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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 403 Moon Landing

S.H.I.E.L.D.’s exclusive passenger plane landed at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. Sean walked down the stairs and saw Mr. Fantastic Reed who came to greet him. After the other person assisted Tony Stark in completing the construction of the Ultron program, he With strong invitation, he joined the scientific research team of the latest Earth-Moon System Bunker Project.

The World Security Council and Asgard completed preliminary discussions and formulated a rough nine-star strategic defense plan. The first step is to build a lunar base and build a complete earth-lunar defense line.

After intense discussions, the five major countries unanimously approved the construction plan of the space city, and China took the lead in its implementation. After all, this is a powerful country with a talent for infrastructure construction, and its capabilities have long been certified by various countries. There is no doubt.

“Long time no see, Reed.”

Sean patted the other person’s shoulder enthusiastically, with a bright smile on his face.

After the “Superhero Registration Act” was enacted, the Fantastic Four were the first to stand up to support the government’s resolution and publicly issued a statement. Obviously this was not to show favor to SHIELD, but because of their personal relationship.

Due to their previous brief cooperation on space energy harvesting experiments, the two parties have a good relationship. Sean admires Dr. Richards who is taciturn and very enthusiastic in scientific research, especially the one that is not inferior to Tony Stark. His genius mind is even more valued.

As for the other three members of the Fantastic Four group, Susan has a close relationship with Gwen. Ben the Stone and Johnny Human Torch also have dealings with SHIELD, especially after meeting the lively Tony Stark. Since then, the guys have often held private parties.

“You’re my boss now, Sean.”

Reed’s gentle face was filled with sincere joy, but the words he spoke made the corners of Sean’s mouth twitch.

Victor Doom, who has reached rock bottom in his life and is now staying in Latvinia, has fully proved that being Reid’s boss often does not end well.

The two got into a black car, and SHIELD built the first space shipyard in the industrial city of Chicago. Thousands of top engineers were mobilized from all over the world to form a huge team, preparing to take over what the dark elves left behind. The space battleship was reverse engineered, and Asgard also provided a lot of technical support.

“As for the entire space base construction plan, we can roughly divide it into three parts: the space station, the space port, and the lunar base. The development process will roughly go through several stages, mainly from the near earth to the far earth of the space station, the layout and distribution of the space port, and the back side of the moon. The construction of the space base… Preliminary estimates suggest that it will take about one to two years. This is the fastest speed that can be achieved after technological breakthroughs.”

Once Reed talked about scientific work, he began to talk endlessly, and his face glowed with a unique radiance, as if he was immersed in his own world.

This kind of scientific madman’s temperament is even inferior to Tony Stark. After all, the latter encounters difficult problems and occasionally seeks physical relaxation.

“The World Security Council is prepared to invest an initial budget of 40 to 6 billion US dollars, the Dark Elves’ space battleships, Asgard’s cutting-edge technology, and a steady stream of vibranium materials… You will get the best treatment, this That’s the guarantee I give.”

Sean looked at the confident Reed, with a relaxed smile on his lips, and said jokingly: “If the Ultron program hadn’t hindered that guy Tony, he would definitely want to join in!”

Reed nodded excitedly. He had been waiting for such an opportunity all his life to put his knowledge and talents to full use.

Since the bankruptcy and collapse of the Doom Corporation, Reed has received a lot of public criticism and strange looks. Many people are willing to sponsor the Fantastic Four and let this popular superhero group be the spokesperson for their own company’s products or appear on a talk show. Guests, but no one wanted to support his scientific research career.

Some brokerage companies even came to the door. Those people spoke out and suggested that Reed give up his dream of scientific research and become a big star. With the strong popularity of the Fantastic Four, he could publish a best-selling book and authorize Hollywood to make a few live-action movies. He would definitely make money. Every bowl is full.

“I won’t let you down. It’s the best thing to be able to devote yourself to work wholeheartedly.”

Reed calmed down and made a solemn promise.

Sean echoed a few words, and then turned the topic back to the construction of the space base. With current technology, it is not difficult to build a space base on the moon.

The investment of resources from the five major countries and the technical support of Asgard can greatly shorten this process, but Umbrella has to do more than that.

In fact, a scientific research team led by Dr. Connors is already developing a grand vision of space immigration, using the moon as the first colonial planet to build a space city that is consistent with human survival.

This is not a fantasy. As early as 1977, Dr. O’Neill, a professor of physics at Princeton University, published the book “Cosmic Immigration Island”, in which he proposed a number of ideas. This is inevitable for the development of space technology and has been a dream of mankind since ancient times.

Break free from the shackles of the earth, break out of the atmosphere, explore outer space, and enter the interstellar age of navigation…

These romantic visions of the future appear in countless novels and movies and are talked about by people.

After nearly two hours’ drive, Sean arrived at the shipyard in the Chicago industrial area. This was only part of the manufacturing of spaceship structures and parts. The dark elf space battleship, which was regarded as a common property by the World Security Council, was closely guarded. A secret base in New York.

For the Chicago team, all communication processes and data sharing must be encrypted at all levels to prevent information leakage.

Sean looked up at the huge steel outline, amazed in his heart. He took the design drawing handed over by Reed. The outer shell of the spacecraft was made of vibranium and part of titanium alloy. It used Umbrella’s artificial sun as the energy core and temporarily used ions. Thrusters, although Asgard provides cutting-edge technology of warp drive engines, this will not be widely used until the formation of a space fleet.

“You should give it a name.”

Sean showed a satisfied expression. This huge scientific research team composed of top talents from various countries recruited by the World Security Council did not waste the massive resources invested by the five major countries.

“Prometheus.” Reed said softly, as if admiring a work of art that was about to be completed, with a hint of longing in his eyes: “It will spread the fire of mankind until it spreads throughout the entire sea of ​​stars.”

“This is a big step forward for mankind after 1969.”

Sean was smiling as he stared at the steel silhouette of the spaceship where, a century ago, the two superpowers held a space race and completed the first moon landing in human history.

Now, it’s time to really take the second step.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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