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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 402 Next Step

“Two more.”

Sean looked at the four gems inlaid on the metal gloves. The brilliant light blended together to create charming colors.

Even though Ancient One was unwilling in his heart, the time gem in the Eye of Agamothar eventually fell into his hands.

At this point, all the Infinity Stones on the earth have been collected by Sean, leaving only the Power Stones wandering outside the galaxy, and the Soul Stones that can only be obtained at a huge price.

He was very curious. In this exciting game of competing for the Infinity Stones, Thanos has obviously become the loser. So will the huge disaster that the ancient mouth ripples through the entire universe and make countless creatures wail and cry still happen?

Sean was sitting in the office of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, and an interesting thought flashed through his mind. As the butterfly wings flapped more and more violently, what kind of tornado could be whipped up?

With four gems and 50% of the Sentinel’s power, he is not afraid even if he faces Thanos again.

But when he used the Time Stone to observe the future, he saw a blurry image, which was the huge shadow of the Mad Titan covering the entire universe.

This means that Thanos is still the final Boos who brings endless pain in the unpredictable ending.

“Stories that are difficult to guess are often the most interesting.”

Sean laughed to himself. After erasing the past and cutting off the future, he seemed to have broken free from an invisible shackles.

For this world, he is a unique existence. Those parallel worlds that have undergone different changes due to different choices will no longer have their own existence.

There is no past, no future, he is only based on the present.

“A happy ending.”

Thinking about the ongoing war between the Ancient One and Dormammu, as well as Kama Taj and the three major temples, Sean smiled with satisfaction.

This officially became the previous Supreme Mage. With the support of the Mind Stone, he absorbed the majestic energy of the dark dimension and became a new dimensional demon, an existence equal to Dormammu.

The thousand-year war in which the dark dimension invaded the earth has come to an end, but the protracted battle between these two has just begun.

On one side is the supreme master who has ruled the dark dimension for a long time, and on the other side is the supreme mage who is experienced and proficient in the mysteries of dimensions and souls. It is not yet known who will become the food in the other’s mouth.

As for Karma Taj and the three major temples, Strange, who has taken over the position of Supreme Mage, is having a headache where to start rebuilding the solid defense line of the material world.

After this massive invasion of hellish creatures and the true arrival of the dark dimension, this solid city wall that has lasted for thousands of years can be said to be riddled with holes and crumbling.

Strange not only has to rebuild the three major temples, but also has to eliminate the alien creatures that have sneaked into the material world, expand the Knights Templar, recruit more mages, and compensate the casualties…

A lot of things almost frightened him into running away. Fortunately, Modu, a disciple of Gu, stood up. Although this black mage was too dogmatic and did not know how to be flexible, his abilities were not mediocre. On the contrary, these trivial matters are handled in a very orderly manner, which greatly relieves Strange’s heavy burden and prevents the other party from falling into the embarrassing situation of being in a hurry and at a loss.

In this process, Sean also contributed a lot. As compensation for taking away the supreme sacred object of Kama Taj, he alone shouldered the huge funds and all the work to rebuild the three major temples.

And in the name of SHIELD, a plan was submitted to the World Security Council, which included the recruitment, training and education of mages for Kama Taj.

After the invasion of the dark dimension, Sean gradually disclosed some top-secret information about Kama Taj and the mage system, letting the upper class people in this world know that in the new era of prevailing materialism and prosperous science, there is still magic. The real existence of quasi-ideal products.

In this regard, Tony Stark, who is committed to building a perfect artificial intelligence, and Reed Richards, who joined the Earth-Moon Bunker Project, are two world-class geniuses who are very interested.

The former even asked Sean what conditions Kama Taj needed to recruit a mage. As a genius who graduated from MIT with honors and received multiple degrees, Tony believed that he could switch from a scientist to a mage. An excellent mage.

Iron Man always maintains a strong enthusiasm for novel things, especially things with a strong mysterious color.

As for Mr. Fantastic Reed, he is more interested in the principles of magic and the rules and structure of the entire system. He has no idea of ​​becoming a berserker mage with both sword and staff for the time being.

Almost a month has passed since the invasion crisis of the dark dimension. S.H.I.E.L.D. has initially reached a cooperation with Kama Taj. The three major temples under its jurisdiction, as well as numerous monasteries, etc., have all been protected by World Security. The Council is included in the official body.

Regarding this cooperation, there have actually been several fierce debates within Kama Taj. As an ancient organization that has existed for thousands of years, there are naturally a large number of conservative factions among the mages, and there are many members.

They always maintain a detached and overlooking attitude towards the real world, as if it is something extremely extraordinary that they stay in the magic tower of Kama Taj all day long, holding ancient books and studying them.

Strange refuses to accept new things and believes that things with a long history and a long history are the best. This makes Strange laugh. If they can stick to this principle when using the Internet and enjoying the convenience brought by technology, they will alright.

These conservative mages were originally very dissatisfied. Strange, an unknown person, directly took the position of supreme mage within a few months of entering Kama Taj.

Even if this was Ancient One’s decision and was approved by Mordo, they were still unhappy and even wanted to stir up trouble secretly, supporting Mordo to become the Supreme Mage and causing the peaceful and peaceful Karma Taj to split into two camps. Finally, Strange, the despicable person who stole the fruits of success, was driven out.

It can be seen that no matter where you are, there will always be all kinds of dark and treacherous intrigues. This is a bad trait rooted in human blood and is difficult to erase.

Mordo decisively rejected this tempting proposal. He respected Ancient One’s decision from the bottom of his heart, and Strange was indeed a genius mage with extraordinary talents. He was easily recognized by the Book of Emperor Weishan, and his knowledge of magic Learning also progresses rapidly.

A huge battle of ideas was temporarily suppressed.

In any case, Kama Taj’s first step in communicating with the outside world was finally successfully taken with the strong advocacy of Strange and Mordo.

In their view, due to the attack of hell and the arrival of Dormammu, the vitality of the three major temples was severely damaged, and further fresh blood was needed to cope with the crises and disasters they might face in the future.

The reality is that today’s temple cannot even mobilize the knights to eliminate the aliens. The shortage of manpower and the backward system have given Strange the idea of ​​​​cooperating with government agencies.

To be honest, when Sean first heard about this plan, he was quite surprised. He originally had the idea of ​​integrating Kama Taj, but he was worried about arousing Strange’s resistance, so he didn’t directly bring it up.

Who knew that Strange, who had transformed from a New York doctor to a Supreme Mage, took the initiative to bring it up.

“SHIELD, superheroes, Kama Taj…”

Sean stood up and watched the world shrink in his palm. What should he do next?

This young man who stood at the top of the power pyramid looked through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows to the blue sky with rolling clouds.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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