of living in endless fear of death, why not kneel down and serve Dormammu, dedicate your soul and everything with both hands, and become a loyal servant of the ruler of the dark dimension.”

The extremely fragile space barrier shattered with a bang, and a dark figure emerged, with a sinister aura lingering all over it. The cheek was shriveled, and dark purple veins criss-crossed it, like a dead old tree, which was particularly terrifying. .

A sneer appeared on Sean’s lips. This body had no vitality at all and was made of the rich power of darkness.


Modu was shocked and uncertain, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

I once worshiped Karma Taj, a genius mage with extraordinary talents and full of philosophical thoughts, who actually turned into this ghost? !

Is this what it means to be a familiar of Dormammu?

There was an inexplicable chill in Mordu’s heart. As the mage of Karma Taj, he could naturally see that Casillas was actually reduced to a puppet of the dark dimension. Once he lost Dormammu’s support, he would not even be able to The soul cannot be saved.

“Modu, are you still loyal to Ancient One, that hypocritical and humble person? I can’t wait to see what pitiful look you will have on your face after you know the truth.”

Casillas, whose body was shattered by Sean and re-transformed by Dormammu, laughed heartily. As the spokesperson of the dark dimension, his strength is far greater than before.

Although the human body active in the material world has been destroyed, the planet is about to fall into the dark dimension. He does not need to be suppressed by the laws of the material world, and of course he does not care about his current inhuman form.

“You have become Dormammu’s lackey yourself, and you have to make others agree with your idea of ​​becoming a lackey. From a medical perspective, this is actually a serious mental illness.”

Strange ridiculed that this arrogant genius doctor’s poisonous tongue skills were not those of Tony Stark.

“You will never understand that I have fully understood the true meaning of life… Human beings are imprisoned in the cage of time, and I will liberate you…”


A metal glove crossed the space and hit his face. His head, as dry as an old tree, suddenly exploded and dissipated into a ball of dark mist. The powerful energy shattered the body.

“Don’t you understand yet? Dormammu has given me the power of eternal life.”

A group of intense flames condensed by the power of darkness wrapped around the withered head.

The red mark on Casillas’ forehead flashed with light, and the lifeless body extracted the power of darkness and regrouped in an instant.

“I just don’t want to hear any more of your nonsense.”

Sean held the metal glove, and the three-color light lingered on his arm, creating a gorgeous halo.

“Dormammu’s generosity is nothing but a slow poison that seduce blind fools like you. Casillas, you are immersed in the illusory dream of the eternal home, unable to extricate yourself, but you cannot see the true face of the dark dimension. “

Sean turned his head and looked at the gate of hell behind the thick clouds. The white robe was stained with blood, which made all the kings of hell tremble with fear.

He said with emotion: “You have no idea what true strength is.”

“I’ll leave this fanatical believer of Dormammu to you. I’m going to meet the great Dormammu he calls for a while.”

Sean said something to Mordo and Strange, then went straight past Casillas’s blockage and rushed into the slowly opening dark dimension.

Behind them, the New York Temple gradually collapsed, and violent energy spurted out, continuously impacting this solid building standing on the dimensional node.

The dark dimension is like a huge whirlpool, eroding the mirror world of the Ancient One. Soon, this New York in the mirror space will completely collapse, and then Dormammu will be able to devour the material world in one go, treating the entire planet as a delicacy Swallow the snack in one bite.

Passing through the broken space barrier, Sean rushed into the deep and silent dark dimension. He saw countless miniature planets, which were connected together by thick chains of laws. He could not feel the breath of life at all, as if they were dead. Like a star.

This is the result of being dragged into the dark dimension. The entire planet becomes part of Dormammu, and all living creatures cease to exist.

No one would want to see this kind of ending. Only Casillas, who was bewitched and deceived by Dormammu and didn’t know the truth at all, would foolishly think that being attached to the dark dimension was helping humans escape from the prison of time and achieve eternal life. The ultimate dream.

“Insect…you dare to break into my territory?”

The obscure and difficult-to-pronounce syllables were transmitted into Sean’s mind in the form of thoughts, like ten thousand copper bells ringing, making a deafening roar.

The dead silence of the dark dimension was broken, and the rioting energy was like an astronomical tide, stirring billions of dimensions. A huge and incomparable illusory head condensed, making even those Death Stars look incomparably small.

The huge eyes containing the light of destruction looked directly at this bold and humble human being. Dormammu felt vaguely familiar, and the pure soul fluctuations of the other person seemed familiar.

“I remember you…the little guy next to Ancient One.”

Dormammu’s voice shook the soul, Sean held the metal glove, and the Mind Stone burst out with bright light, like a lit torch, and a strong halo rose into the sky, like a dazzling sun.

“Gu Yi’s life is about to come to an end, why do you still need to follow her?”

Seeing that this tiny human resisted his gaze, Dormammu became slightly interested.

A coward like Casillas, who just turned his gaze from the dark dimension to the material world, turned the other person into a fanatic, and was gradually eroded and assimilated by the power of darkness, losing his own will.

In Dormammu’s view, this kind of devout believer is worthless. If it weren’t for the fact that the defense line established by Karma Taj was too solid and needed a few bugs as spokespersons, he would not even bother to pay attention to Casillas’s call.

“Your planet will soon become a part of me. To me, you are the stronger one among countless weak insects… I can accept your allegiance, as the messenger of the dark dimension, to find for me More worlds.”

Dormammu considered this request to be extremely generous, and he rarely gave others a choice, but Sean was different.

The three gems on the metal glove gave the ruler of the dark dimension a sense of fear. This rare emotion actually appeared a bit unexpectedly.

Ever since Dormammu abandoned his human form and completely merged with the dark dimension, human emotions have gradually faded away.

“Unfortunately, I choose to refuse.”

Sean seemed to be facing a vast abyss, and his small figure was as insignificant as a drop in the ocean.

Golden flames spurted out from his tall body. He calmly faced Dormammu’s huge eyes and said solemnly: “I’m here to negotiate terms.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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