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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 40 The storm is coming

After reaching a cooperation with Osborne Industries, everything slowly got on the right track. Sean took a solid first step towards success. With Dr. Connors’s repeated insistence, he got rid of the intern and experiment. As an assistant, he officially became a partner of the laboratory.

After the new drug is launched, Sean will give up the laboratory of the State University of New York. The scientific research facilities and research environment here can no longer satisfy him. It is too crude and simple for the rapidly growing research team.

Sean and Connors have found a new location for the laboratory in the suburbs of northern Long Island, and have begun to break ground. The land is located on the east coast. It was originally used to build high-end villa areas, and the greening and living facilities have been The construction was in good condition. Under Wesley’s secret operation and through some government connections, he obtained this piece of land full of appreciation potential at a very low price.

I believe that it won’t be long before the new laboratory is completely completed and ready for initial use. By then, Sean will have his first business and will no longer be an unknown person.

When Sean returned home, he saw Mindy packing things in her room. Those cute Tuzki dolls filled two large boxes, as well as a lot of clothes and her own personal collection, such as dozens of beautiful sharp butterflies. The knives are probably birthday gifts from little Loli’s father, and there is also a delicate pistol that has been blued and polished. Even the grip is made of walnut. It looks more like a weapon than a weapon. It is a collectible handicraft.

“It seems like you have more stuff than me. I remember when you moved in, you only had a small backpack.” Sean looked at the cardboard boxes stacked up like a hill and couldn’t help but feel speechless.

“These are my most precious collections. Teacher Jenny said that in the future, I want to be an elegant woman with a refined life and full of style… An otaku like you who only has some comic books and robot models will not understand.” Mindy glanced at Sean with disdain, then shook her head, with a look of sadness on her face that said, “My life is too far away from yours.”

Bang bang bang…

Sean, whose face was full of black lines, grabbed the blond little Lolita and gave him a crackling violent punishment. “Mindy McCready, you have been eroded by the evil capitalism. In order to save your young and fragile heart, , you will wash all the dishes next week.”

The little loli, who was hurt a lot in her heart, glared at Sean who was humming a little tune with evil eyes. Seeing that he usually gave her pocket money and worked hard to wash dishes and cook, she temporarily pardoned this rudeness. Behavior.

After abusing Sean ten thousand times in her little head, Mindy regained a smile on her face and happily organized her collection. They were preparing for a big move. Sean, who had entered the ranks of the rich, continued to live in this house. The old apartment was not suitable. Harry Osborne recommended a reliable intermediary. With the introduction, Sean bought a luxury apartment in Manhattan. All the procedures have been completed and now Getting ready to move in.

After packing up, Mindy held Sean’s hand and looked at the empty room. The little loli pursed her lips and said, “Do you really want to move? I think it’s good to live here. There are comic shops nearby and… Delicious and cheap Burger King, do they also have these in Manhattan?”

Sean rubbed Mindy’s little head and said softly: “There will be them all. There will be bigger comic shops there, as well as ice cream shops with rich flavors, and fun amusement parks. We live in a bigger place than here. house.”

Mindy nodded with bright eyes, all the unhappiness just now was forgotten. She put her little hand into Sean’s palm with a bright smile on her face. After losing her father, The little lolita, the blank space in her heart has long been filled by Sean. Two equally lonely people living together made Mindy feel the concept and warmth of family for the first time.

“Then will we always live together in the future?” Minty asked, raising her head.

“Yes.” Sean smiled slightly. Maybe it was the right decision to pick up this little loli. It would be too lonely to work hard alone in this cold world.

After loading the packed cardboard boxes into the newly purchased car, Sean took Mindy to close the door of the apartment and took one last look at the place where he once lived. This was the starting point for him to take the first step in his life as a drug lord. Frank D’Amico, Kingpin, Green Goblin, these powerful characters fell at his feet one after another. They were like springboards, helping Sean reach a higher peak.

“Say goodbye to the past, Mindy.” Sean pulled the little Loli, and the two figures, one big and one small, looked at each other and smiled, then turned and left.

The afterglow of the setting sun gradually sank into the horizon, and the night came slowly covered with gauze. While Sean was busy moving into his new home, a helicopter stirred up the airflow on the private helipad of the Rand Group and landed slowly in the open space. on the platform.

A young man with brown curly hair stepped off the helicopter, followed by a black-haired woman carrying a suitcase. They looked at the brightly lit New York, with relaxed looks in their eyes.

“I have a very strange feeling coming back to this city.” The young man said with emotion. The last time he came to New York was to regain control of the family business from his enemies.

This well-traveled young man is named Danny Rand. He was involved in a plane crash while traveling with his parents many years ago. After his parents died, he was adopted by monks from the East. He became a member of the mysterious organization “Kunlun” and accepted After decades of rigorous training, Danny earned the title of Iron Fist, the defender of Kunlun.

“People from the Hand told me that there was going to be a war in New York, so I returned to this city again.” Danny looked at his girlfriend beside him, his eyes flickering, as if he was recalling something, “I don’t know what the Hand is planning. There is no damn conspiracy, but those people destroyed the only holy place that can bring me peace, Colleen, I will find those people one by one!”

“I trust you.”

The black-haired woman held Danny’s hand tightly. The two were about to leave the tarmac when a violent shaking came over them. The noisy sounds merged into huge waves. The brightly lit high-rise buildings not far away seemed to have encountered a big wave. Like a power outage in the area, lights went out one after another, and a huge crack visible to the naked eye opened on the empty tarmac. Danny grabbed his girlfriend Colleen and tried his best to steady his shaking body.

“Earthquake?” Danny looked at the darkened neighborhood and wondered.

The entire Hell’s Kitchen was shaken violently, as if a shallow earthquake had occurred. Cars parked on the street sounded piercing sirens. Groups of panicked people poured out of apartments and buildings. Chaos spread like a wave. , even if the police department is determined to maintain order, it has little effect.

The earthquake was centered in Hell’s Kitchen and spread to other neighborhoods, whether it was Matt Murdock who gave up his identity as Daredevil, Jessica Jones who was pursuing a missing case, and Jessica Jones who had just been released from prison. Luke Cage, these street heroes living in Hell’s Kitchen, all felt this violent shock.

At this time, the Punisher, who had finally escaped from Wesley’s hands, was being hunted by a group of Hand ninjas. Frank, covered in blood, tried to use the complex terrain and buildings of Hell’s Kitchen to get rid of the Hand who were following closely behind him. Ninja, he didn’t expect that this mysterious organization hidden in Hell’s Kitchen would plot such an amazing conspiracy.

This terrible news must be conveyed to Matt. A war is about to start in Hell’s Kitchen. He cannot stop it by himself. The group of people must be brought together to fight against the Hand.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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