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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 405 The outline of the future

In Stark’s seaside villa, Tony was lying on a bench, with a bottle of Perrier-Jouët Brut Champagne on the table at hand. The night breeze blew gently, accompanied by the sound of waves hitting the cliff, creating a soothing atmosphere of tranquility and tranquility.

Dressed in a simple black dress, Pepper stepped on high heels and opened the transparent glass curtain wall. The refreshing night breeze was refreshing. The smart and capable female secretary flipped her blown hair and looked at Tony with soft eyes.

“Today you should attend the exhibition of Kraus Technology Company. The young and promising boss, Darren Kraus, specifically asked me about you.”

Pepper bent down, poured himself a glass of champagne, took a sip, and asked softly: “Is there anything memorable? I let you sit here alone and opened a bottle of good wine.”

“Please tell the young boss of Claus Technology Company that I thank him for his concern, but I have no interest in men.”

Tony did not change his usual venomous nature at all. He looked at the Perrier-Jouët on the table. The reason why he loved this champagne was simple. He simply admired the delicate patterns of white anemones and golden rose vines carved on the bottle. This The design is a masterpiece that is unforgettable.

Emile Gray, a master of skilled glassmaking, won the praise of Tony himself. He described the champagne as having a rich and mellow aroma, a soft taste, and the design of top artists, making it unparalleled both inside and outside, like The young woman in the Palace of Versailles makes people intoxicated by her beauty and purity.

If Sean were here, he would probably understand that the essence of this prodigal playboy’s description with a lot of awkward words is just to show off his taste in fine wines, just like appreciating beautiful women. Extraordinary elegance.

“If there is anything good…” Tony pondered for a moment, stood up, put his arm around Pepper’s waist, and said softly: “Today is the fifth anniversary of our love.”

The female secretary covered her mouth, a surprised smile appeared on her face, her eyes were filled with mist, and she was obviously very moved.

Although Tony is the number one playboy in New York and has been wandering around the flowers for many years, with impressive achievements and a great reputation, he rarely makes such romantic moves after his relationship with Pepper is officially established.

Generally speaking, if your boyfriend is a superhero, you have to accept that he will be late for a candlelight dinner, accidentally forget your anniversary, and even be prepared to be kidnapped.

Even if Tony Stark is not strictly an enthusiastic superhero who puts on steel armor and actively solves problems when he sees a neighbor’s kitten jumping into a tree or a bank being robbed.

In his eyes, that was something that only the police had to deal with. Iron Man had to deal with a more earth-shattering crisis, rather than being a kind neighbor or a nanny to the citizens of New York.

Even so, Pepper would often wake up at night and find that Tony had gone to the workshop to fiddle with the steel armor, or he might be troubled by nightmares and suffer from anxiety attacks. He didn’t even know that one day a missile would fly over. Blow up your home to the sky…

To sum up, as a superhero’s girlfriend, you must at least have good stress resistance and a big heart.

“Dr. Wilson said I don’t need to go to psychotherapy anymore and he thinks my anxiety disorder is gone.”

Tony hugged Little Pepper, who worked hard for him to manage the company, and a rare smile appeared on his increasingly mature face.

Sean often said that he left Tony Stark’s soul in a humid cave in Afghanistan. What returned to New York was Iron Man, a poor guy who had no sense of security and always needed to protect himself with armor.

Stark didn’t like this sentence because it was right. It was like a beam of light piercing through all his disguises and clearly reflecting his true heart.

“Ultron healed me and gave me a sense of security.”

Tony let go of his hand. After the Ultron program came online, he got rid of the anxiety that had enveloped him for a long time. He believed that a perfect artificial intelligence would make the world a better place.

“Susan kept complaining to me, saying that Reed only cares about work. He just finished developing Ultron and went to Chicago again. He didn’t care about her feelings at all.”

Pepper changed the topic at the right time. She didn’t want to talk about work and affect the relaxed atmosphere of the moment.

