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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 399 The Holy Spirit

There is no concept of time in the dark dimension. No one knows how long it has passed. The bright flash of light gradually dimmed, and the shock wave like a mountain roar and a tsunami quietly dissipated.

The golden light covering Sean’s body gradually condensed and faded, and was replaced by deep darkness. He raised his right hand, and the three gems on the metal glove shimmered slightly, exuding dreamy colors.

Sean looked at the illusory head above the dimension, and the huge eyes containing the light of destruction were fluctuating like a surge of anger.

Intense thoughts were like high-frequency electronic signals, constantly pouring into Sean’s mind. That was Dormammu’s voice.

“I have to take back my previous judgment. You are much stronger than bugs, human… Even if you have the qualifications to let me face it, you should understand that this is a meaningless battle… You can’t kill me, Unless you can destroy the entire dark dimension – but as a life form that has not yet fully entered the single universe, you are far from able to do this.”

Even at the level of life like Dormammu, one law of the human world still applies, that is, if you want to sit on the negotiating table, you must first show your fists.

As the iron prime minister Bismarck said, the truth is only within the range of the cannon. This sentence is still an accurate summary when placed in the vast and boundless picture of the universe.

Dormammu found that he could not crush this humble insect, and inadvertently began to change his attitude.

“So you’re going to sit down and have a talk with me, great ruler of the dark dimension?”

There was a hint of sarcasm on Sean’s lips. It seemed that the integrity of such a powerful existence that transcended time and death may not be more valuable than that of humans.

“Don’t be ungrateful, human.”

As if sensing Sean’s mood, Dormammu’s huge eyes surged with destructive light.

The gaze of the ruler of the dark dimension moved to the golden glove, which exuded a scorching meaning and the colorful halo flashed violently.

“Even if Ancient One defeated the six kings in hell, he still couldn’t save the earth from falling into the dark dimension. If you can’t kill me, you can’t stop the erosion of the dark dimension… This is an established fact.”

Dormammu used his previous way of thinking as a human to try to shake Sean’s mind.

The three major temples collapsed and destroyed, and the solid defense line of the material world also disappeared. Even the Supreme Mage, Shining, could not withstand the corrosive power of the dark dimension.

It can be said that the end of the earth is already doomed.

“I still have the same conditions as before. Give me those three gems and I can give up the earth.”

Dormammu’s voice boomed like thunder, echoing in Sean’s consciousness.

The ruler of the dark dimension turned his coveted heart for the earth to the infinite stones.

This kind of concretization of the rules of the universe might allow oneself to further become a higher-level existence.

Sean was about to shake his head and refuse, when the dazzling white light dispelled the darkness, and Gu Yi suddenly appeared with a bright crown on his head. This supreme mage who fought fiercely in hell, his white robe was stained with black marks, his face was as pale as paper, and his soul was extremely intense. Slightly bleak.

“Dormammu, do you have credibility?”

Gu did not give any face to the ruler of the dark dimension, his eyes burst with light, resisting the strong power of darkness.

“How long can you hold on? Ancient One, you are not an omniscient and omnipotent god, and you do not have the infinite power of a savior… You are just a mortal.”

Dormammu’s thoughts flashed, and he could see that the Supreme Mage was at the end of his strength, and the fire of life was dim and wavering.

“Entering the dark dimension at this time is simply asking for death!”

Dormammu’s huge eyes stared at Ancient One. He was extremely small in his white robe, but he looked like a giant standing tall and full of domineering aura.

“Let me see, the curse of hell? This should be Abaddon’s masterpiece. The shadow of disease and death will always shroud you and cannot be driven away! The Eye of Agamodha swallows your life and allows you to enter an unprecedented… In a weak state…this is my chance!”

The power of darkness was rioting, like a frenzy, the deep purple light burst out, the violent energy was like a volcano erupting, directly annihilating Gu Yi into flying ash.

“So easy?”

The smooth process made Dormammu suspicious, and even had a dreamy feeling. The most powerful among the supreme mages in the past was killed by him like this? The powerful mage who blocked the dark dimension from the material world fell so easily?

Sean watched helplessly as the surging light engulfed Ancient One and annihilated the human body into ashes. He stood beside it, motionless.

“Are you so indifferent?”

Dormammu sneered, it seems that the so-called humans are not much better than demons, and they have no mercy for the death of their kind.

Sean ignored Dormammu, a smile appeared on his face, and then gradually expanded into a joyful smile. He looked at the huge illusory head and whispered: “Your end has come.”

Dormammu is filled with disdain, and he merges with the dark dimension, making him almost indestructible and immortal!

“Who can kill…”

His thoughts stopped suddenly, and Dormammu saw Sean raise his right hand, and the orange light suddenly rose like the sun.

The Mind Stone seemed to light a huge torch, and the dazzling white light burst into the air and condensed into a huge figure.

“Ancient One!”

Dormammu was extremely shocked, and the colorful halo shook violently.

The Supreme Mage, who had come to the end of his life, now glowed with extremely intense spiritual flames, illuminating the entire dark dimension.

“What did you do? My power… no! I am the real master of the dark dimension!”

Dormammu roared violently, and his majestic thoughts collided with Sean’s consciousness, but bright golden light flashed across the other’s deep eyes, resisting the spiritual attack of the ruler of the dark dimension.

“I can’t destroy the dark dimension, but I can kill you.”

A smile appeared on Sean’s face. He looked at the clear figure standing tall and tall. Just like Dormammu, Ancient One abandoned his human body and plunged into the dark dimension.

Relying on the powerful power of the Mind Stone, Gu Yi gradually seized the dominance of the dark dimension. Like a god, the Ancient One was shrouded in dazzling white light, and his figure became huge and incomparable, covering infinite dimensions.

On the other hand, Dormammu, no matter how much the ruler of the dark dimension set off a wave of energy to prevent the erosion and invasion of the Supreme Mage, he still had little effect.

The Ancient One once absorbed the energy of the dark dimension, and he is the most powerful mage in the world. He has devoted himself to studying countless classics and knows the mysteries of the soul and dimensions.

Due to excessive use of the Eye of Agamodha, the life of the Supreme Mage came to an end. She would rather abandon the human form and exist in another way of life.

The Mind Stone releases light, and Sean maintains the output with all his strength. The dazzling light pours into Gu Yi’s illusory image, like a circle of divine light blessing, making the huge figure standing upright like a white nebula with no edges visible.

In the vast dark dimension, Dormammu and the Supreme Mage each occupy half of the world.

The majestic power of darkness and the pure and intense dazzling white light set off each other.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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