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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 407 Twilight of the Gods

When a huge storm was brewing, Sean was not aware of it. As one of the big figures standing at the top of the earth’s power pyramid, he was not staying at Umbrella or S.H.I.E.L.D. at this time.

After visiting the Chicago Space Shipyard with Reed, he came to Asgard at Odin’s invitation.

A one-eyed old man with white hair is walking in the garden, surrounded by exotic flowers and plants, colorful flowers, fragrant and fragrant aroma, exuding a refreshing breath.

“My wife Frigga used to take care of this ‘Spring Garden’. She was always very patient, just like she was with Loki. She never got bored or angry.”

Odin cherishes the memory of his wife. When Thanos led the Dark Order, this brave Queen of Asgard died in that tragic war.

Sean followed the King of Asgard. Even with his naked eyes, he could tell that Odin’s situation was not very good.

The aging body is surrounded by golden light spots, emitting chaotic fluctuations. As the supreme father of Asgard, Odin cannot even control his own power, allowing the rich divine power to pour out and escape.

It can be seen from this that how bad his physical condition is, it would not be surprising even if the next moment his body collapses, turns into a point of light, and returns to the embrace of the World Tree.

Time is fair to most living beings. Even Odin, the most powerful person in the nine realms and the powerful one in the galaxy, has to face the cruel fact of aging.

This is also the reason why Odin goes into long-term hibernation every once in a while. He tries to use this method to delay the escape of divine power in his body.

“I heard that Prince Thor is pacifying the Nine Realms, uniting the major kingdoms, and has established a huge reputation in the hearts of the people of Asgard.”

Sean smiled lightly. Now Asgard and the Earth have established a cooperative relationship. The two parties have initially formulated nine strategic defense opportunities in the star field to deal with major crises that may come in the future.

In order to express sincerity, Asgard proactively provided a lot of cutting-edge technology and information about the nine star fields, which greatly filled the gaps in Earth’s cosmology, which surprised even Sean.

“Thor is the born king, he will do better than me.”

Odin smiled happily. Since the invasion of the Chitauri army, Asgard’s vitality has been severely damaged and it has suffered heavy losses. If it were not for relying on the deep foundation of tens of thousands of years, I am afraid that the position of the co-leader of the Nine Realms would have been shaky.

Later, Thor quelled the many wars in the nine kingdoms and went to Earth as a peace envoy to express friendly wishes. After a series of actions, he won the support of the people of Asgard.

All this is Odin’s plan. He knows that his time is short, so he wants to build momentum for Thor, so that the eldest son can ascend the throne without any suspense and become the resurgent master of Asgard.

“What about Loki? I heard that he disappeared after the Chitauri army evacuated, and his whereabouts are unknown.”

Sean’s eyes moved slightly. He walked in the garden, walking calmly, as if he was the owner here.

“This is exactly what I want to tell you. Loki is most likely the one who opened the prophecy. I feel that the twilight of the gods is coming.”

Odin looked solemn. The reason why he was eager to form an offensive and defensive alliance with the earth and even handed over some of Asgard’s cutting-edge technology was because he was worried about Thanos’s comeback. The more important reason was that a terrible prophecy was about to come true.

Death’s shadow slowly rises, and Asgard will be burned to the ground.

At that time, all things will be destroyed and all creatures will wail.

In order to deal with this prophecy, Odin must find allies. Thor alone cannot resist his sister, Hela.

“Hela is my eldest daughter and the first heir to the throne of Asgard.”

Odin recalled the past time and said rather bitterly.

He really didn’t want to talk about this past event with outsiders unless necessary. The road to conquest of Asgard was not all glorious and just; on the contrary, it was full of bloody killings and barbaric cruelty.

Odin’s father, King Baur, defeated the Dark Elves and sealed the ether particles, establishing Asgard’s prestige, but this was far from enough.

Odin, who took over the throne, showed stronger ambition than his father, or a desire to conquer. He wanted to make Asgard the only master of the Nine Realms.

So while the Nine Kingdoms were recuperating, Asgard took the initiative to launch a war of conquest.

“Hela inherited everything from me. She lifted Mjolnir, commanded the Valkyrie Legion, and constantly opened up territories for Asgard… But she was too obsessed with the shock and fear of death, and she only wanted to unify Control more creatures, even after completing the goal of conquering the nine realms, I am still not satisfied.”

“Then you start to get scared.”

Sean smiled slightly, but Odin did not deny that at that time he was indeed worried about Hela’s growing power and ambition. After some serious thinking, he finally made that difficult decision.

The King of Asgard wants to banish his daughter and imprison her.

Odin dispatched the invincible Valkyrie Legion, temporarily defeated Hela at the heavy cost of annihilating the entire army, and was imprisoned in the underworld of Helm.

This past event was buried in dust, and even Thor didn’t know that he had a sister.

“Once Hela returns to Asgard, her power will be even greater than before. I am already old now…”

Odin looked at Sean, who was smiling. The key reason why Asgard lowered its proud head and actively offered cooperation to Earth was the Sentinels.

As the King of Asgard, Odin has seen many powerful people in his life. Some are ancient beings in the universe, some are direct descendants of the blood of gods, and some are even technological creations from powerful civilizations.

But facing Sean who has the power of the sentinel, Odin still feels palpitations, as the opponent’s body seems to contain extremely terrifying destructive power.

Especially after Thanos’ defeat, Odin became even more sure of this, so he wanted to tie Sean to Asgard’s chariot.

“Why can’t I cooperate with Ms. Hela? In comparison, she seems to be more qualified to inherit the throne.”

Sean asked with a smile. Although Asgard and the earth are currently in the honeymoon period, there has never been eternal peace between civilizations.

Instead of following Odin’s plan to help Thor resist Hela and prevent the coming of Ragnarok, it is better to win over the goddess of death and sit back and watch civil strife arise in Asgard.

“Hela only has conquest in her eyes. How do you think she got the name of the goddess of death? Behind it is the death of civilizations and the miserable wails of countless people.”

Odin’s tone was harsh, and a wry smile appeared on his old face.

It’s funny to say that the eldest daughter Hela inherited his ambition, and the eldest son Thor inherited his bravery, but it was Loki who learned the scheming and scheming skills that are necessary for kings.

“If I had let Hela go, she would have only led Asgard to the abyss of destruction.”

Odin said so.

He looked at Sean, who looked calm, sighed, and threw out the chips, “I can provide clues to the next Infinity Stone. It fell into the hands of a bounty hunter.”

“Collector Tanya Difan is willing to pay a high price to get the Cosmic Spirit Ball. It is a power gem with enough terrifying energy to destroy the planet.”

“What’s that bounty hunter’s name?”

Sean raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.


Odin replied.

After hearing the expected answer, Sean nodded slightly. It seemed that he was going to take the lead towards the sea of ​​stars.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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