“Reed…he is a perfect assistant, especially when he is involved in scientific research, but in other aspects…”

Tony shrugged. Once this amazing man’s enthusiasm for work broke out, even he would be ashamed.

“However, the space base project promoted by SHIELD is indeed enough to attract any scientist in the world, just like the Manhattan Project.”

The Manhattan Project, led by the United States in the last century, brought together the best scientists from Western countries at the time. As one of the leaders, Robert Oppenheimer was later known as the “Father of the Atomic Bomb” and won a lofty reputation to this day. Also considered a giant in the field of physics.

Every scholar with enthusiasm and pursuit of science will not refuse to join this great project that will leave a mark in human history.

Even Tony himself might have been the first volunteer to actively participate if the Ultron program hadn’t still kept a close eye on it.

“Then you asked Stark Industries to start actively acquiring or holding shares in some large companies. Why?”

Although Pepper didn’t want to spoil the atmosphere, she couldn’t help but ask after thinking about Tony’s recent actions in company decision-making.

Before, Tony would not take the initiative to participate in the company’s decision-making. But then Stark Industries began to transform. This top genius with a bright mind gradually learned to share some of the pressure with Pepper.

“Times have changed. I saw in advance the changes the world is going through, an unprecedented violent upheaval…so I have to prepare in advance.”

Tony’s eyes glowed with confidence. He had always been a smart person, so he was often the first to predict changes in the situation.

“If you have paid close attention to Umbrella, you will find that this scientific research institution, hailed by the media as the ‘cradle of science and technology that changed human history,’ has long since begun massive mergers and acquisitions, and it is much more barbaric than us.”

“I didn’t notice this. I only knew that Umbrella’s financial statements were very beautiful, which made many investors want to give Sean money with both hands.”

With a look of fascination on her face, Pepper stroked Tony’s cheek. The most charming charm of a genius is confidence, and the men of the Stark family never lack this.

“The World Security Council has adopted the nine-star strategic defense plan and is preparing to start the development of the moon… Do you know what this means? A new era of interstellar colonization and space migration is coming.”

Tony took a deep breath. Even with his pride, he couldn’t help but admire Sean for moving the whole world forward with his own strength.

“By then, the concepts between countries will become more and more blurred, and people will be more enthusiastic about developing the planet, just like the adventurers in the Age of Discovery, hoping to get gold treasures from it… Whether it is military business or new energy sources, Sri Lanka Tucker Industries relies on the power of the government, but after humans enter the stars and sea, they will transform from individuals into collectives.”

“So we have to become a huge interest group like Umbrella, a monopoly organization similar to a trust, so that we can be invincible.”

Tony looks at the boundless night sky, so he wants to develop the Ultron program, a perfect artificial intelligence that will not be outdated even when humans enter the interstellar age.

On the contrary, the influence that Ultron can exert will be even greater. This is the cornerstone of Stark Industries’ standing, and acquiring or holding shares in some large companies, especially those with core technologies such as Claus Technology, is Forming a monopoly-type interest group is like a big tree letting its roots sink deeper.

“What exactly does Sean want to do?”

Pepper asked softly as she snuggled into Tony’s arms.

“Few people can guess what he is thinking… Speaking of which, I just discovered that Krause Technology was formerly called Pym Industries. That Dr. Hank Pym is a famous biochemist. It is said that he was only thirty years old. At a young age, I discovered a subatomic particle named after myself, a laugh that can change objects… I found these in the archives within SHIELD.”

Tony seemed to remember something. He didn’t know about the grudges between Hank Pym and his father, and was just simply surprised.

Part of the reason why Stark Industries puts Kraus Technologies at the top of its list of partners is because it wants to obtain the cutting-edge technology of Pym particles.

There is no shortage of smart people in this world, but there are still not many geniuses like Dr. Pym.

Tony has paid special attention to the other party’s information. He has a PhD in biochemistry and has made outstanding achievements in quantum physics, artificial intelligence and entomology.

“I should have asked Dr. Pym to join me in developing the Ultron program.”

He looked at Pepper with a sweet look on his face and said in a joking tone.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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