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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 401 The only one

The physical world, mirroring New York.

The temple mage was clearing out the remaining hell creatures, and Mordo took the lead. The wand of Vatum in his hand was filled with thunder, vibrating and roaring, and shot out powerful spells that shattered all the evil skeletons, demons, and nightmares. Cracked into ashes.

Strange held the Book of Weishan Emperor and floated in the air with his red cloak. He constantly used this powerful magic weapon of Karma Taj to cast group spells, such as Seraphim Shield. A large defensive move.

The Book of Weishan Emperor records the many spells of Karma Taj. With its blessing, Strange can cast all kinds of powerful magic with amazing power at his fingertips.

Not long ago, the figure of the Ancient One rushed out of the gate of hell and entered the dark dimension without staying too long. The six menacing hell lords who came with the crowd were defeated by the Supreme Mage alone. As the elemental demon’s assassin, Tanos was imprisoned in the Time Cage, Doomsday Red Dragon Samael was beheaded, and Abaddon was severely injured. The silent shock brought by this tyrannical power directly caused the remaining Dark Lords to flee in panic.

The supreme kings who ruled Hell didn’t even care about the dark minions left in the mirror world, so they closed the door to Hell and hid in the depths of the lava like a bereft dog.

They once again remembered how the Supreme Mage’s illustrious reputation was established. The previous generation’s Agamotto and today’s Ancient One made all the kings of hell tremble with fear.

Seeing the Supreme Mage’s victory, the hard-working Temple Mage seemed to have been injected with a shot in the arm. Their morale was boosted and their fighting spirit was boiling. Only Mordo and Strange were still full of worries. The collapse of the New York Temple meant that The solid defense line symbolizing the material world has completely disappeared, and the dark dimension is eroding the mirror space. Now no one can stop the arrival of Dormammu.

“If this is the final outcome, then we should also fight until the moment the world is destroyed.”

Modu looked at the expanding dark whirlpool in the gloomy sky, his dark face full of determination.

He is not as optimistic as the other temple mages. The erosion of the dark dimension is gradually increasing. The entire mirror space is like fragile glass, which cannot withstand the squeeze of external forces, causing shocking huge cracks.

“If even the Supreme Mage can’t save this world…”

Strange’s eyes dimmed, and the floating magic cloak led him back to the ground, and he closed the Book of Emperor Weishan in his hand.

If not even the Supreme Mage of Karma Taj can prevent the world from entering the abyss of destruction, then who can?

He looked around. New York in the mirror space was devastated and almost reduced to ruins. The Statue of Liberty had an arm broken off and fell to the ground; the World Trade Center was completely penetrated; only the ruins of Times Square remained…

In this brutal war to resist the minions of darkness and defend the material world, countless mages, Templars, and demon hunters whose names were unknown paid a heavy price.

Among the mages cleaning up the battlefield, Strange saw the disgraced king, the librarian of Kama Taj, slumped on the ground in a panic, gasping for air, as if he was glad that he was still alive.

Everyone is looking at the mirror space that is about to burst. The dark vortex is like cold pupils, staring at this group of insignificant and humble humans. They are about to usher in the end and return to darkness.

“It’s stopped…the power of the dark dimension is declining?”

Modu suddenly shouted, with a hint of unbelievable surprise in his tone.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the dark dimension that eroded the mirror space slowly exited the material world.

The dark vortex in the gloomy sky gradually shrank and became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This incomprehensible anomaly made many mages rejoice, and Strange opened his eyes even more. He was ready to welcome death with peace of mind, but things turned around again.

“The Sorcerer Supreme defeated Dormammu?”

Mordo was puzzled. You must know that Ancient One and Dormammu have been at odds with each other for many years, and it was only through the suppression of the laws of the material world that they were able to maintain a balanced situation.

“Is that…Mr. Sipers?”

Strange saw a tall figure in the dark dimension, standing in the huge and rapidly shrinking vortex, quite conspicuous.


“Is this the time stone?”

Sean murmured softly, and the palm holding the Eye of Agamodha suddenly tightened, and the golden shell imprinted with layers of magic array patterns suddenly cracked and turned into fine powder.

The crystal clear alexandrite appeared and lay quietly in his palm.

“Past, present, Future……”

Sean held the time stone in his palm, and the emerald green light bloomed, reflecting circles of hazy colors.

In his eyes, the surface of the world is peeled off layer by layer, turning into billions of intertwined complex lines, converging into a rushing river with no end in sight.

The energy of the alexandrite surged out, like leveraging the fulcrum of the rules, allowing Sean to grasp the elusive time.

He seems to be standing on the bank of a river, with the unchanging past on one side, representing what has happened in the past. It is like the first domino. Once it is knocked over and changed, it will cause a chain reaction.

On the other side is a future with infinite variables. Taking the present as the starting point, countless possibilities extend. Every drop of water contains unknowns, which converge into an unpredictable future.

Sean thought carefully, the real ability of the time stone should be to look back into the past, or observe the future, and even anchor coordinates to influence future results.

It’s just that every change in the world line will bring unpredictable serious consequences, so the Supreme Mage rarely interferes with changes in time.

“My past and future…look back!”

Sean’s body trembled slightly, and the frequency became faster and faster, bringing out an illusory afterimage that kept shaking.

In the eyes of Mordo and Strange, the other person seemed to be disappearing at any time. His figure became blurred and became thinner, and the whole person was shrouded in a layer of emerald green light.

“What is he doing?”

Strange asked confused.

“He’s going back in time.”

Modu’s face was complicated. As the disciple of the Supreme Mage, he roughly knew some secrets about the Eye of Agamodha.

Sean’s behavior at this time is exactly using the time stone to find his past and observe his future.

The long river of time stirred up subtle waves, and the selves in different periods were reflected in Sean’s eyes. Those illusory figures, either young or smiling, collapsed like bubbles.

Those fragments of time that existed in the past, like buildings that lost their steel and concrete support, gradually collapsed and disintegrated.

“In the infinite river of time, life is just a tiny, tiny wave.”

Sean murmured to himself. He was based on the present, using the power of the time stone to go back to the past and cut off the previous connections one by one. Those parts of himself that existed in the fragments of time were erased like chalk letters.

The illusory afterimages merge into one, Sean is smiling, and the time stone shines. After erasing the past, he will use the present as the anchor coordinate to cut off the future.

In the vast expanse of time and space, in the endless parallel worlds, there can only be one self.

Past and future, there is only one.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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