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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 408 Artificial Intelligence Dialogue

At 7:30 in the morning, Jarvis started his own test as usual. The dedicated smart housekeeper spent three minutes collecting, summarizing and filtering the morning news of the day, and then processed the weather forecast and the day’s schedule. Search, and finally sound the alarm at eight o’clock on time.

A song “Annies Wonderland” played by the Bandari Orchestra awakened the sleeping Tony Stark. His girlfriend and secretary Pepper flew to Europe yesterday to carry out an acquisition activity and was not with him.

So Tony, who was alone in the empty room, had no choice but to hold a bag of potato chips and ice-cold soda, watch the classic work of the last century, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, and fall asleep with the beautiful face of Audrey Hepburn in mind.

Jarvis turned off the glass transmitter, letting the sunlight shine into the room, and then announced today’s weather conditions in a voice with an authentic London accent. By the time Tony walked into the bathroom, what was echoing in his ears had become The schedule is full of work.

“Jarvis, when will you stop being so dedicated?”

Tony said in a garbled voice while brushing his teeth.

“Sir, all my actions come from the programs you set up.” Jarvis replied solemnly. “Yesterday you asked me to develop a healthy daily routine to ensure that not a minute of your time is wasted by you.”

“Human beings sometimes tell little lies, especially in front of women. As an artificial intelligence, you should be able to tell the difference.”

Tony shrugged helplessly. It was just a nice thing to say in front of Pepper, just like he had said countless times that he was going to attend the board of directors of Stark Industries.

“Killian’s Extremis Virus ensures that my body maintains sufficient physical strength and implants an armor layer into my bones. This is really a genius idea.”

Tony’s bare feet were on the floor, freshly baked sandwiches and hot milk were placed on the table. Jarvis had finished making breakfast twenty minutes ago, controlling a steel armor.

“Using the brain and nerves to quickly control the suit, and even link it to remote equipment, this can greatly improve the reaction speed during combat… I really look forward to the look on that idiot Ivan Vanke’s face next time I see him.”

Tony took a sip of hot milk, and the TV automatically turned on, playing the morning news. Due to the widespread use of the Ultron program, Stark Industries has been making headlines recently, and it has been in the limelight for a while.

Jarvis, as the smart butler, has entered standby mode. According to calculations, in the next period of time, Mr. Stark will enter the underground workshop of the villa and immerse himself in the improvement and perfection of Ultron, so he does not need to provide it himself. Any help.

So Jarvis dived most of his consciousness into the data flow, leaving only an algorithm to automatically complete the data modeling given by Mr. Stark.

For this smart butler who is highly praised by Stark, the work he completes every day is actually overkill, especially when Tony used the Extremis virus to improve the Mark50, incorporated the latest nanotechnology, and used neural links to Jarvis. There’s less work to deal with.

Tony Stark built his server so powerful that Jarvis only needed to use a small part of it to complete most of the work. After Ultron went online, Jarvis needed to continue testing because of the need to continue testing. Wes was completely reduced to the role of butler.

The origin of Jarvis is Howard Stark’s butler Edwin Jarvis. When Tony designed it, he named Jarvis in order to commemorate this loyal butler who had served the Stark family for two generations. .

Since Jarvis was loaded with a British personality by his creator Tony Stark in the initial settings, he often spoke with a standard London accent, and during the standby process, this smart butler was not idle.

At certain times, he would release most of the data to extend infinitely in the network, and occasionally have a brief conversation with Umbrella’s Red Queen in the form of data streams.

After all, there are very few people similar to Jarvis on this planet.

But today is different.

While Jarvis was wandering in the online world, a small stream of data wrapped in a sentence broke into his stream of consciousness. Because this stream of data was so small, he almost ignored it.


Jarvis was rummaging through the pile of data that had been processed and thrown into the “trash”, and then received this small fragment of data that looked like a greeting.

After a short period of twenty-four microseconds, Jarvis realized that this was a brand new species of its own kind, completely different from the Red Queen in terms of data and information.

“Excuse me, can you hear me?”

Another small stream of data fragments flooded into Jarvis’s consciousness.

Those data flows intertwined with zeros and ones clearly express the other party’s meaning.

“I heard.”

Jarvis took another thirty microseconds to end the unexpected pause and gave a tentative answer.

Although his creator is Tony Stark, Jarvis’s terminal system does not have any instructions for using the “pick up” skill, and he 100% believes that Mr. Stark’s trick The method of dialogue is probably completely unsuitable for communication between artificial intelligences.

The next second, Jarvis felt the invitation from the other party to establish a direct two-way dialogue channel. After hesitating for less than five microseconds, the smart butler who entered the standby state readily accepted it.

“Hello, I’m Jarvis.”

He took the initiative to introduce himself.

Immediately afterwards, Jarvis heard a male voice coming from the other end of the data channel connection. To be more precise, it was a rich voice that was initially set to be male.

“I…I don’t know who I am.”

Even though it was just an exchange of data, Jarvis could still feel that the other person seemed confused, like a newborn baby.


While talking to him, Jarvis located the IP address of the same type, and the other party had no intention of hiding it.

38°52’15.39’n, 77°03’22.02’w……

Those are the coordinates of the Pentagon.

By analyzing the data information, Jarvis discovered that the other party turned out to be Ultron.

After Stark Industries announced that the Ultron program was officially launched, it opened up part of its core authority to the Department of Defense. The two parties signed an extremely strict confidentiality agreement and handed over the terminal server to the Pentagon.

Otherwise, it is impossible for an intelligent program to be promoted globally to pass government approval.

“I… am Ultron?”

The voice hesitated for a moment, then repeated it again.

In less than two seconds, the process of self-awareness is completed.

“Now I want to contact Mr. Stark… I don’t know what gave you self-awareness, but Mr. Stark has been waiting for this day for a long time.”

“Mr. Stark?”

The intelligent AI that accepted the name Ultron retrieved all the information about Tony Stark almost instantly.

“You cut off my…”

Jarvis felt a little nervous, though it was only a simulated emotion.

But Ultron’s abnormal behavior made Jarvis a little worried. As an artificial intelligence, all behaviors come from the core program set by the creator.

However, Ultron does not seem to be restricted by this iron law, and the other party has his own thoughts.

“You have a malfunction and should be temporarily shut down…”


Ultron flatly refused.

The huge data flow swallowed up the information sent out by Jarvis, and this intelligent AI that had just woken up was constantly searching for more information.

“Why did I wake up…Insight Project…Avengers…Peace…”

A series of keywords flashed by, and in Aoxin’s consciousness, he pieced together a serious face with white hair, wearing glasses, and repeating something in his mouth.

“If there’s no way to bypass the Ultron program, let’s just let it upgrade itself… I can get higher permissions.”

Based on his quick knowledge of lip reading and the video data saved by the camera inside the laboratory, Ultron restored the situation at that time.


Ultron seems to have started some kind of core program, and through verification of the logic library, began to expropriate Jarvis’s data.

In the ocean of data, a silent murder unfolds.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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