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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 4 Threat

New York, Columbia University.

“There are more than 32,000 kinds of spiders in the world, and the order Araneae is divided into three suborders…”

Under the leadership of an Asian female teacher, tenth grade students from Midtown High School walked into the research center of Columbia University. As a public middle school, it was not easy to get this visiting spot.

“Awesome! This is the most advanced electron microscope on the East Coast. It’s unbelievable.”

Compared to his best friend Peter, who was very interested, Harry seemed indifferent. The young master of the Osborne family had average learning ability. Compared with boring scientific instruments, he was more interested in the red-haired girl walking in front of him.

“…So these spiders have different abilities, which they use to hunt food. For example, this spider from Australia has a strong jumping ability; this one is from the genus Archucia and the family Phileteidae. Web-spinning spiders can weave funnel-shaped spider webs that are almost as strong as construction steel cables… This type uses reflex actions to hunt, and its reflex nerves respond very quickly. Many researchers believe that they have precognition. The ability to predict danger in advance…”

The Asian female teacher explained in great detail that these were super spiders created by Columbia University over the past five years through DNA cultivation and transformation, and then using synthetic ribonucleic acid to create a new genome, which has various wonderful abilities. The ultimate idea is to optimize the DNA of these spiders so that humans can also acquire these extraordinary abilities.

Peter listened very carefully. He looked at the various spiders in the petri dish and was amazed by their magical abilities, such as their powerful jumping, tough webs, unimaginable neural reflexes, and mysteries similar to the sixth sense. Ability, these all made him feel extremely novel.

“Can I take a picture for the school magazine?”

Peter made a request to the female teacher. He is a photographer for the school magazine and is often responsible for taking some photos at school events.

After receiving the approval, Peter raised the camera and pressed the shutter button. Someone pushed him from behind, causing the focused photo to become blurry.

“Stay away from him!” Harry stood up. He knew that his best friend was often bullied at school.

“What else are you going to do?” The boy who pushed Peter said with a strange smile.

“Then Master Osborne will ask his father to fire your father.” A big man said teasingly. He was the one who bullied Peter the most. “What can your rich father do to me? Sue me.” me?”

The big guy grabbed Harry’s clothes and spoke fiercely. He had long been unhappy with this rich boy. Due to his handsome appearance and the family’s wealth, there were many girls in Midtown High School who secretly liked this guy, especially since he often approached Mary. -Jane, if he hadn’t been afraid of being expelled, he would have let this young master from a wealthy family know how hard his fists are!

“Thompson, let him go.” A young man said, with a flat tone that showed no refusal.


After the big man named Thompson saw the target clearly, he hesitated for a moment before letting go of his hand, turned around and left dejectedly.

As the star of the school’s football team, Thompson usually relies on his extraordinary height and muscles at Midtown High School, and no one dares to mess with him. However, the situation has been different recently. The unknown guy Sean Sipers doesn’t know. When did he have such good skills that even those street gangsters were no match for him? What happened at the school gate yesterday had already spread throughout the campus.

Sean instantly became a popular figure in Midtown High School. If anyone else dared to order him like this, Thompson would just punch him. But facing a school legend who defeated several street gangsters on his own, he did not have the courage.

“Thank you, Sean.” Peter thanked him gratefully, and Harry beside him nodded reluctantly.

“We are all classmates, no need to be so polite.”

Sean waved his hand, and he also helped. After all, seeing the young Spider-Man being bullied by a school bully, he couldn’t just sit back and watch.

Who would have thought that on this day, a nerd from Midtown High School, a high school student known as “Tiny Peter Parker” would begin his life of becoming a superhero.

“Peter, what would it be like if humans had the abilities of these spiders?” Sean asked Peter who was taking pictures.

“It should be very powerful. He will have super strong reflexes that can dodge incoming bullets, and strong jumping ability, allowing him to cross a building, and even fly over walls like a spider.”

Peter imagined that this high school student who loved reading had a mind full of fantastic ideas about science.

Harry curled his lips and walked quietly towards Mary Jane. Chasing beautiful girls was Master Osborne’s life goal.

“Maybe you will become such a powerful guy in the future.” Sean patted Peter on the shoulder and walked away with a smile.

He already has his own power and has no interest in being bitten by a spider again. The human body continues to absorb the light from stars, providing endless life energy.

At the school gate, if Sean let go of his power, there might be a bloody massacre. He felt that he could easily penetrate the gangster leader’s body. Human flesh and blood became nothing more than paper in his eyes. Just as fragile.

His consciousness penetrated into the white light in his mind, and a progress bar appeared on the system interface. He was growing at an extremely slow rate every day, but so far, it has not broken through the five percent limit. According to the above display, it seems that every day If you reach 25%, you can unlock one of your abilities.

When Peter heard Sean’s words, he felt a little baffled. How could humans have the same abilities as spiders? He raised the camera in his hand, and the lens kept changing, and finally moved to Mary Jane’s body, and then froze.

As one of the most beautiful girls in Midtown High School, the lively and cheerful Mary Jane has always been the target of boys, such as the big man Thompson of the football team, her good friend Harry, and herself, all trying to get close to this girl with a long head. The red-haired girl tried every means to please the other person.

However, compared to other people’s initiative, Peter was far behind. Being introverted, he didn’t dare to say a word to the girl he had a crush on, so he could only choose to watch silently.

Peter, who was lost in his thoughts, didn’t notice at all that a little spider was sliding down the spider’s thread, quietly crawling along the camera and onto his palm. The little guy seemed to be attracted and pierced the human body with its mouthparts. skin and take a bite gently.

Peter retracted his hand reflexively. The culprit spider had disappeared, leaving only a small swelling on his palm, which looked like a mosquito bite.

“It’s really strange. Where do mosquitoes come from?” Peter looked confused.

The future Spider-Man started his own life trajectory, but on the other side, Sean ran into trouble again. After leaving Columbia University, he was blocked by a group of people on his way back to school.

This time they were no longer street gangsters dressed in hip-hop attire, but a group of burly men in black suits with tattoos all over their arms. There was a faint bulge on their waists, probably a pistol or something like that.

A middle-aged man came out with a domineering look: “Listen, boy, you injured my man. Although that guy is just an unknown person, he has done a good job recently and helped me sell. That’s a lot of weed, and he’s in the hospital right now, and it’s going to cost me a lot of money.”

“So, I also give you two choices, either let me break one of your legs, or you can work for me from now on.”

The middle-aged man looked at Sean arrogantly and found that the other person’s face was calm, as if he didn’t hear what he said at all.

“Boy, I know you are good at fighting, but I am not one of those low-level street gangsters. If you don’t cooperate, New York is such a big place, and it is normal for a few people to disappear occasionally.”

The middle-aged man said coldly, as if he had casually opened his suit, revealing the metal weapon fastened to his waist, which was a pistol.

“Then what am I going to do?” Sean asked aloud, “I mean if I work for you?”

“At ten o’clock tonight, go to the abandoned factory in the suburbs and I will give you the goods. Remember, newcomers must hand over 80% of the money they earn. This is the rule!”

The middle-aged man patted Sean on the shoulder with a satisfied expression on his face: “Don’t even think about going to the police. My boss, Mr. Frank D’Amico, is a big shot on the West Coast. The police chief will give me some respect.”

Watching the group of people walk away, Sean put his hands in his pockets, and his seemingly gentle face hardened little by little, becoming as cold as ice.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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