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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 398 Heart

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

Dormammu’s voice was like thunder, reverberating in Sean’s heart and shaking him.

The illusive head rippled like a huge mountain range, and the colorful light was like a wave, stirring the dark dimension.

According to human expressions, this should be regarded as a contemptuous sneer.

In Dormammu’s eyes, Sean is just a slightly stronger ant. Last time, Gu Yi showed his power and took away this humble human being who didn’t know the heights of the world. This time, the Supreme Mage was busy fighting against the kings of hell, almost… Unable to help themselves.

Hearing that Sean rejected his conditions, Dormammu said no more. The energy beam as thick as a mountain suddenly blasted out, and the majestic purple light shone through the dark dimension, enough to grind a planet into powder.

Sean raised his brows and twitched his metal glove. The three colors of light blended together and opened into a solid barrier, blocking Dormammu’s energy attacks.

The power of the Sentinel surged through the body, and the dead planet beneath Sean’s feet rumbled and shook. He and Dormammu were like two bulls wrestling with each other, neither of them willing to show weakness, competing for strength.

Under the heavy pressure, the hard ground gradually cracked into huge deep pits. The dead planet screamed and trembled. The aftermath of the collision of the two energies erupted, and the powerful impact radiated and spread in all directions.

With a bang, the Death Star fell apart. Sean waved his metal glove, which was powerful enough to sink a 10,000-ton ship, and directly hit Dormammu’s illusory head!

In an instant, the dark dimension rolled up like a storm, making an earth-shattering noise. Dormammu’s unimaginable huge body shook violently, and the infinite dimensions stacked behind him seemed to knock over a domino, causing a chain reaction.

This punch caused minimal damage to the ruler of the dark dimension, and was more like an insulting action.

“you this……”

Dormammu roared angrily, and biological emotions dominated his thinking. The infinite energy in the dark dimension, like a violent wave, suddenly rolled up high and covered the tiny humans.

The ether particles turned into a mighty torrent, the Reality Stone stirred up the rules, and the raging tide instantly turned into groups of transparent bubbles, floating in the deep and silent dark space.

Sean raised a smile and twisted Dormammu’s illusory head into a giant head of Mickey Mouse as if to prank him. This mocking move further angered the ruler of the dark dimension.

The two desolate planets hit like lead balls. The terrifying power of darkness condensed into extremely intense black flames, covering a large area of ​​the dark dimension.

Sean raised his hand, and the golden flames swung like a heavy hammer. The tyrannical power shattered everything. The two Death Stars instantly shattered and scattered into a circle of floating meteorite belts.

The blue light waves rippled and surged, directly swallowing up the large black flames. Sean opened his metal gloves and easily defused Dormammu’s fierce attack.

“The power of that glove… keep it!”

Dormammu caught a glimpse of the bright light of the Infinity Stones, his indifferent eyes containing the light of destruction, and a rare look of greed.

The three gems inlaid on the metal gloves are more attractive than the earth that Dormammu has coveted for a long time.

“I can let go of your planet in exchange for keeping these gems.”

Sean smiled in astonishment. He had never thought that Dormammu would fall in love with the Infinity Stones. After all, as the mortal enemy of the Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One has held the Eye of Agamotto for many years. It seems that this ruler of the dark dimension has never defeated him. idea.

“I can give up the heart of the god of the universe, as long as you hand them over.”

Dormammu’s anger gradually died down, and he turned to a negotiating tone. The huge body covering the dimension kept twisting.

If you look at it from a bird’s eye view, it looks like a floating deep purple light belt, with the flickering light spots representing countless dimensional worlds.


Sean’s eyelids drooped, his mental fluctuations remained stable, but there were turbulent waves in his heart.

He vaguely remembered that there seemed to be a setting that the earth was one of the five creator gods of the universe and the eternal heart.

Could it be that this is the reason why Dormammu deliberately wants to take possession of the earth and drag it into the dark dimension?

Sean’s mind changed. The five creation gods of the universe were so far away from his reality, and they all existed as conceptual entities. It was impossible to imagine them.

“Sorry, you won’t get either!”

The metal glove bloomed with light, and the three gems exploded together. The terrifying energy was released with all its strength, setting off a violent storm. The aftermath of the spill tore through the dark dimension, as if the end was coming.

Destructive energy erupted like lava, the stars trembled, dimensions collapsed, and the infinite Death Stars floating in the dark space were crushed into dust!


Dormammu roared that the other party’s crazy behavior was nothing short of shaking the foundation of the dark dimension.

The power of darkness was like a furnace, melting dozens of Death Stars. The majestic energy was like a roaring tide, and even spread to the material world, making Mordo and Strange, who were fighting Casillas, fearful. .

Sean stood on a desolate planet that was mostly broken, with a huge ball of light mixed with three colors of light condensed in his palm.

The dark dimension seemed to be distorted by the gathered terrifying energy. The bright sphere expanded to the extreme and suddenly shrank inward. The dazzling light kept shrinking, and bright silver electric snake flames could still be seen on the surface.

Dormammu was also surprised by the strength of this human being. Compared to the tyrannical Ancient One, the Sean in front of him was even more incredible. The other person’s pure power actually made him feel dangerous.

The next moment, a terrifying storm swept across. The ball of light was like a black hole. The huge gravity swallowed up any material. Even light could not escape. The burst of energy tide released shock waves in all directions.

The two forces bombarded each other, and a huge explosion was transmitted into the material world, like lightning and thunder tearing through thick clouds. With the collision point as the center, circles of transparent shock waves spread rapidly, and the burst of light illuminated the dark dimension. The strong vibrations that followed were like floods bursting out of the embankments, crushing all the nearby Death Stars into powder!

The collision at this moment was like a supernova explosion, unleashing the power of destruction. Even in the material world, Strange could see the dazzling lightning raging in the clouds and the faint aura of terror.

“No! I serve the great Dormammu…”

During the battle, Casillas’s red mark on his forehead became more and more obvious, and deep fear appeared on his withered cheeks. His dark body was weathered like sand and stone, and his own power was stripped away bit by bit until he returned to the dark dimension.

“This is what you get for being a lackey.”

Strange sneered and said that becoming a Dormammu fanatic should have this awareness.

“What should we do?”

He looked at Mo Du, his brows furrowed.

The Supreme Mage fights fiercely in hell, and Sean rushes into the dark dimension. No one knows which side the balance of victory will tilt to.

“There is nothing we can do but pray silently and wait.”

Mordo replied in a deep voice, waving Vatum’s wand vigorously and smashing a skeleton evil spirit.

They can only play a small role in this battle. It is the two people at the front who really determine the fate of mankind.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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