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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 400: Seize the time

The Dark Dimension is essentially a desolate and silent dimensional space that exists in a form that humans cannot observe, until Dormammu discovered it – at that time, he was not called this name, he was just an unknown wizard in ancient times.

Dormammu lived in a barbaric era when magic was in decline. Mages were considered evil heretics and servants of the devil, and were not recognized by the Holy See. What’s more, they were misunderstood and hostile by the world, who considered them blasphemous. The corpse of the dead, controlling the terrible undead, is an unforgivable blasphemer!

For this reason, the Middle Ages set off a massive witch trial and witch-hunting movement. This evil tide swept Europe and lasted for nearly three hundred years. It can be called a dark chapter in the history of human civilization.

It was not until later that the mage Agamotha emerged from nowhere, inherited the Kama Taj as an ancient holy land, and independently communicated with the trinity of Emperor Weishan, signed an equal contract with each other, and established a complete mage system, allowing the inheritance of magic to be carried out. continue.

If Dormammu had been born in that era, he might not have become the Dark King later. Unfortunately, fate is so wonderful. As an unknown wizard, Dormammu was not well-received. One day, he tried When communicating with the gods for sacrifice, the existence of the dark dimension was discovered by chance.

Dormammu, who studied black magic and was a necromancer, made the important decision to abandon the human body without too much hesitation and entered into the dark dimension in the form of a soul, and continued to draw strength as he continued. , gradually becoming extremely powerful.

Over a long period of time, Dormammu forgot the human name. After he merged with the dark dimension, the power of darkness gradually assimilated his will. The ruler began the evil journey of conquering many dimensions. At that time, Ah Gomodu has become the supreme leader of the mages, established three major temples, and erected a strong line of defense for the earth.

Not surprisingly, Dormammu was blocked from the Earth, even though he had an extremely ardent desire for this planet that was suspected to be the heart of the universe god.

But as the ruler of the Dark Dimension, he is regarded as an outsider by the material world and is thus shut out.

As a result, a fierce game that lasted for a thousand years began. Dormammu continued to drive fanatics – fanatical believers eroded by the power of darkness, trying to destroy the three major temples and destroy the solid defense line of the material world, and Kama Taj He must take strict precautions, and the Supreme Mage regards the ruler of the dark dimension as his number one enemy.

until today!

After thousands of years of work, Dormammu is about to reap the fruits of success. Casillas has successfully completed his mission. The three major temples have collapsed. The solid defense lines of the material world have disappeared. There are also six kings in hell, leading hell creatures. Formed an army, invaded the earth on a large scale, and suddenly attacked the ancient one.

So from the very beginning, Dormammu thought he was sure of victory, and just waited to appreciate Ancient One’s expression of pain and despair.

With such a huge advantage, how could he lose?

“The Ancient One! Humanity! The Dark Dimension…I am the only ruler!”

The thoughts filled with cold anger echoed, like a boulder smashing into a calm lake, causing violent ripples.

Dormammu’s illusory head suddenly ignited with terrifying and violent black flames, and the decaying planetary debris shook violently, as if caught in a stormy sea, and fell apart in an instant.

“Not anymore.”

Sean’s face was calm, while resisting Dormammu’s mental bombardment, he continued to output the Mind Stone to provide power for the Supreme Mage.

After all, Dormammu has a profound background and has been rooted in the dark dimension for a long time. The two have long been integrated and inseparable. It is not easy to take away the dominance.

If the Ancient One had not absorbed the energy of the dark dimension, and had a good understanding of the deep mysteries between the soul and the dimension, coupled with the powerful power of the Mind Stone, this would have created a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to break this deadlock.

“It turns out that it feels like giving up the human body and existing as a soul…”

The Ancient One, condensed into a huge figure, erodes the dark dimension at a slow and steady speed, absorbing huge energy, while Dormammu draws out the majestic power of darkness, trying to resist or prevent this behavior.

The ruler of the dark dimension could not suppress a trace of panic. He truly felt that he was slowly weakening. Although this process was extremely slow and could even be ignored, it was unbearable.

It’s like slitting your wrist and watching the blood slowly gush out, stepping into the abyss of death little by little.

“You shameless thief!”

Dormammu’s huge eyes stared at the huge figure of the Ancient One, and he wanted to curse. This was really rare for Dormammu who had long forgotten human emotions.

The Supreme Mage whose body was destroyed smiled softly and did not refute.

He was in the midst of dazzling white light, with circles of divine light twinkling like a god.

Judging from the looks of the two, Ancient One is much better than Dormammu.

“I don’t know how to do more image projects.”

Sean thought to himself.

There is no passage of time in the dark dimension. This absolutely still and dead space is the eternal home that Casillas yearns for. He believes that by investing in it, he can break free from the prison of time and escape the fate of death.

It’s a pity that this is just an illusory dream. Everything in the world has its end. This is the eternal truth of the universe.

“Ancient One! Where is your belief in Kama Taj?”

At the beginning, Dormammu tried to defeat the spiritual shadow of the Ancient One, stir up the entire dark dimension, and want to annihilate the soul of the corrupted Supreme Mage.

But he underestimated the will of Ancient One. At this time, the Supreme Mage abandoned his human body and ignited an extremely strong spiritual flame. His spirit was pure, condensed and solid, and it was impossible to be defeated by Dormammu’s little trick.

Later, the ruler of the dark dimension tried various tricks, and even reached the point of begging in a low voice, and was willing to voluntarily give up his coveting of the earth.

However, Gu Yi remained unmoved, and Xiao En ignored him. The two of them were like thieves who had barged into Dormammu’s backyard, robbing each other’s wealth unscrupulously.

Before discovering the dark dimension, Dormammu was just an unknown wizard. Compared to the orthodox and talented Ancient One, he was like a chasm.

Now without the support of the dark dimension, Gu presses forward step by step without giving in, while Dormammu is overwhelmed and unable to resist.

“You heretic! Despicable betrayer! As the mage of Karma Taj, you gave up your belief in the Trinity Vishan Emperor and turned to the embrace of the dark dimension… What is the difference between you and Casillas!”

Dormammu cursed angrily. As the sole master of the dark dimension, he never thought that someone would try to take away his power.

This is the disadvantage of ascending to the sky in one step. Dormammu is sitting on the supreme throne of the dark dimension. It is natural for him to think that no force can threaten him, but he never thought that one day he would be kicked off the throne of the ruler.

Now, the dark dimension no longer belongs to him alone.

“The confrontation between us will last for thousands of years. Over a long period of time, one person will eventually become the other’s food.”

Gu Yi’s thoughts fluctuated slightly, but the words that came out were extremely cold.

The powerful power of the Mind Stone makes the Supreme Mage no longer need to rely on the human body. She actively integrates into the dark dimension and chooses to shoulder that heavy responsibility in this way.

“Tell Strange that he will be the next Sorcerer Supreme.”

The illusory figure shrouded in dazzling white light smiled faintly at Sean. Faint fluctuations suddenly flashed, and the Eye of Agamothar appeared out of thin air.

“You still became the final winner, Sean Sipers.” Gu Yi said in a soft voice, “I hope that in that future full of unpredictability, you will not be the one who rings the doomsday bell.”

Sean stretched out his hand and held the Eye of Agamodha, a gold shell imprinted with complex patterns and wrapped in an alexandrite that looked like an eyeball.

As the holder of the three gems, he can feel the power contained in the Eyes of Agamodha, which is the mystery of time.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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